Chapter 255

The crowd had been watching with anticipation for some time. Zack's companions that lingered around all stood around prepared to take action, but since they had no way to undo the effects they entrusted it to them.

As the artifact did its job all the stored grace was expended, but Henrik still had difficulties moving. With Zack being absent, and no way to repair the arena currently they concluded their event. Kaya and Octavia began walking towards Naomi's to check on their wellbeing.

"Those warriors seem gifted at warfare, and seeing a runemaster's work first hand is impressive," Kaya stated.

"Living in the neutral territory you have to be. I was surprised by Halfdan though. He's always been an impressive fighter, but I never saw him using that technique before." Octavia replied.

After the incident with the queen, this morning the two have been strolling the city together. The first month they tried to avoid each other as much as possible, and would only talk if it regarded city matters. When training the new force intensified the two would interact more, and the grudge began to fade. With the past forgotten they still only interacted when necessary from habit.

Witnessing the queen who tried to have Zack attacked suddenly being grabby with him angered them both. Octavia couldn't act cause her abilities would've been too destructive in such a confined formation. This opened up their dialogue, and they quickly realized they had more in common than they thought.

"I've been itching for a guild challenge, but things have been quiet lately." Octavia sighed.

"You know we could still go a few rounds if you want," Kaya smirked.

"You realize I could've leveled the entire hive, and not just a part of the canopy." Octavia retorted.

"And take half our forces with it." Kaya said as Octavia stopped to glare at her.

The serious look was only held for a few seconds before they started laughing. While they approached Naomi's they discussed combos they could pull of together. The sounds of a baby crying could be heard from the door, and the two halted their discussion.

After a quick knock on the door, they entered seeing Zack and the others next to Naomi's bed. Helena was looking at the baby with a look of awe in her eyes as Destiny, and Zack smiled. They noticed Zack was still catching his breath, and wiping the sweat from his brow. Kaya and Octavia quickly took to his side to offer assistance.

"So what are you gonna name the little guy?" Lilith asked Naomi.

"I need to wait till I talk with Bartholomew, but I've always liked the name, Ezekiel." Naomi smiled while holding him close.

"That's a beautiful name," Olivia stated.

"Do you need to sit down for a little?" Yu asked Zack.

"It just took a little more than I was expecting. It was a lot easier than this one though." Zack said while tussling Helena's hair.

"Are they gonna be like that too?" Helena asked Yuki and Ren.

"Red, and little horns, but close enough," Ren replied.

"The fact that you can still stand afterward is impressive. Even Jophiel needs a week to recover after a few deliveries. I know it hasn't been easy so thank you all for the help you've provided." Naomi told them as a tear formed in her eye.

'They told us all the people living here are wicked, but everyone here has been so helpful...We've truly lost our way, but I think he can change that.' Naomi smiled at the people surrounding Zack.

"That's enough for today everyone they both need rest," Olivia told the crowd while approaching her master.

"You come with many talents." Zack smiled pulling Olivia close.

"Thank you, master. If it's okay with you I would like to assist Naomi in the transition to motherhood." Olivia requested.

"You know you're free to do whatever you wish. Let's give them the room everyone." Zack said as he waved goodbye to little Ezekiel.

'I can never get used to how small they are.'

As the crowd drifted from Naomi's they made their way to the market. The auction was meant to start some time ago, but with the distraction of the arena Zack never checked in. They saw a large crowd gathering near the fields, and the sound of an auctioneer calling out bids could be heard. Helena was interested in seeing the animals again, and Zack wanted to make sure things were going smoothly.

"We're gonna head to the bath with some of the newcomers," Destiny told Zack while kissing him on the cheek.

"She wants to talk to them about their clothes now that they are wearing some of hers," Lilith said while walking with the others.

"I'll come get you when we're done, but be good for papa in the meantime," Destiny said while leaning in to kiss Helena on the forehead.

"I will I promise." Helena smiled.

After the others said their goodbyes Zack was left with Helena in the market. The two walked up the steps to the stands, and Zack scanned the area for open spots. Zack noticed Dyna was sitting with the members of her village close to the auctioneer. He grabbed Helena's hand and worked his way over to join them.

"I was wondering if you would show," Julius said while standing up to greet Zack.

All the other prominent figures from their village did the same and having seen Dyna start the event earlier the visitors were curious about his status. They heard the ruler in Eden was a generous man, but they never expected him to appear at a livestock auction.

"I would've stopped by sooner, but there we're matters that require my abilities," Zack replied while shaking their hands.

"Do you remember me?" Dyna asked Helena.

"Yeah, your wanna papa's friends." Helena smiled while leaning closer to see the animals.

"We can get closer than that if you want." Dyna offered.

"Can we papa?" Helena asked clinging to him.

"Our discussion can wait till after the auction," Julius told Zack.