Chapter 256

Dyna led them through a door leading to the fields that housed the animals on today's auction. While gazing at the fields they saw the workers in attendance, and Zack saw a familiar face near the colossal boars. When Nicole noticed Zack she waved before assisting the other minotaur nearby with guiding the next boar.

"Did you give them the bonus yet?" Zack asked Dyna.

"It took some convincing, but they finally accepted it," Dyna replied.

"I know we don't have much use for it here, but they still deserve to be paid," Zack said while watching Helena stand along the fences.

"Have you looked over the plans I laid out?" Dyna asked.

"I did when you finished them, but I was waiting to see which territory is ours first. Lilith currently has the map, but I did get a chance to glance at it. The clans from the neutral territory will be settling along the coast, and once they choose a spot we can start mapping potential locations." Zack replied.

"The problem is finding someone to lead it. Everyone is contempt living here, and I don't think we can convince them otherwise" Dyna stated.

"If that's truly the case then we can invest the money into more business around the city, and focus on expansion here," Zack said while approaching Helena.

"Which one is your favorite?" Zack asked Helena.

"What's that one called again?" Helena asked while pointing at the stallion running about.

"It's a called a horse, and people rely on them to make life easier. One of these days we can teach you how to ride one if you like." Zack replied.

Helena's eyes lit up with excitement as she continued gazing at them

"Could you teach me to?" Dyna asked.

"I thought you knew already," Zack replied.

"Only the calvary forces we're allowed to use them, and he didn't want me getting any ideas. He doesn't find me very capable." Dyna said while rubbing the side of her arm.

Zack wrapped his arm around Dyna's waist.

"I don't believe that. He put a lot of trust in you when coming here, and your talents are hard to miss." Zack said while glancing at Helena.

Dyna leaned into his embrace and looked up at Zack.

"I can understand where he's coming from about wanting you to avoid war, but sometimes it can't be helped. Just don't hold it against him because being protective kinda comes with the job." Zack said while resting his hand on Helena's shoulder.

"Can we go see the other ones too?" Helena asked Dyna.

"There are a few pens we can walk in if you want." Dyna smiled at Helena.

"Which one?" Helena asked eagerly.

Dyna led them to a pen with sheep and opened the gate to let them in. With all the rams separated there wouldn't be any problems. Zack had no concern either way for yesterday's event proved how strong she was, and even if she wasn't paying attention nothing would harm Helena in his presence.

"They're so soft," Helena said while trailing her hands across their sides.

"We could use some now that Destiny is back in the shop. When do they come up?" Zack investigated.

Dyna retrieved her clipboard glancing over the list, and pointed out the current schedule.

"We have enough time then." Zack smiled.

While they were talking about the auction, and looking over the sheep one of the workers was searching through the area frantically for Dyna. They weren't expecting this large of a turnout today, and they needed to tap into the feed storage nearby. Otis wanted to know which feed they should rotate through first. Seeing her snuggled up with Zack he was hesitant about approaching, but Helena sensed someone watching.

"Who's that papa?" Helena asked while pointing.

Zack glanced over at Otis waiting near the entrance.

"He's one of the farmers in town. How are the kids doing?" Zack asked Otis while approaching the gate.

"They are all doing good, and are spending time with their grandparents for now. Thank you again for letting them join us." Otis replied while shaking Zack's hand.

"Hope they are adjusting well to retirement," Zack said as he opened the gate to step out with the others.

"Father's never gonna agree to it, but the others are enjoying it." Otis smiled.

"Did you need something?" Dyna asked.

"I need your opinion on a few things if that's okay," Otis replied.

"I'll catch up to you," Dyna told the two while smiling at Helena.

"You should bring the kids around more. I know the others would like to play again, and Helena might too." Zack said while waving goodbye.

"Where we going now, papa?" Helena asked while grabbing Zack's hand.

"We can go see another friend if they're not too busy," Zack replied.

They walked towards the colossal boars where a few minotaurs, and centaurs stood by waiting for the next batch to be called out. When a few of the women saw Zack approaching with Helena they began whispering at Nicole. They all heard the stories of Zack defeating a band of slavers on her request without a second thought.

"Didn't expect to see you out here today," Zack told Nicole.

"The battles yesterday weren't much to recover from," Nicole replied while being pushed forward by one of her friends.

"So tall," Helena said while trying to stand on her tiptoes.

Zack lifted her up onto his shoulders, and she was waving at Nicole with a smile.

"They've been talking about you two all day," Nicole said while waving back.

"Why?" Helena asked.

"Because your a miracle child, and everyone sees how good of a papa you have, "Nicole smiled at Zack.

"Are you wanna papa's friends like momma?" Helena asked.

Hearing this the others giggled, and Nicole's face went red. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, and it caused her ample breast to press up. Wearing overalls it was difficult for Zack not to notice.

"Papa are you okay?" Helena asked while looking down with concern.

Zack's face was red, and there was a slight trickle of blood going down his nose. He quickly looked away, and Nicole could tell from his expression that he was admiring her body.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just got a little light-headed that's all." Zack told Helena.

"I can walk if your feeling dizzy," Helena replied.