Chapter 269

It was early in the morning, and Zack went word through the array. Shortly after a group of dolls appeared and with them Cassandra, and Savannah. The second Savannah saw Zack she took full advantage of the lack of competition.

"It seems you were serious about working. Lilith and a few of the others thought you were off having a secret rendevous." Savannah teased.

"I didn't think that and thank you for inviting me," Cassandra told Savannah while slowly approaching.

"I'm not greedy like the others." Savannah smiled.

"They're here!"

"Your tribe has gathered." Minerva smiled.

"Tribe?" Savannah investigated.

"It would be easier to show you," Zack replied as they walked towards the gate.

As the gates opened, and they walked upon the bridge they saw a convoy of orcs. The warriors along the walls seemed cautious about their approach but with their new fortifications, they had no complaints. It was only a temporary visit after all and after Zack's display yesterday they were confident in his ability to handle them should they misbehave.

"We got everyone ready to go," Draak told Zack while saluting.

"I have more matters to tend to, but the others will show you around in my absence. Everyone there will welcome you openly, but if you cause trouble around my family you will realize that I'm the lenient one." Zack announced.

As the convoy was escorted to the gateway they arrived in Eden with Dyna, and Lixue to greet them. With Lixue present Lei and Wei watched from the doorway. After glancing at the report they wanted to ensure the orcs would behave in the presence of the princess.

"Welcome to Eden." Dyna smiled.

"If you wanna follow us we can start the tour, and get your families situated," Lixue announced.

Back at the orc outpost, Zack was showing their mages how to manage the dolls. After giving the orders to the sentries, and explaining their purpose the others felt at ease. For the first time, they could focus on rebuilding their land instead of the threat lingering at their border. The sentry provided allowed them to free up a few warriors to get started on extra fortifications.

"I look forward to working with you." Minerva smiled.

"Likewise, and feel free to visit the city anytime you want. We have plenty of booze, and an arena for the restless." Zack replied.

Hearing this the warriors coming down from the ramparts began rushing to the fields. It has been too long since they had enough resources to commit to fermenting. They wanted to complete today's work as quickly as possible, and hope it was enough to convince Minerva.

"Where are we headed?" Savannah asked.

"They mentioned the slavers retreating past the mountain, but the routes capable of moving troops is limited. There's a passage up ahead, and it's worth checking out while exploring the area." Zack replied.

As Zack was relaying the info to Savannah from last night Cassandra was captivated by her surroundings. This was the largest mountain ridge she's ever seen, and her mind was filled with curiosity about the other side. With her exceptional eyesight, Cassandra saw an entrance into the base of the mountain.

Rolling from the entrance was a mysterious cart that was exuding thick black smoke from a steel pipe in the back. Cassandra was fascinated by it for there were no horses, or magic radiating from it. She wanted to understand how it worked but got distracted by the two controlling it

'I thought dwarves stayed in the mountains.'

Riding on the right side of the odd wagon was a short muscly man with braided red hair, and a beard trailing to his chest. He was rapidly pumping his foot while cranking a blocky steering wheel. At his side monitoring, a gauge on the floor was a woman with green eyes, and curly red hair.

The man controlling the odd wagon is named Garth, and the woman next to him is his daughter Gyda. As the wagon drew closer they could hear Garth muttering under his breath, and the hostile thoughts were overwhelming Zack. Even someone without sensory abilities could see his face resembled a boiling pot.

"You're better off going over the mountain," Garth announced.

"I told you east was better," Gyda sighed.

"The toll last spring was half that. Swindlers all of them." Garth muttered.

"Anything we can help with?" Zack asked.

"Every year we set out to trade for things we can't obtain in the mountains. Everyone sends us with something, and our tax is how we make it out through the year." Gyda replied.

"But we spent all of our travel funds passing through the mountain," Garth stated.

"There's a tribe of orcs up ahead that could give you passage to our city if you want. From there you can reach several cities, and each of them would welcome your business." Zack offered.

"Would they accept trades for lodgings?" Garth asked.

"You won't have to worry about that. Just tell the orcs Zack sent you, and they can show you the rest." Zack replied.

Garth didn't even question the method of transport. They already possessed means for long-distance travel through the mountains, and he thought the humans were finally catching up. After a few more warnings of finding alternate routes across the mountain, they bid each other farewell.

"Have you ever seen a wagon like that?" Cassandra asked.

"No, I would've remembered that odor," Zack replied.

"Our ancestors used to share our mountain with dwarves, but they disappeared without a trace," Savannah replied.

"Father always said the mountains and volcanoes were gateways to the underworld," Cassandra stated.

"Maybe something came up," Zack replied.

"We always stayed closed to the surface so I can't offer much info on that. The noises coming up could get a little eerie though." Savannah shuddered.

"Do you think the dwarves will be friendly?" Cassandra asked.

"I don't think it's dwarves. I sense a large city ahead, but the aura's inside are different." Zack replied.

"We could always scale up the mountain, or you can carry us. I get a little jealous when I see Yu riding on your hip." Savannah teased.

"The information they have could be useful, and I'm curious to see it. We might get some ideas that could improve things back home." Zack replied while pulling Savannah in by the waist.

While Cassandra watched from the side Savannah's tail discreetly reached over nudging her closer.

"You are a sweet girl, and that's why I invited you, but you need to be more assertive." Savannah relayed.

Cassandra slowly reached for Zack's hand. He glanced over noticing what she was doing and noticed her hesitating. Zack carefully clutched her hand and seeing a smile on his face Cassandra leaned against him eager to see what awaits them.