Chapter 270

When they approached a tunnel into the mountain there was a group of demon mercenaries sizing them up, and next to the demons was a goblin counting a stack of gold. He was an older goblin with basil skin, pointy ears, and beady red eyes. The hair along his knuckles was starting to grey, and there was a gem on each finger.

The man may only be three-foot-tall, but the demons at his side obeyed the orders without a second thought. The guards saw Zack approaching, and the weapon on Savannah's hip. They exchanged glances briefly as two blocked the path with their weapons, and the other two stepped forward.

"Weapons aren't permitted." The demon declared while extending an open palm.

"I'm not giving it to you." Savannah retorted.

The demon didn't appreciate the tone and seeing no wagon they assumed it was simple travelers. The demon pointed his blade at Savannah. She quickly drew her weapon knocking it away with ease and had the edge of her blade to his throat.

The other demon was preparing to swing, but seeing Zack's eyes flare gold the demon froze. Every instinct told him to move was certain death. The demons at the door tried to retrieve their weapons, but they were encased in the earth along with their ankles.

"I guess we can do business elsewhere. Maybe those dwarves have something interesting." Zack released his magic and turned around unbothered by the demons.

"Don't draw your weapon unless you intend to use it," Savannah smirked pulling the blade off his throat.

"Wait! Sorry about the brutes, my usual help is ill so they sent people from upstairs."

"My guard needs her weapon. This won't be a problem will it?" Zack declared dropping a bag of gold on the table.

"Of course not. To get to the market just follow the signs." The goblin smiled politely.

The bag tossed over by Zack was double the entrance fee, and then some. With this, the tollkeeper was willing to overlook this rule. Besides if anyone else deemed it as a problem that wasn't his concern for he was already paid.

While walking through the tunnel the sounds of a city slowly crept upon them. Finally, they could see lights peering through, and once their eyes adjust they all froze in their tracks. The goblins have carved a large city within the mountain.

There were houses etched into the walls with wood planks making up the porch. In the corners were spiraling stairwells, and through a small hole on the roof, one could see another tier to the city. There was a variety of lights illuminating the buildings above, and the sound of machines firing away with laughter.

It wasn't hard to tell that city above was off-limits to the public and was meant to keep the classes separated. Passed the residential area it was a massive market extending to the wall of the mountain. Zack was surprised to see so many other species with shops set in the mountain, and only a few were goblin-owned.

Along the walls where they entered are narrow roads with stone guard rails leading to different exits of the mountain. One could see a steady flow of caravans moving through the tunnels, and each of them was being taxed by the goblins. While they were watching caravans the center of the market came into view, and it was a large guard tower overseeing the paths up.

The guards around it appeared to be every race, but goblin, and by their attire, it was clear they were mercenaries. The reason for all the guards wasn't to keep peace in the market but to keep those at the lower level from rising without authorization. It was an area hidden to all, but Zack wasn't so easy to fool.

They had no desire to visit the market but knew it would grant them access. To keep up appearances Zack went around buying some trinkets, and any smithing supplies he could find. While moving around the market Zack could feel all the distress from below and approached the guard tower.

"When I give the signal show your eyes and play along." Zack relayed.

Cassandra nodded.

"This area is off-limits." A demon declared.

"Is there any way we could visit downstairs?" Zack asked.

"Is there something wrong with your ears?" The demon retorted.

A representative nearby saw how easily Zack was spending money and approached to ease the situation.

"What can I help with you today?" The representative asked.

"We wanted to visit downstairs, but your guard here was being rude," Zack replied.

"Sorry, they take the orders very seriously. Why not visit upstairs instead?" The representative smiled.

"We've visited before, but the restaurants there aren't to my fiance's liking." Zack nodded at Cassandra.

Upon seeing the glow in her eye, and the fangs when Cassandra blushed they understood their intentions. Before they could say anything Zack passed off a pouch of gold. After examining the contents the representative nodded at the guards.

"Traveling down there can be dangerous, but I'll send a few guards." The representative stated.

"That won't be necessary mine is quite capable." Zack motioned at Savannah nearby.

Examining the gear Savannah was wearing, and the aura she was emitting they smiled politely opening the gate to the stairwell. While descending Zack apologized to his partners for acting in such a fashion, but they knew he wouldn't do it without cause.

"We staying here tonight?" Savannah asked.

"Only if we have to," Zack replied.

'He called me hi-his f-fiance.'Cassandra was slowly going red.

After descending into the lower levels everyone looked at them with terror in their eyes. The goblins were all living in hollowed-out rooms of stone and sleeping on piled-up rags. With a simple glance, it seemed only the woman had regular meals.

Only one structure in the area seemed maintained, and it was a school. Seeing a building like you would expect to see children about, but not a single one was in sight. This was unusual which led to Zack focusing and finding a group hiding in the back.

"Keep your guard up." Zack relayed.

While roaming the streets Zack was trying to read those around him, but there were so many fears in the crowd to solo out. Some of the women thought it was their turn to be picked, and became concerned about the consequences of saying no. Their partners were doing everything possible to hide those dear to them away from Zack's gaze.

Another group began sizing each other up prepared to fight for whatever scraps they were offered. The fact that it would be a spectacle for entertainment didn't both them in the least. Their concerns lied in going to bed starving that night.

The biggest fear Zack could sense was going upstairs. For anyone who climbed those steps has yet to return. The thought that freedom could be beyond those steps occurred to no one for this is the life they were brought up in.

'The texts mentioned them settling near mountains, and mining them for resources, but they have never seen the surface...There doesn't appear to be any mining equipment, and the caverns around here look old.'

They were closing in on the people hidden in the back, and a few people watching grew nervous. Zack and his companions attempted to talk to people, but they said nothing. A few of the women assumed Zack's approach was a sign of his advance and prepared themselves.

Even after claiming he was there to help the woman there was no response. They would just wait on the bed for Zack to act, or leave. While leaving the next home a shadowy figure jumped down from the roof towards Zack, and blood spurted into the air.