Chapter 293

Zack's eyes trailed up Felicity's legs to the round hips, and bushy tail. Felicity had just returned from the bath to refresh herself after a workout. The muscles in her thighs were still a little stiff, and she was stretching them out. When she finished stretching Felicity noticed Zack on the couch watching.

"If you're waiting for Karin she went to Stormhaven with the little one," Felicity said while taking a seat next to Zack.

"I was hoping to see her, but I'm waiting on Ericka. New clothes?" Zack asked.

"Destiny has been pumping out new inventory with the help of the otherworlders. See?" Felicity smirked pulling her shorts down slightly.

Zack was expecting to see a narrow slit, but instead saw an article of clothing similar to a loincloth. It was made of thin white lace making it somewhat see-through giving it an alluring look. It clung so tightly to the little hips that it was mesmerizing, and Zack found it difficult to pull his eyes away.

"They made something called bras too. It felt weird the first few days, but I'm used to it now. Do you like it?" Felicity asked feeling his eyes dart around.

"It looks nice," Zack replied while looking away.

Zack felt something soft plop into his lap, and when he turned two bunny ears were obscuring his view. He slowly wrapped his arm around her stomach, and Felicity looked up with a smile.

"I feel so tiny in your arms," Felicity said while nuzzling closer.

Felicity's attempt to move closer pushed his shirt up slightly.

"Just move carefully." Zack requested.

"Why?" Felicity looked up into his eyes.

"Your tail is very soft, and it tickles a little," Zack replied.

"So don't do this?" Felicity smirked slowly grinding her hips up, and down.

The soft hips gradually bouncing on Zack's lap was starting to do more than tickle. Placing her hands on Zack's knee's Felicity began to switch up the speeds. Felicity's leg strength and agility allowed her to go from a slow grind to high-speed bouncing in an instant. Having substantial eyesight Zack managed to catch her hips while in motion.

"So I shouldn't do that?" Felicity teased.

"Not unless you can take it," Zack whispered dropping her down to see what she accomplished.

When reaching the base Zack's cock was pressed firmly between her thighs and was throbbing. Looking down Felicity realized it could hit her belly button, and it was still confined in his pants. A trickle of sweat went down her forehead, and Felicity jumped off.

"Did it spook you?" Ericka teased.

"Of c-course no-not...I heard you coming, and didn't wanna start a fight that's all." Felicity turned away from Ericka.

"You're a terrible liar," Kurumi said from the doorway.

"She got you going pretty quick." Risa chuckled revealing herself as a nearby plant.

"I was curious how long you would watch for, and it's a natural reaction to something that s-soft in your lap," Zack replied.

"I hoped to scare you, but decided to watch the show instead. How did you know?" Risa asked taking a seat next to Zack.

"A vase doesn't have an inner monologue about which scary face is better," Zack smirked.

"Damn it." Risa began kicking the base of the couch.

"Find a calming memory, and focus on it. It will make it difficult for me to sense you next time." Zack comforted Risa.

"Thanks, niisan." Risa smiled.

Hearing the response everyone turned towards Risa, and she was confused by their reaction. Once the realization of the words chosen hit Risa she took off out the window. Zack heard similar honorifics before when Miu would talk to Kintaro.

'It was a brother then. What happened?'


Risa has no memories of her parents, and the earliest thing she can remember is her old brother Gin taking care of her. They lived in a hollowed-out tree in the forest, but occasionally they would travel to human cities for supplies. Having no money Gin would steal what they needed, and Risa would cause distractions with her talismans.

This method worked for them, and they never experienced any troubles from it. The problems they faced would lie in Gin's habits of causing mischief when they didn't need it. Toying with them was one of the few luxuries they had, and he believed they were too stupid to catch on.

They lived this way in the forest till Risa was sixteen, and the day that changed everything started with a human girl. Gin was doing the usual pranks upon the villagers, but he was lingering to witness the aftermath this time. Being in a human form no one was the wiser, but what Gin saw made him freeze.

After the pranks he expected them to be cleaning up, and complaining in general. The pranks were only dumping buckets of liquid or misplacing people's items onto the roofs. It was all children's pranks, but the villagers began hurling stones at a young woman.

All the little pranks Gin had done in the first few years did nothing, but cause a little muttering under the breath. When they continued, and the culprit was never found people became paranoid.

There was a girl recently orphaned due to illness. With time they began blaming the things on the girl, and claiming she had to be a demon. They have been trying to force the girl from the village, but it was the only thing left of her family.

Watching the woman get hurt for his actions Gin intervened and tried to get her to safety. When the woman learned it was Gin doing the tricks she began hitting him, and he was forced to leave her. There was a mob on his trail, but with a diversion, he pulled ahead of them. After warning Risa, and getting her to run Gin ensured they couldn't follow.

Gin refused to allow his little sister to suffer for his actions and to keep Risa a secret he traded his life. Traveling alone was difficult, but thanks to the skills taught by her older brother she survived. Pranking other people was how Risa felt close to her brother.

Having someone nearby unbothered by her pranks, and offering tips to improve her skills Risa recalled Gin. It was a simple mistake, but it was enough to bring the memories flooding back. Not wanting to be seen in that state Risa disappeared from the house.