Chapter 294

"What's wrong?" Zack relayed.

"I'm fine! I ju-just need a minute," Risa replied before trying to block him out.

"I understand. Just know that there are people here who care about you, and we just wanna help." Zack relayed before breaking the connection.

"What was that about?" Ericka asked.

"Can you girls do me a favor, and take it easy on her tonight," Zack replied.

"No promises," Kurumi said before walking upstairs.

"I'll behave so long as she doesn't start anything," Ericka said while sitting in his lap.

"I need a little convincing," Felicity told Zack.

"I'll make it up to you." Zack smiled.

While Zack snuggled Ericka on the couch a sentry appeared at the window.

"You're presence has been requested at Jacob's," Aida stated.

'Feels weird to hear her voice on a male doll.'

The sentry returned to its usual patrol up the mountain, and Zack went out the door with the others. While crossing the market Zack met up with Ren and discovered they were all called. Approaching the shop Zack saw all his companions outside with Vanessa hiding under her hood.

"I thought you were leaving," Zack told Lixue.

"We were about to when Aida stopped us," Lixue replied.

"What's going on?" Zack asked Aida.

"Vanessa sent a message to the others, but the delivery would've been too slow so I took the liberty of gathering them. Anything else milady?" Aida asked Vanessa.

Olivia came up behind Zack kissing his neck.

"She's wonderful," Olivia whispered.

It took weeks of training to get Tessa, and the others at the proper level. Aida only required a brief mind link to memorize their protocols. She was already addressing all Zack's partners accordingly and helping with the children's routine.

"Th-thanks. Right, this w-way." Vanessa opened the doors to Jacob's shop.

Standing in the shop was a large carriage meant for nobility, and etched through the woodwork were the runes used on the longships. The door was large enough to accommodate all their frames, but what caught Zack's attention was the others circling it had their auras shrouded.

'It's just like the barrier, but how?'

"This way please," Vanessa muttered opening the carriage door.

"I wanna see the inside when you're finished." Madison teased Zack.

"I meant for everyone," Vanessa replied.

Recognizing the spellwork on the door frame Zack stepped in. Ren poked her head in expecting it to be cramped but blocked the doorway stuck in a daze. The roof inside matched that of a normal building, and with this discovery, she slowly climbed in.

Having a spacious carriage would make traveling more comfortable, but Zack was still curious about their auras being hidden. While admiring the extra space they noticed another door along the wall. It puzzled them because they only saw one door from the outside. Vanessa opened the door stepping through into a large room with cascading staircases.

At the center of the room was a teleportation array, and when they stepped in they noticed a tavern on the right. Gazing up the staircases one could see enough rooms to rival the estate. While they explored the area Zack opened a door revealing a fully functional core.

"How did you do this?" Zack asked.

"With a lot of help," Valan replied.

For the past week, Vanessa has enlisted help from everyone to put this place together. Vicente acquired the materials needed to power the facilities. Valan constructed the barrier and assisted Vanessa in the spell work.

Jacob teamed with Harald's craftsmen to ensure the carriage could withstand a siege. With the help of Mephisto, they furnished all the rooms and filled the tavern with the finest materials. When Vanessa asked for help with this project they all accepted without hesitation and refused to take payment.

"Vanessa knew you were conflicted about going on the road. She designed this so you don't have to choose between family, and helping others." Vicente told Zack.

"The array inside will be connected to your estate and activated when the carriage is used. With the core setup, you can hide the carriage when needed." Valan stated.

'That means it could hide Helena's aura.'

"W-what do y..." Zack already seized Vanessa in his arms kissing her passionately.

The others were left speechless as they looked around. They all hated leaving Zack's side but knew it was impossible to follow him everywhere. Now no matter where Zack went his nights could be spent in the company of those he held dear.

The emotion pouring out from Zack was overwhelming to Helena, and she was at his side trying to understand it. One thing she knew for sure it was connected to the weird building they were standing in. Feeling the little hands tugging at their side they looked down at the curious look on Helena's face.

"What's this place for?" Helena asked.

"So you can visit your papa when he's away." Vanessa smiled.

"Really?!"Helena asked eagerly.

"My concern was you being safe, and this keeps you protected. It won't be all the time, but you will be able to go." Zack smiled.

"Let's go find a room," Destiny told Helena.

"There's plenty more to see, and we put something in for everyone," Valan announced.

While the others were starting the tour Lilith crept up behind Vanessa.

"Thank you so much." Lilith embraced Vanessa from behind.

"N-no problem," Vanessa replied.

"Feel free to join us anytime you want," Lilith whispered while gently caressing her hips.

Vanessa was fidgeting from her touch, and seeing the look on Zack's face Lilith joined the tour to avoid punishment. While walking down the hall Lilith turned around winking at the two.

"Sorry, Lilith gets like that when she's happy," Zack told Vanessa.

"It's okay, I'm just glad everyone likes it," Vanessa replied.

"You know Shen's concerned about you getting involved," Zack stated.

"I know, and I don't intend to break that promise. I attached a gateway to the library, and Walter helped build me a new alchemy station. All my work can be done through here, and we can visit each other." Vanessa replied.

"I look forward to it." Zack smiled.