Chapter 342

Riding up the gates of the city was a familiar-looking wagon. Controlling the reigns is Aida, and escorting them is a band of sentries. Walking next to the wagon are marauders in chains of mana.

"Stop right there!" A guard ordered from the ramparts.

Aida displayed a golden seal bearing Ozen's mark. Knowing it was a diplomatic envoy from one of the rulers they opened the gates. As the captives marched into the city it caused a spectacle. Observers from a nearby tavern began to mumble.

"They belong to Xander's group."'

"Where's the rest of them?"

"Feeding the crows no doubt."

"Smug bastards."

"What are they doing with them?"

"Not a damn thing." A marauder drew his greatsword.

"Show them who really runs this place."

Hearing the laughing, and hostile intent the sentries locked on. That's when they realized the guards under the armor are dolls. The marauder stepped forward as an arrow disarmed him.

"You bastard!"

A mage with his arms crossed conjured six daggers of lighting. He directed his hands out as they disappeared in a flash. One of the sentries sprang forward twirling a staff around as the daggers shattered. Speeding past them was two sentries as one deflected incoming projectiles with nunchaku.

When a spearman lunged forward the other sentry brandished hook swords. One shifted the trajectory of the spear while the other snagged the shield. The man was disarmed in an instant as the blade swept his leg.

More marauders stepped forward as arrows covered the street binding the current assailants. Chains formed between the guilty as they were yanked towards the wagon. A line of spell circles prevented the others from taking another step forward. The sentries took an impeccable formation and pointed their weapons at the marauders.

'Foolish men motivated by greed and pride.' Aida shook her head.

By now the city guards had been observing, and they couldn't believe their eyes. They witnessed some of the rowdy bunch subdued in under a minute with ease. In any other situation, they would complain, but there was no damage to the city.

"Does anyone else want to join them?" Madison asked while descending the wagon.

"Might as well grab them now," Elizabeth stated.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Madison smirked.

"Your personality is why I brought you girls, to begin with, but save it for inside." Zack relayed.

"I'll do this for you, but if someone acts up that's their fault." Elizabeth glared at the marauders.

Feeling the auras and bloodlust radiating from the women they began sweating. A dragon in human form was rare in these parts, but they were well aware of the danger one could possess. While working the neutral territory dragons were the biggest threat the marauders could encounter. Examining the line of sentries locked onto their position they quickly retreated to the tavern.

"Clear," Elizabeth announced.

Exiting the wagon was Haruna, and Dyna in civilian clothing. Haruna had an uncharacteristic smile paired with a white kimono. Her beauty quickly drew the attention of the crowd as she opened her fan.

"Thank you for indulging in my bad habits." Haruna kissed Zack on the cheek before grabbing his arm.

'Her beauty is only surpassed by her acting.' Zack could feel her beast engulfing his arm.

"Get going, master." Aida smiled before riding towards the stables.

Zack's group began to explore the market and put on the display of nobles shopping. Pretending to be a guard while Haruna acted lovey-dovey with Zack irked Elizabeth. The only thing keeping her calm was knowing Haruna's personality and true intentions. It didn't take long for their presence in the market to be met by the city lord's attendant.

"Anything I can help you with today?" He asked.

"We were on the way home, and my fiance insisted on shopping. For now, we're just browsing." Zack replied.

The attendant followed them to provide assistance as several items were bought with ease. Noticing the deep pockets, and seal of Ozen he behaved politely. They heard of the marauders apprehended by the gate. Arresting some of their money makers raised some concerns but for now, the guards watched discreetly.

'He won't wait much longer.'

"My lord has requested your presence." The attendant stated.

"Does he typically pester royalty?" Madison asked.

The attendant quickly became flustered, but once Zack intervened it ended. He agreed to visit the city lord with his 'guards' at his side. Before leaving he told Aida to check on the prisoners. Watching Haruna get left behind with a servant a few people skulked away.

'Time to get started.'

Haruna made her way to the residential areas and began getting the word around of their intentions. Approaching the city lord's residence Madison committed their numbers and gear to memory. Walking into the hall the attendant announced Zack's presence, and status.

Hearing this the city lord rapidly stood up and gave a slight bow. Sullivan's benefactor may have been Queen Eliza, but he couldn't take the chance of offending royalty. He motioned at his servants to get moving on preparations.

"Sit down, and take a break from your journey." Sullivan offered.

"His fiancé is waiting in the market." The attendant bowed slightly for his outburst.

"Did you leave some guards?" Sullivan asked promptly.

"N-no, sir." He replied.

"Get going," Sullivan demanded.

The attendant rushed from the hall with several guards in tow. Back in the market, a group of marauders congregated and searched for Haruna. They noticed the lack of sentries, and guards in the vicinity making their move.

"Quite the display you put on earlier."

"I wonder if they can still act tough without their security."

"If they come along nicely we won't have to find out."

Slowly a crowd surrounded Dyna and Haruna with weapons at the ready. Haruna seemed shook up about the turn of events making the men chuckle. She stumbled in front of Dyna stretching her hands out.

"I'll c-come wi-with you, but let h-her go." Haruna stuttered.

"Can't really get much for a servant anyway."

"Could still be some fun though."

"Just leave her."