Chapter 345

"Even if you could halt today's haul it wouldn't amount to much. Our other residents bring in enough to cover our expenses." Sullivan boasted.

"You really think we couldn't handle a few thieves?" Zack asked rhetorically.

"They may not be the smartest bunch, but numbers are on their side. Good luck reaching their boss." Sullivan tried to keep his composure.

'They have likely grabbed his fiance by now as well.' Sullivan tapped the edge of his armrest.

"That wasn't my fiance." Zack smiled.

Back at the front of the city, Haruna was reaching the tavern. She was still putting on the front of the damsel in distress. They passed the threshold to the sound of snickering men and fighting.

Glancing around one could see drunk men stumbling about, tables filled with gamblers, and escorts pampering to the foul residents. Haruna sensed right away that not all the workers were there voluntarily. She scanned the management, but they appeared to be in similar situations.

There was a large man in the back of the tavern laughing. The man's name is Leo and he has run an unofficial guild for the past twenty years. This tavern has been their 'guild' house for the past five, and anyone who entered the city has met their hospitality.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Leo suddenly stood up from his makeshift throne.

"The fiance of a king." A marauder smirked.

"I can definitely see that. Show some respect boys." Leo announced playfully.

A man casually dusted off a dirty stool and presented it to Haruna. She was still shaking as one of the women reluctantly guided her along. Haruna scoped the room with a panicked look and saw the shinobi in place.

Gambling in the corner, and being obnoxious was Kintaro. He arrived last night with a 'plunder' to share with new friends. Since then he's been partying with his band, and building his cover.

"Wh-what are you g-gonna do to me?" Haruna stuttered.

Approaching Haruna was a large man wielding a greatsword. He lifted Haruna by the chin with a smirk. Knowing it was precious cargo he glanced at Leo for permission.

"Can't we have a little fuah.."

The sound of the marauder choking on his own blood halted the laughing. He dropped Haruna to cover his throat while stumbling backward. They barely noticed the fan dripping with blood when he hit the floor, and Haruna tugged at her obi.

"You bitch!"

Haruna spun elegantly as the fan eviscerated the charging foes. When the spin finished the kimono hit the ground revealing the arsenal. The fan was hurled into a man's throat as her hands filled with kunai.

They went flying in different directions, and most of them found a marauder's forehead as they collapsed to the ground. Leo however caught the final one between his gauntlet and glared at Haruna. She lifted two fingers while drawing the kodachi from her back.

A powerful surge of lightning struck his armor and coursed through Leo's body. While seizing up Haruna dashed in piercing Leo's chest. He looked down at Haruna as blood spewed from his mouth.

"Your hospitality needs some work." Haruna declared before twisting the blade.

The blade was quickly retrieved, and before Leo could collapse Haruna recalled her kunai. In a matter of seconds, they loss six men, and their leader in a single swoop. Everyone drew their weapons to retaliate.

As people began to surround their attacker Kintaro kicked up the table sending drinks and chips flying. He conjured his shuriken rapidly hurling them towards the center of the room. The next set was launched as they collided, and scattered to find their targets.

Those who weren't killed by the shurikens saw a brief light upon the floor. The spell circles igniting on the ground emitted a thick cloud of choking powder obscuring their vision. Each of the shinobi held their breath and promptly went to work.

Sparks ignited from the clashes, and gurgling sounds drowned out the footsteps. One marauder activated the artifact around his neck dissipating the powder. Glancing around the room over half of their forces laid bleeding out on the ground.

The tavern floor was quickly becoming stained in their comrades, and the culprits were in view. Six shinobi stood before them with weapons drawn. They sensed no auras from them, but the killing intent was overbearing.

"Now wait a second." The marauder noticed the workers absent and realized they had no leverage.

They began to backpedal while retrieving items from their rings. It wasn't long before a small fortune appeared at Haruna's feet. To them, nothing was more important than wealth, but you can't spend any of it if you're dead.

"It's all y-yours take it. Please spare us."

"How many men have begged for their lives only to find the end of your blade?" Haruna swung the blood from her kodachi before raising it.

"You wouldn't kill an unarmed man right?" A marauder stepped forward before tossing his weapon.

'Go ahead, and come closer bitch.'

The marauder smirked ready to recall his artifact. Haruna dashed in separating his body with a single swipe. The others only witnessed a flash of mithril followed by their comrade slowly sliding apart.

"There are no men here, only monsters." Haruna declared as the shinobi backed into the shadows.

In under a minute without hesitation, they disposed of the marauder problem. The commotion inside the tavern already caught the soldiers' attention. They congregated upon the ramparts debating action. During the debate, they witnessed Haruna's squad exiting with blood spatter on their armor.

'What happened in there?'

Haruna disappeared at incredible speeds and scaled the wall. To the soldier, it was a blur, but now they clearly saw a blade at the ready. The soldiers gulped when witnessing the blood-drenched weapon before them.

"Your men have a decision to make, and I suggest you do it quickly." Haruna cleaned her blade before sheathing it.

"What decision is that?" He investigated as sweat went down his brow.

"What kind of man you wanna be, and if this is the right home for your families. If you had doubts I suggest you get to the market." Haruna stated before dashing along the wall.

As the others chased after Haruna one person lingered to clarify. Asad informed them of their plans, and a panic look swept their faces. They rushed to tell the others, and grab their things before heading to the market.

'Could they really do that to an entire city?'