Chapter 349

It was barely noon, and everyone gathered in Zack's estate for a rare communal lunch. The reason for the occasion was to bid their leader farewell. Today was the day they journeyed to the Underworld, and if everything went as planned he would be there for three days.

Sitting at a table close to the water was Zack, and his family. Destiny was resting upon his arm as Helena gave her final argument. After discovering she could survive the trip physically the debate began.

"But I've gotten stronger." Helena protested.

"We know you have, but there's a man down there who is very strong like your papa," Lilith stated.

"Then I'll help papa." Helena declared.

"If things don't go as planned they have to leave fast," Elizabeth stated.

"I'm fast too," Helena replied.

"Someone has to watch the city when they are away." Kaya smiled.

"What would happen if someone attacked?" Octavia asked.

"Then they will be in trouble because you're here." Helena smiled at her teachers.

"We could practice familiars instead." Vanessa offered.

Zack's partners tried just about every excuse in the book, but Helena's answers were perfect. Even the bribe of training or playing games for three days was given a raincheck. When that didn't work Lilith tried to spook Helena of the things downstairs, but she didn't budge.

"Would you fight with papa no matter what?" Destiny asked.

"Yep." Helena smiled.

"What would you do if they had a hold of papa, and said they would hurt him?" Destiny got up from the table resting her hands on Helena's shoulders.

This was the first question that caused Helena to hesitate. Redirecting the question was unnecessary, and Helena knew why she needed to stay. She clung tightly to Zack's arm refusing to let go.

"Be careful." Helena looked up.

"I promise to bring him back." Lilith declared.

Helena reached over the table extending her pinky.

"What's that for?" Haruna investigated.

"It's for a promise," Zack stated.

"I didn't know that one either." Lilith smiled while copying Helena.

"You know with the wagon you could ride up to the gate," Ren announced.

"Are you joining after all?" Yuki asked.

"It's good for the baby," Olivia suggested.

"I thought about staying one night, but don't wanna add to the burdens," Ren replied.

"One day wouldn't be too bad, and it will solidify his demon cover," Lilith suggested.

Olivia got up to secure a few items from Walter first. For the child's sake, Ren did wanna visit, but she knew the journey to the checkpoint was dangerous. Lilith knew how important it was, and wanted to help sway Zack.

"Lucifer is our biggest threat, and we won't see him till the banquet," Lilith stated

"I think it will be strong enough on their own." Ren rested her hand upon her belly.

"Whatever you think is best." Zack smiled while grabbing Ren's hand.

"Are you gonna make the trip with me?" Mero requested.

"I'm not familiar with the custom so I was waiting for you to ask," Zack replied.

"Who's in charge while you're away?" Vicente asked.

Igniting a powder keg the conversation shifted, and the pleasant moment was over. Only one person could lead without clashing with the others. Given their ability to communicate with every outpost it was hard to refute Zack's decision.

"I'll take good care of the city." Aida smiled.

"We should patrol the border to ensure no one gets any ideas," Elizabeth proposed.

"If we work together it can free the others up," Lixue offered.

"That's if you can keep up," Elizabeth replied.

"It's always a competition with you." Lixue shook her head.

"What's wrong with a little race?" Elizabeth smirked.

"Can I come?" Amy asked eagerly.

"I wouldn't underestimate her either." Zack cautioned.

"If you're saying that then I can't hold back," Lixue recalled their last race.

The compliment put a large smile on Amy's face. Hearing of a race in the air Shiro, and the others had a similar idea. Atlantis could use an update on the new district, and it was the perfect distance for a marathon.

"Can I still go?" Crowley asked.

"You can be a guest of our house," Lilith offered.

"Th-thanks big sis," Crowley muttered while crossing his arms.

"That's not fair," Tanya pouted.

"It's a right of passage for demon youths," Karin calmed Tanya down.

"You can join my next trip I promise." Zack smiled.

"Really?!" Ashleigh stood up.

"If she's going then you can right?" Ericka asked.

"That's up to him." Cynthia smiled.

"I wanted you with us last time," Zack replied.

"Everyone will be ready by the time you return," Haruna reassured Zack.

"I'm recovered enough to help with training," Miu offered.

"The extra help will be nice," Haruna replied.

"I'm not doing it for you." Miu crossed her arms.

As Kintaro attempted to calm his sister Yu got up from the table. She crept over towards Zack and rested her bosom upon his back. Yu gazed into his eyes with a serious look.

"Can we spend some time together before you leave?" Yu requested.

"Only if it's by the water." Zack kissed her hand delicately.

The announcement was enough for Mero to start the race early. Fuuka and Lexi chased right after her as the kids rushed from the tables. By the time the others made it to the array, Mero was standing on the beach triumphant.

"You got a head start," Lexi said bluntly.

"I would've won without it." Mero boasted.

The two locked eyes in a standoff, and given their expressions, it was hard to read them. They were both apex predators in their own domain so competition was expected. When the others grew concerned about a scuffle Zack appeared with his arms around their waists.

"A few of them wanted to visit the sea you know. I can teach them how to swim with magic, but they still need pointers on hunting and terrain. Think you can help me out?" Zack requested.

Zack's appearance alone broke the tension as they clung to his arm. Hearing the promise of a hunt they eagerly joined the kids to prepare. Anaya approached to remind Zack of the previous permission she received.

'If it was just those two afterward I would be healing all night.'

"You hunt with a whip?" Zack asked.

"I have other talents." Anaya smiled.

"Gonna keep us waiting?" Lydia called out.