Chapter 350

Loading into the wagon by the beach was Lilith, and their attendants. Crowley was telling Cynthia goodbye along with the others he grew up with. This journey was always dangerous, but they were determined to see it through.

Not even a year ago Zack was still living alone, but now he had a family that was still growing. Surrounding Zack was his partners taking turns with the goodbyes. All around him stood loved ones and close friends wishing them well.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." Zack smiled before turning to the wagon.

"I can handle it you know." Aida offered as a doll approached.

"I might take you up on it later, but for now I wanna enjoy the view." Zack extended his hand to Helena.

They loaded onto the carriage and began riding down the scenic route to Ozen's kingdom. Helena was looking around examining everything closely. The only thing to distract her was Zack offering control of the horses.

"Where's your horse papa?" Helena asked.

"He's not a fan of being hooked up with another one," Zack explained.

"It's just a horse." Lilith shrugged.

"Don't say that," Zack bumped into Lilith.

"Athlan taught us every life is special and serves a purpose in this world," Helena told Lilith.

Zack smiled and rested his hand on Helena's head. The school had a variety of teachers, and each of them taught a unique course. Knowing it was more than combat, and history lessons put him at ease.

"Some people outlive that purpose and do more harm than good," Lilith cautioned.

"I know, but that's when the Koga clan brings balance," Helena replied.

They weren't expecting an answer like that, and especially that quickly. When glancing at Helena she never took her eyes off that road. Knowing how gifted the child was Lilith smirked.

"You're gonna be a great leader someday." Lilith declared.

"She didn't tell you what that means right?" Zack investigated.

"Not yet. Why?" Helena looked up.

"We will talk about it when I get back." Zack smiled awkwardly.

In the back with Olivia, and the maids sat Crowley. He insisted on flying above, but Lilith wanted him to experience orientation. Crowley was still ignorant of the etiquette downstairs, but with Olivia teaching him it wouldn't take long.

'Why do they all dress like that?'

Crowley was listening to the lessons, but Tessa was in the middle of adjusting her stockings. Right before his eyes were the tip of the mountain. He quickly adjusted his line of sight, but Astrid was hanging out the window. She was interested in the volcanoes at a distance and didn't care that her black panties were currently visible.

"We are getting close." Astrid could smell sulfur in the air.

"C-can you sit down," Crowley muttered.

Turning around she noticed Crowley looking away. With Crowley rubbing his nose and staring in the opposite direction Astrid smirked. She poked her head out once more and looked towards Zack.

"Master your student is misbehaving." Astrid teased.

Crowley nearly shouted obscenities but recalled Helena in the front seat. Zack kept Astrid in the back for a reason but now she was toying with Crowley. He hoped they could reach the city, and bid farewell to Helena before the storm collided.

"What's he doing?" Lilith smirked.

Zack rapidly grabbed Lilith's hand before kissing it. She looked over to see Helena kicking her legs playfully, and halted her shenanigans. Olivia promptly seized Astrid's tail pulling her back into the seat.

"You better not embarrass the master on this trip." Olivia released an eerie aura.

Enraging Olivia was unwise, but the masochistic nature wasn't easy to ignore. The only thing keeping Astrid from pushing further was Crowley nearby. She knew Zack would be upset if they misbehaved in Crowley's presence.

Astrid was determined to visit the capital by his side, and therefore obeyed for now. Once the quivering from Olivia's aura subsided Astrid straightened her skirt. She sat down properly and tried to distract herself.

"Yes ma'am." Astrid began fanning herself.

'This one is obviously unstable.' Crowley scooted away from Astrid.

When Crowley glanced out the window tendrils appeared from Olivia's shoulder. They seized his arms, and neck as Olivia stared him down. Instinctively Crowley began chanting, but slime covered his mouth and rapidly hardened.

"In the Underworld, if you disrespect a demon talking to you it can cost your life. You should take this seriously if you intend to join us, or I will speak with master personally about you staying behind." Olivia released Crowley.

'This is for your own good.'

Crowley began coughing and spit a piece of purple slime out. It gradually slid towards Olivia and returned to her dress. She helped straighten Crowley's clothing before sitting back down.

"Master can't reveal his true form, and because of that, you might have to fend for yourself. Understand?" Olivia asked.

'He trusted me enough to let me come so I can't fuck it up.' Crowley bowed.

"I'm sorry for being rude." Crowley declared.

"And I'm sorry for being rough," Olivia apologized.

"Can you start again?" Crowley requested sincerely.

The flushed land was starting to gradually fade away as soil resembling obsidian took its place. One could see a dark citadel at a distance located by the base of a volcano. Helena stopped the wagon and pointed out some salamanders lingering by a river of lava.

"Isn't that hot?" Helena investigated.

"What's dangerous to some others call home," Lilith replied.

"Can they go downstairs?" Helena asked.

"Only celestials, demons, and undead survive down there. Anyone else will start to get sick at the entrance, and if they go further it gets dangerous." Lilith explained.

"Have you been there before?" Helena asked.

"I've found an entrance once, but never went inside," Zack replied.

Pulling up towards the gates of the city one could see demons clad in black armor. Two towers stood on opposite sides of the gate with mages at the ready. Elites upon the ramparts noticed Lilith and quickly activated the gate. One of them flew off to inform Ozen as the guards at the entrance bowed.

"Welcome home princess."