Chapter 351

Walking through the front gates one could see a thriving kingdom. Most of the residents belonged to the demon races, but humans could be seen prowling the streets. They have always welcomed other species, but after Ozen visited Eden he began to improve the city.

Having arrived a little early Zack was strolling through the streets to survey the renovations. Olivia split off from the group with Crowley to finish the orientation. Meanwhile, Astrid and Tessa noticed the vendors and wanted to spend some of their wages.

"You're in a good mood today." Zack noticed Lilith smiling more than usual.

"I get to be alone with my favorite people." Lilith leaned against Zack.

"Can we see your papa?" Helena smiled.

"He should be storming in to ruin the mood at any moment," Lilith replied.

"Is that how you talk about family when we aren't around?"

They turned to see Morrigan approaching with a smirk. Helena noticed right away the resemblance between the two, and the familiar auras. Morrigan saw the child staring at them, and crouched down to say hello.

"So you're the one I hear so much about." Morrigan smiled.

"Are you her sister?" Helena investigated.

"Such a smart little girl." Morrigan tussled her hair.

Lilith crossed her arms and glared at Morrigan. She was content with their current group and still couldn't forget the past. Growing up in the castle Lilith didn't have the nicest siblings. The way Ozen doted on Lilith, and her mother caused some jealous retaliation.

"You've said hey now shoo." Lilith declared.

Morrigan quickly backed up, and Helena looked up confused. Morrigan wasn't as bad as their brother, but she never stopped him. With time the wounds faded, but the matter was never forgotten.

"What's wrong?" Zack pulled Lilith to the side.

"She acts like it never happened, and it pisses me off." Lilith crossed her arms and glared at Morrigan.

"Look at me." Zack caressed her cheek.

Slowly Lilith turned around and saw the concerned look on Zack's face. He didn't know all the details, but there was one thing he knew for sure. Anytime Morrigan was around Lilith she felt a deep sense of remorse.

"Maybe she's trying to make up for it," Zack stated.

"Are you taking her side?" Lilith asked.

"No, I'm saying this for your sake. You're hard to read when scheming, but this is different." Zack smiled.

In Morrigan's presence, Lilith was indeed agitated, but there was something else. For a long time, she wanted a loving older sister. Seeing Morrigan was a constant reminder of how foolish she was.

Knowing Zack had good intentions Lilith sighed and leaned into his embrace. He looked up to see Helena approaching with Morrigan at her side. Watching them get along made him smile, and Lilith took note of this.

"It's not gonna happen you know." Lilith looked up.

"What?" Zack asked.

"You know what. I'm into a lot of things, but I still have a line." Lilith declared.

'I didn't even consider that, but now it's all I'm picturing.'

With Helena back at his side, they continued exploring the city. The group was gradually heading to the castle, and someone was following them. Since Zack entered the gate the mysterious figure has been stalking him from the shadows.

The aura trailing behind them didn't go unnoticed, but Zack felt no hostility so he ignored it. He figured they would approach when ready. Helena started to detect the same thing and turned around.

In the alley behind them narrowly poking their head around a corner was a pale woman. She had long black bangs and pointy ears. Her blue eyes glowed ominously in the dark before she rapidly took cover.

'Did they see me?'

The woman gradually poked her head back out and noticed Zack missing. With the others staring right at her she prepared to flee. She turned and bumped right into Zack's chest.

"Did you need something?" Zack asked.

Standing before Zack was a banshee named Raven. She has wide childbearing hips and elegant legs. Raven wore a thin black dress with a see-through veil across the chest. The bags beneath her eyes indicated a lack of sleep or crying.

"Can I touch you?" Raven requested.

"S-sure?" Zack replied.

Raven touched Zack's chest and heard countless damned souls. She began to cry momentarily before smiling. Raven saw death as a sad, but beautiful part of life.

After seeing Zack she could see all the foul men who fell to his blade. It was the most she ever saw around a human, and it drew her in. Wanting to experience the sensation surrounding him Raven followed.

"Something wrong?" Zack brushed the tear away.

Observing the concerned look on his face Raven rapidly faded away, and Zack lost track of her aura. He looked around briefly before returning to Helena's side. When Zack brought up the interaction Morrigan filled him in on the drifter.

Raven arrived in the city after the human attacks. It was a result of the death toll that followed in the retaliation. Since their soldiers return she has been roaming the streets alone, and anyone who tried to approach regretted it.

"You sure you're okay?" Lilith asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Zack investigated.

"A banshee's scream should never be underestimated." Morrigan cautioned.

"She didn't wanna hurt papa," Helena announced.

"You're getting a lot better." Zack praised with his hand upon her shoulder.

'That expression was kinda cute.' Lilith glanced around for Raven.

They began approaching a dark palace at the back of the city. Behind it, one could see the tip of the volcano. Every Demon Lord resided by a major Hellmouth and was tasked with protecting it from an angel invasion.

These weren't the only entrances into the Underworld. Most deep cave systems had a route to their domain. These paths were small, and narrow therefore not ideal for moving troops. The Hellmouths were large enough to march an army in, or out.

Standing at the entrance of the palace talking with Ozen was Mephisto. For this journey, every city lord was required to attend. While the two were talking Ruby noticed Zack, and had a devious smirk.