Chapter 355

When Ren was younger she always thought dating was stupid for one reason. Why chase around a man when you can be drinking or fighting? She knew an heir was important but intended to put it off as long as possible.

The same woman who would constantly make these arguments was now in love. Ren was leaning against Zack's arm as they strolled the market. They had no intentions of stopping, but she got distracted by a nearby street performer.

While watching the illusionist Zack began browsing the stands nearby. Knowing Ren didn't find the traditional gifts appealing made it difficult to shop. There was one thing she was passionate about, and when the hobby return he wanted something special.

The Underworld was still new to Zack, but he heard rumors over the years. One of them involved a unique beverage only suitable for demons. The plant it was distilled from was a rare fruit found locally.

"Know where I can find this?" Zack discreetly slipped the ingredients.

"Want Excaliber with that?" The merchant asked sarcastically.

"I'll need it soon too." Zack ignored the remark and retrieved a bag.

Once Zack loosened up the string the merchant saw it was filled with platinum coins. He was still in a daze over the wealth when Zack took two out. The sarcastic tone quickly changed into a polite one.

"There is one person with a connection, but it won't be cheap." The merchant grinned.

'I've never held a fortune this large.' The merchant stared at his hand with wicked intentions.

"That will be the last fortune you ever see if you try anything." Zack relayed as his eyes shimmered gold.

Reading demons was difficult, but Zack projected a gruesome illusion involving the loss of his eyes. Invading this deep showed the merchant running was impossible. If Zack could breach his mind finding him wouldn't be difficult.

That was enough to cause doubt, but the golden eyes sent an eerie chill down the merchant's spine. He bowed respectfully before rushing to secure as much as possible. Ren was returning to Zack's side with some snacks she acquired. She arrived just in time to see a scared demon rushing away.

"What was that about?" Ren investigated.

"To save me some time they are checking on some items," Zack replied.

"Do you want some?" Ren offered a kebab.

'What kind of meat is that?'

The two found a nearby bench and enjoyed a meal together. Zack was a little hesitant about the mystery meat, but a nibble eased his concerns. Due to the amount of mana within it was likely a colossal species.

"It's better than I thought" Zack stated.

"It's good for the baby too." Ren smiled.

"Have you give any consideration to the names?" Zack asked while wrapping his arm around her.

"There were a few, but I w-wanted your opinion on them," Ren mumbled.

Noticing the flushed face Zack smiled, and Ren walked away in response. Their intimate moment on the bench allowed someone to catch up. Ren was disposing of their trash when an assailant charged her way.

Feeling their intent to fight Zack immediately got between them blocking a heavy blow. He slid back across the street as his arms throbbed. With time to focus on the assailant, he noticed an Oni teenager with spikey black hair.

The Oni didn't wanna hurt Ren, but greet her. She hasn't seen her in so long she got a little too excited. Due to Ren being turned around Ryoko failed to notice the baby bump.

Zack quickly returned to Ren's side and drew his gladius. Before Ren could halt him it was already lowered. After taking a moment to examine Ryoko he noticed the resemblance and familiar aura.

Ryoko may have had black hair, but their faces were symmetrical. The hostile expression made Zack nostalgic about meeting Ren. It didn't cross his mind that they were related due to the petite build.

"What h-happened to you?" Ryoko examined Ren's belly closely.

Ren glanced at Zack, and Ryoko was confused. Her nee-chan wasn't into romance, and wouldn't pick a mate lightly. That's when she recalled how easily Zack blocked her greeting.

'They are already mad about her leaving, but a halfling only makes it worse. If he's out of the picture we can buy some time till the birth.'

Suddenly a frightful aura erupted as the market came to a halt. They glanced over to see an Oni igniting her essence and immediately cleared the area. Their attempts to do so were too late as a head kick was tossed.

Zack dodged, but the force sent stalls flying from the wind. Ryoko dashed forward planting her feet and releasing a barrage. Evading the strikes wasn't easy, but Zack had no intentions of striking Ren's sister.

Hearing the chanting Ryoko became furious at his carefree attitude. Observing the fist envelop a purple aura Zack prepared himself. He strafed to ensure Ren was free of the effects as Ryoko attacked.

The demons nearby took cover as Zack redirected the blow upwards. While debris rained down onto the streets the chanting stopped. The entire market rumbled as Ryoko's next strike halted abruptly. Large serpents erupted from the ground binding her ankles, arms, and waist.

'Like this can stop me.' Ryoko smirked.

Ryoko yanked her arms, but they wouldn't budge from their positions. After repeating the process several times she became frustrated. Ryoko decided to headbutt one of the restrains, and immediately became dizzy as a knot arose.

"Fight me!" Ryoko demanded.

"No." Zack approached Ren.

"Afraid you'll lose to a girl?! Coward!" Ryoko taunted.

"Not at all, but I've learned from Ren that I can't go easy if I wanna win," Zack explained.

"You winning against nee-chan? Yeah right!" Ryoko retorted.

"I've only won once, but it was the last match," Ren smirked.

"You're getting better with the artifact that's why." Zack grabbed her hand.

Ryoko examined her bindings.

"Anyone can win with tricks like this!" Ryoko argued.

"Sometimes he uses magic to push me, but most of our spars stick to our customs." Ren declared.

'That's not possible.'