Chapter 354

The convoy was pulling up to a dark citadel several miles under the surface. Outside was a thick gate that extended over the entire cavern. Ancient spell work could be seen glowing upon the walls. The red glow and unusual scent revealed it was written in blood.

Long ago a firstborn of Lilith gave their life to power the warding. His desire to do this stemmed from the lack of numbers after the first dark age. Knowing the journey below claimed many lives he desired to build a waystation.

This citadel marked the halfway point of their journey. The warding ensured no creatures could breach its walls, and because of this everyone wanted entry. Crowding the gate was a legion of demons waiting for admission.

Standing in line for hours, and then watching wagons roll to the front was enough to irritate anyone. The admission process for the average demon was very tedious without interruptions. Eager to rest their wings this display was a smack in the face.

"Who do you think you are?"

"We've been waiting for an hour!"

"He's right get to the back!"

All the arguing rapidly halted when Ozen descended. A simple glance in their direction was enough to cause a gap between the gate. Irritating a Demon Lord before the assembly was a foolish idea. Not having a death wish they focused on the other wagon.

'No way two Lords would ride together.'

Exiting the wagon first was Zack to ensure it was secure. Once they all cleared out he stored it away and approached the gate. Demons in the crowd recognized Lilith, but not the man at her side.

'A noble with a halfling, how disgusting.'

Strolling up to them was a large demon with a smirk. Zack sensed the hostile intentions but simply ignored the man. Lilith was out of his depth, but he glanced at Tessa and tried to grope her behind.

Before it could happen Zack appeared and seized his arm. The demon attempted to retrieve his hand but it wouldn't budge. He swung at Zack with all his might but the fist was promptly caught.

"You should show some respect." Zack declared.

A loud crack was heard as the demon's hand was snapped back. The others witnessed the exposed bone as he tried to retreat. Zack's grip was too firm, and he was left writhing in pain before him.

"Apologize," Zack demanded.

"Fuck you, and your who.."

Zack rapidly snapped the other one and sent teeth flying with a kick. The demon slid back across the ground as spikes erupted halting him in place. Vitals were intentionally missed, but the pain was excruciating.

Demons observing couldn't believe how quickly the attack happened. They examined Zack closely, but couldn't sense his power. Manipulating the elements in the Underworld was no easy feat, and Zack did it effortlessly.

This information added to the noble squirming on the ground meant one thing. That the man before them was out of their league. They now understood why Ozen let a halfling court his daughter.

"Last chance." Zack raised his hand.

"S-sorry." The demon muttered

"Good." Zack clenched as the light faded in his eyes.

Maintaining cover was important, but this matter was personal. Nobles thinking they can treat others as less than was bad enough. Adding the molester mentality Zack didn't even think twice about his actions.

Examining the ruthless nature Lilith, and the other demons in the crowd began to fan themselves. Typically they wouldn't consider mating with a halfling, but that display was enough to sway them. Their approach was quickly halted by Lilith's whip forming.

With a simple twitch, the demon was struck, and his corpse was wiped from the road. The black flames subsided along with the whip. Lilith kissed Zack's cheek and glared in their direction making the message clear.

The gates gradually opened as Zack, and his group entered the citadel. They barely walked through, and could already see signs of conflict. To their right was a market, and an argument was heard between two patrons. Across from that was a tavern where drunken Oni exchanged blows in the street.

"There's something I wanna show you." Ren led Zack in the opposite direction.

"Just slow down a little." Zack smiled.

"You can't steal him for yourself!" Lilith shouted.

The others tried to catch up but were cut off by the spectators. Lilith flew up promptly, but couldn't find them in the crowd. She began searching for Zack as the others went to secure lodgings for tonight.

'You're gonna pay for that one.'

Lilith has been looking forward to this trip all month. Entering the Underworld together was a dream come true. It was the perfect opportunity to cement her position as queen, and show him off in the process.

Ren had no intentions of stealing Zack from the others. Knowing taverns are hotspots for Oni she wanted to avoid them at all cost. She knew running from the past was impossible, but confronting them by a bar was a bad idea.

Fighting was a part of the Oni's nature, but when alcohol was involved the chances skyrocketed. Considering how she left it would be met with hostility. Ren wanted to avoid contact until the banquet because no one would misbehave in Lucifer's palace.

"Everything okay?" Zack investigated.

"We haven't seen each other much since the baby." Ren turned towards Zack.

"My bones are thankful, but I've missed you." Zack smiled.

"I'm sorry." Ren rubbed her shoulder.

"Don't be."

They were in a crowded street, but Zack pulled Ren in by the hip. After resting his hand upon her belly Zack floated up to kiss her. This performance attracted some attention, but it didn't bother him.

"Yo-you're supposed to act l-like a demon," Ren muttered while glancing at the crowd.

Ren quickly grabbed Zack's hand and took them somewhere without an audience. The display a moment ago was noticed by a young Oni shopping. She tried to rush through the crowd, but Ren was already out of reach.
