Chapter Twenty-six(26)

"Who are you?" A slightly fat man asked as he backed away from me

"Don't worry, just think of me as the devil, I'm here to make a deal with you, a handshake with me and in exchange I will grant you one of your greatest wishes" I said as I approached him.

This man was the main reason I am here, James Jaspers. The man, known to be Marvel's most powerful reality warper well until the birth of Matthew Mallory. James Jaspers was a man whose powers became stronger the more he used it though it also deleted his sanity the more he used it and at the moment, he was using it without even realising it. Basically I isolated this entire house from the rest of the universe and stopped time in this space but he was moving, the man was moving on his own, I had no hand in that, the man is supposed to be paused too but he was moving. Thankfully he doesn't realise this.

"Why would you do that, you could take my soul, please don't hurt me"

"I never said that nor do I have any plans like that, now tell me, what do you truly desire" I said pulling a Lucifer on the scared man

"I want to be the prime minister" Jaspers responded subconsciously

"Good, we can do that now, give me your hand" I said and stretched out my hand.

"After this, you will make me the Prime Minister" Jaspers asked

"Of course, I am the Devil, I am bound to fulfill your request" I replied as Jaspers shook my hand and immediately made the gauntlet I was wearing cover up his arm and immediately transferred the man's powers, X-Gene included into my hand as an orb formed in my other hand.

As soon as I started this, I immediately paralysed Jaspers to prevent any movement as I absorbed his powers, the orb grew the more I absorbed his powers until it got to the size of a beach ball. The more I absorbed his powers, the more control I got over him and soon, I froze him too just like everyone else.

"Wow, thank god I came on time" I said in horror.

After waking up today, I was still confused about The Living Tribunal's threat/request for help. I mean who wouldn't be when a powerful being like the Living Tribunal suddenly decides to single you out from among the quadrillions of people in the multiverse just to warn you not to have stupid ambitions then at the same time tells you that he may need your help. It was a confusing message after all who threatens someone then tells them they need their help. While I was too busy thinking about this, Paris suddenly told me about his powers awakening and now I am here.

Thankfully I came before Jaspers could even realise what type of power he had. The man just thought that I was the one doing it. As for the orb, it was just my own way of keeping Jasper's powers before I can absorb Matthew's. Like I mentioned before that Jasper's powers were linked to his mind and I don't want to have an ability that is tied to my sanity.

"Now on to the next one" I thought then waved my hand returning everyone back to their positions including Jaspers then made sure to wipe away all memories of him ever meeting him as for my promise to him. Yeah, I ain't doing that shit. I am not Mephesto or Lucifer neither am I obligated to go on with the deal.

[I think you should store this one first before you move on to the next one] Paris suggested

"Makes sense" I thought then created some sort of utility belt and stuffed the orb which was now shrunken in size into one of the pockets there.

Ensuring that all was placed well, I immediately teleported away as time resumed and everyone went about their duties as though nothing had happened. They would only feel as though they had lost track of time but nothing too suspicious after all I didn't pause time for too long maybe just a minute and some seconds which they would barely notice and even if they do, they wouldn't think of it too much but then again at this point, it was no longer my business since my aim had been achieved and they could trace nothing back to me.

"Paris, where is Matthew now" I asked as I teleported to the sky above Matthew's home, of course I am currently invisible to the naked eye and any form of radar

[He's here about to enter our house] Paris answered

"What?!!.... Oh yeah, we were planning to test the new game" I remembered then teleported back to my room and immediately changed.