Chapter Forty-Five(45)

"I never thought the royal family walked around the city like us normal folks" The man said after giving a slight bow which James returned with a slight bow too since he felt uncomfortable with someone older than him bowing towards him.

"Well we are also normal folk too just with elevated status and responsibilities" James replied

"Makes sense" the man said then grabbed a plate full of cookies and placed them on the counter

"You can have one, fresh out of the oven" the man said offering the two the cookies and Cassy immediately reached in but James didn't stop her since he already scanned the cookies for everything, Poison, chemicals that she may be allergic to, magic, enchantment etc.

"Thank you!!" Cassy said politely then started devouring the cookies like some monster

"Thanks sir, anyway do you have any sort of candy that isn't that surgery you can give me, I've been trying to get her to sleep for a while now" James whispered to the old man

"Hahaha, I understand but have you tried taking her to the park, places like that make them expend too much energy" the man suggested

"Why didn't I think of that, thank you sir, Cassy how about we go to the park" James immediately turned asked the little cookie monster

"No!!!, I want candy!!"

"I know, I mean after the candy, we go to the park" James explained

"Oh… okay!" She answered enthusiastically

"Okay then sir, please get us any good candy you have" James said then winked to remind the man of his request.

"Sure, it's on the house" the man said with a kind smile on his face and James bowed slightly to express his thanks then grabbed the small pack of candy and carried Cassy as he made for the park immediately.

Elysium's parks are just normal parks, no sci-fi additions, no magical enchantments and shit like that. It was just a massive plot of land that had a lot of genetically engineered plants and trees of all kinds to live. Of course, anything poisonous is removed because children and pets would stay here the most. The flora in the area was engineered to survive in Elysium after all Elysium isn't exactly within a normal place, the nation's nights are longer than its days so Elysium experiences a lot of cold and when the sun comes out, it's as though it wants to boil the massive island off the face of the Earth but thankfully, the massive dome covering the island is equiped with Thermo-regulators so people don't freeze to death in the city hence why this place always feels like some summer on the beach.

The Dome took care of the problems for humans but for plants who can't exactly "feel", the environment was still weird after all, all they want is the light from the sun to photosynthesize so the somewhat shorter days was somewhat of a problem. Arriving at the park, James immediately let the little monster free into the crowd of children and people who were walking their pets and of course, he maintained watch over her. The instant she entered the play ground, things livened up as she instantly started making new friends left and right as though she was some friend magnet. The girl was a natural at making friends, within minutes, it was as though she had become the leader of the playground. If James didn't know that these were 4-5 year olds, he would have thought that they were only accepting her because of her background but thankfully, they WERE 4-5 year olds, they don't exactly care about such things, they made a friend, yeah great they made a friend.

Of course, being the man he was, James went on to take several pictures of the nation's princess playing and getting sand everywhere. They made sand castles, sand homes, sand cars that were just a small flattened hill etc. She seemed to be enjoying herself so James took pictures to be framed for her wedding day, Oh… the beauty of being such a loving cousin.

[Sir, I think we have a problem] Paris suddenly said to James through telepathy

"What happened?" James asked slightly concerned because there shouldn't be a problem, Paris can't handle alone or with minimal help from people.

[Boltagon is here] Paris said and instantly James frowned.