Chapter Forty-Six(46)

"What is he here for" James asked

[It probably has something to do with the Inhumans on Elysium, they are just as many as there are mutants]

"How do you not know, I thought you were nigh-omniscient, only limited to the future"

[The more technical term for my ability is Technoscient, I know everything about technology and science in general but I can't get the specifics of something like what Boltagon is thinking, this is a man who has trained his mind and body since he was born] Paris corrected and James nodded in understanding, Paris wasn't truly Omniscient, cosmic cubes are massively flawed even one as powerful as she was. Of course, James didn't believe the crap about not getting anything from the Boltagon's mind since Paris was one of the most powerful telepaths the universe could offer. She only said so because pushing too hard would render the man's defenses useless which would in turn collapse the man's entire mind making the entire effort useless. Mental defenses are a risky thing, you have good one and you are basically invincible to every low level telepath but meet a good mid-level or high-level telepath then you should only pray that said person doesn't want to forcefully attack you unless you end up as a three year old in a grown ass body.

"Guess I have to hurry up with the new project…. Send them here" James said

[Sure thing] Paris replied and James nodded.

Boltagon or in full, Blackagar Boltagon is a lesser known character in this universe but despite knowing so little about him, James knew the guy was very powerful and this was disregarding the fact that he was one of the most powerful inhumans, Blackagar was a King, he lead a very well established nation like Attilan unlike Elysium which was still a fledgling. Attilan had its own military force that numbered in their thousands while Elysium's military is still under training, hell even the police force was still under training though Paris temporarily replaced the police force with hard-light constructs but in about two or so years, the original police who were in training would replace the constructs. Attilan had its weapons of mass destruction, actual weapons not the people then there was the Inhumans themselves who some of them could destroy people with just a look. Then there was Blackagar's personal power, he could manipulate matter, energy etc and then there was his voice that could level cities and even planets.

Of course while on the island, all that was useless, after all a certain individual named Owen Reece lives in this same nation and also can't use his powers unless allowed. The island's shields were also impenetrable by energy or any form of physical damage and even if you managed to damage it, it repairs faster than you would think so the inhuman nation doesn't really pose that much of a threat to Elysium but Elysium is still "developing" country which has existed for no less than a year. The country may be self-sustained and all but James just wanted to be sure that Black Bolt and his people don't cause any problems for Elysium.

After waiting for a few minutes, a black luxury car pulled up at the park's entrance with the Smith Family Logo aka the Royal family logo on its side. The car was unbelievably silent which indicated its electric nature but it didn't lose out to any other car out there in terms of speed or style. As soon as the car came to a halt, a large man in what looked like armour stepped out of the front passenger seat and opened the back door for its occupants. With the door now open, a tall and fairly large man stepped out of the car in a suit and out of the other side was an equally tall woman with beautiful red hair.

"This is the place where we meet their king" The woman asked the driver who had now stepped out of the car to join them.

"Yes Ma'am if you would follow me" The driver replied and led them into the park.

As they walked, the two men didn't utter a single word. For the large man in the battle suit, it was expected because it seemed to be a part of his training but for the man in the suit, it was strange, he was clearly of a higher status than the other man but he remained quiet not even making a "hmm", just absolute silence from him. The woman on the other hand spoke but seemed to be of a few words, she rarely did so and sometimes she spoke on behalf of the man in the suit. Without knowing any background, one would think the man was dumb but unfortunately for those thinking that, the man kept quiet simply because he didn't want to cause any form of destruction.

As they continued on their path, they finally found James who was dressed in casual clothing and looked absolutely nothing like a prince should in fact if it wasn't for the fact that James had been the face of the company way before it became its own sovereign state. They would have simply thought he was just a random citizen… well a citizen on the upper side of things due to how handsome he looked and all. Seeing James, the Driver or in better words, the hard-light hologram Paris had created to replace all security personnels while they trained told the group to wait and walked up to James as though he was about to inform him.

"Please follow me" Paris said as she led the group towards James who was seated on a park bench under a large tree that provided shade from the sun.