Chapter Fifty-two(52)

"Okay, first to use the MTD you can place it anywhere on your head and it's job would still be done though for aesthetic purposes, I would recommend you put it behind the ear, it has a direct line to the brain and is hidden. Once placed, the device sends a couple of nanobots into your head and they find their way to the hippocampus and you know the rest…. The phone here is connected directly to the MTD and filled with several lessons I call packages, all you have to do is tap, upload and it's done" the man explained in an easier way

"You made it user friendly, I like that, have you done any sort of tests" James asked

"Yes, actually, there have been several animal trials, the Synthetic Humans couldn't be used because we have absolutely no way of verifying if our invention works or not but….." The man said then motioned to his partner behind him and another trolley was brought before him.

On the trolley was a cage and in it was a rat with the MTD clearly sitting on its head looking more like a hat than a technologically advanced device. The Rat seemed completely normal of course with nothing else out of place and knowing this, the man picked up a small tablet that was lying beside the cage and turned it on to show a video of the rat finding its way accurately through a maze on its first try.

"What you are seeing here is No 3 making its way through a newly constructed maze on its first try after the schematics of the maze had been sent into its mind" the man explained

"I could tell, your excited voices in the video said it all" James replied

"Was there any side effects or defects" Miss Anna asked

"There was no real side effect we noticed in the rat but we did notice that the MTD could fall off and its battery life was low, it lasts only a week before recharge which is impressive considering how small this thing is"

"And I believe that you guys are working to solve that problem right"

"Yes but whilst doing so, we had a bold idea, what if we could make the brain itself into the MTD" The Man asked and paused for more dramatic effect and for his words to sink in

"Hahahahahahaha!!!" James burst into laughter as he slapped his thighs and nearly fell over his chair

"Who said getting the A.I.M scientists was a waste of money and effort!! Hahaha!!" James shouted in joy then went on to hug the man much to the surprise of everyone in the room

Miss Anna just stood there wondering if she had heard wrong, some of the other people behind them too sat in shock as they looked on to the stage. They didn't need some wonderful explanation to tell what the man was implying, he basically wanted to turn the brain into a more computer-like organ. An Organic Computer. He wanted to give the finger to the laws of nature.

"You just made my day man" James said to him then laughed his way back to his seat.

"Eh… thank you, I can't tell if you're happy with this development or just mocking us"

"You can be assured, I am not mocking you guys, I am just happy, you didn't fail my expectation. Crazy scientists equals crazy but effective inventions" James said then turned to his mother for the last part.

She was the person mostly against acquiring A.I.M as she disagreed with James' reasoning. Smith Industries then was already equipped with the best equipment in the market and had thousands of scientists of various specialisations at their beck and all so buying A.I.M was a useless and wasteful venture in her books which would be right if James didn't know just how special A.I.M scientists were, these people were the best of the best and though they couldn't rival the likes of T'Challa, Tony Stark and are definitely no where near Peter Parker and Reed Richards who both have overwhelming intellect but they were definitely better than normal scientists and unlike normal scientists these people had absolutely insane ideas such as now.

"I believe you already have a prototype to show us right?" James asked

"Yes and no actually, but we do have test subjects, us" the man replied with a smile

"What..?!!" James shouted in surprise

Here he was praising them for being creative then the guy just reveals the dumbest thing ever. Creating the MTD should be extremely easy for them because... well they had access to Paris' database and the best equipment the world had to offer but this was a biological MTD. James may not know the specifics but he knew that this was completely dumb, they just tested an experimental product on themselves. Looking at the group on stage, James no longer wondered how Comic book origins were so dumb. People were just that dumb when they were excited. Not only James but everyone else in the room shouted in surprise at their stupidity.