Chapter Seventy-six(76)

"When did you do that" Hank asked in surprise

"Like I said I am a Meta" James replied vaguely since they didn't need to know the details

"Wait here" James said as he approached the sealed off room

"What…..???" Moira said but was cut off when she saw James pass through the wall and into the room

"Since when could he do that" Moira asked Charles hoping he had an answer considering he now had his powers

"I…. I don't know, I couldn't get anything before he resealed my powers" Charles confessed

"What?" Hank said in surprise, he knew that James could reverse his Mutation temporarily but sealing off the powers of such a powerful telepath was something else

"How has Cerebro not picked him up" Moira asked

"Because he isn't a Mutant, he is a self made mutant or Meta as he says" Charles said in realisation

While the trio remained outside guessing what exactly were James's powerset, the cause of it all, James arrived inside the room which was meant to contain Kevin. It was more of a separate dimension than just a room, it was uselessly large and filled with all sorts of bizarre things. It was clear that he was close to descending into madness.

"Who are you?" A child like voice asked and James turned to see a 10-13 year old child standing behind him.

"Ugh! Now I have to change the body's size to suit your mental age" James said

"I'm not a baby" the child shouted

"Clearly, now get your shit together" James said and snapped his fingers as the entire dimension shrunk and slowly collapsed into the child and soon it was only James and a teenager of equal age in the room.

"Who are you and how did you do that?" Kevin asked in his temporary sanity, he was now in the new synthetic body created for him.

"Same way you do what you do, just with a lot more power and control now choose, do you want to die or live but without your powers or live but with slightly reduced powers?" James asked, going straight to the point.

James could understand this was a little boy who had no control over his abilities and all that but he wasn't that stupid to not let the boy understand the consequences of his actions. He may be a small kid but this little imp here got his powers at the age of 15 so he was old enough to understand what he was doing. In some countries around the world, you are old enough to get married if you reach such an age but he saw his abilities and almost instantly went on a killing spree burning through bodies like it's nothing.

Twenty(20) dead simply because this little imp was running from his mother who wanted to help him. If it wasn't for Logan who happened to have been in his way, the killing spree would have continued and if Wiki is right then if he didn't interfere then he would continue his killing spree later on.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked

"It's simple, your actions caused the death of many, you don't tell me you expect to go scott free so choose one, either lose your powers completely, lessen them to levels you can control or you die, you have three(3) secs"

"Lessen them" Kevin replied

"Excellent choice, you're lucky, you're one of the few reality warpers that kept their sanity and didn't have a body count in their millions" James said then moved closer to him and held his shoulders as a metallic substance started covering his arm and onto Kevin's shoulders.

As soon as the metal substance touched Kevin, there was a burst of bright light that covered the entire room but it died down within seconds and the metallic substance disappeared with it but things were now different.

"How do you feel?" James asked

"I… I don't know, I don't think I have my powers anymore, my thoughts aren't coming into reality.. what did you do" Kevin asked in both surprise and horror at his complete soberness.