Chapter Seventy-Seven(77)

"I made you a telepath and a telekinetic, you are still a psionic being so you will eventually learn to manipulate reality on the level you once did but it will take you training so you have better control" James explained as he made a door in the the place a door is supposed to be in the wall.

"What does that mean?"

"It means, you still get to be a reality warper but this time, you will definitely have more control then" James said in a much simpler manner.

Moira who could now see what was happening in the room through the door that had been magically cut into the reinforced wall couldn't believe her eyes. After three(3) years of seeking help and working to get a cure for Kevin, she could now finally see her son being normal.

"Kevin?" She called out in disbelief and Kevin turn around to see his mother standing by the door with tears flowing down her cheeks

"Mum?... Mum!" Kevin shouted and ran to hug her

"Awwwn… what a heartwarming situation, you guys should also consider contacting a therapist for him" James suggested as he came out of the room

"How did you do it" Charles asked in surprise, it made no sense, Kevin had killed nearly everyone who managed to get into the room.

Of course, this was not intentional since they don't exactly make it into the room properly. Instead they collapse at the door here due to the overwhelming amount of psionic energy overflowing in the room but James had entered the room and survived without any problems. He could attribute this to the Motherbox since it was able to block his mental probes easily but this was on a whole different level.

"There is no real way to explain it so don't bother yourself. You're a telepath right?" James asked

"Yes" Charles answered truthfully since he knew that James probably knew the truth

"Good then you should consider teaching him how to control his abilities or you can send him to Elysium where we can train him to use his abilities to better the world" James suggested as he opened a portal back to his mother's office.

"We will think about it" Charles replied on behalf of the mother who was no longer paying attention to anything

"Okay then, see you all and Hank if you really want a cure, just visit your closest Meta hospital, we help with mutations like yours, Same with you Charles, you can get both your hair and spine back" James said then stepped into the door-like portal with it closing behind him.

"Kevin, are you okay?" Charles and Hank turned their attention back to the real reason they were here

"Yes" He replied as he pulled himself out of his mother's embrace, he didn't have any problems controlling his abilities in fact he found these ones easier to control than what he had previously

"What did he do to you, do you know how he saved you?" Hank asked

"No" Kevin answered truthfully since he truthfully didn't understand anything that had happened in the room

"Hank, let the boy be, Elysium is an enigma on its own and I hope never to deal with them again" Charles said as he thought of his complete lack of information on Elysium and how powerless he truly was in front of them.

"Well speak for yourself, I need to get my mutation sorted out and if possible learn how the cures work" Hank said

While the family had their reunion and all, James on the other hand was back in his mother's office and recounting all that had happened though he tweaked some of it to make sense or fit into what his mother knew. She didn't know he had the power to manipulate reality…. Well the ability he told her about was basically warping reality to create materials out of thin air but she wouldn't think of that.

He simply changed most of the story to sound as though the Motherbox aka Paris had done all the work. James could bet that she probably didn't know much about Kevin except that he was made entirely of psionic energy so all was okay… at least he hoped it was considering she had access to a Motherbox.

"As long both you and him are okay then" Miss Anna said putting an end to the explanation