Chapter Ninety-five (95)

"Have you heard the phrase 'Cut off one head and another shall take its place', you should be familiar with it right?" James asked as he freely floated through the massive halls

[Hydra's death phrase, yes]

"Then you should know what these souls would be for then" James replied as he encountered an intersection, he didn't spend even a second deciding as he suddenly split into two and both went their separate ways with each taking a different path to cover more ground.

The two couldn't be distinguished from each other since they were identical in every way even to the extent of each one having their own mother box. Each possessed exactly half of James's power but even he didn't feel any different considering that half of infinity still remains infinity. The main James passed by hall way after hallway as the Hydra guards dropped on the floor like flies and at the same time also checked to see if there were any relevant information, he may be ignoring he will find in the base after all Hydra is known to randomly leave a map of all their bases in one of their rooms.

[The Red Skull is escaping] Paris suddenly said and immediately James vanished from the spot

In a secret location, a helipad could be seen and on it was a helicopter that was already prepared for takeoff and a man could be seen running towards it. The man wore a military uniform reminiscent of the Nazi uniform, the red skull ran at full speed towards the helicopter which was ready to take off and the hatch above was nearly opened. he had no idea what sort of being was attacking but from what he could see, no weapon they have in base could kill it. the Wise knew to run to fight another day and only the fools would choose to die while fighting because of something as useless as honor.

"Go go!!!!" Red Skull shouted as soon as he boarded the helicopter and its pilot obeyed as the helicopter rose several meters into the air in just a few seconds.

Hydra may now be a replacement Nazi army but they were once the Nazi's science division, A.I.M only took that title recently after the end of the war but it didn't mean that Hydra didn't have access to incredible technology. As the helicopter rose into the air, it suddenly slowed down and slowly came to a complete pause in the air, the pilot disappeared and Red Skull, the only other occupant of the helicopter, could freely move unlike every other thing in the base.

As soon as the helicopter stopped, James appeared floating in the air right beside it. The Red Skull who could freely move couldn't believe his eyes, the being before didn't make sense at all, did he just pause time or did it just freeze the helicopter in time and even if he did, how could he still move, was this a biblical angel or just a demon. The Man sat in the helicopter looking at James with clear horror in his eyes, he had seen a lot of things during and after the war, he had seen powers beyond comprehension but this was on a whole different level.

This clearly wasn't telekinesis since telekinesis would never exact such precise control over the interior of the helicopter, the headset that the pilot was wearing before he disappeared was still floating in the air, everything was perfectly still, it couldn't be time manipulation since if this being has stopped time then he wouldn't be able to see nor even be able to breath but he can do both meaning that whoever this being was, was on a whole other level.

"As it is written in the bible, 'Then it happened that night that the angel of the Lord went out and struck 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians; and when men rose early in the morning, behold, all of them were dead', I guess Hydra is the Assyrians this time around" James suddenly said in an extremely calm and eerie voice

"Who are you?!" Schmidt shouted utterly baffled by the verse

"See you in hell" James said then snapped his fingers as the entire helicopter started squeezing into itself as though it was being crumpled up by some giant being, Meanwhile James kept Schmidt alive and awake as he amplified the pain, he was feeling by 1000 times.

After several minutes of slow and incredibly painful screaming, the helicopter was finally crushed into a small ball and Schmidt was long gone but his soul however remained since James had other plans for it. With Schmidt dead, James's purpose here was achieved so he turned and called back his clone who had already cleared the entire structure, the clone returned with a map and a smile on his face as he chuckled at Hydra's stupidity. The map contained most of hydra's secret bases.