Chapter Ninety-Six (96)

"Paris send this information back to Gali, tell her to give it to Fury, he may find it useful, though withhold information of any of the bases that may contain anything that may benefit us" James said as he and his clone merged back together

[Sure] Paris replied

James floated down from the air with the football-sized helicopter floating behind him. looking at the map, James had the urge to simply snap his fingers and blow those places to smithereens but he held himself back. He could do it, doesn't mean that he should. Handing this information to SHIELD would serve the world better not that it really mattered since the current main threat has been neutralized and of course, He wasn't so dumb to believe that Hydra has been destroyed just like that.

Hydra had long since become a bunch of henchmen running around to do the bidding of the higher ups. Hydra's death phrase "Kill one and two more shall take its place" may be a stupid quote but it wasn't said just to look cool. Before James intervened, Hydra, A.I.M and all other associated organizations were all run and overseen by another organization known as T.H.E.M which has no full meaning and was more of a central committee that supervised everything. If Hydra is to be wiped from the Earth, then it's them that need to go.

"Come" James said as multiple red streaks of light started pouring out of the facility and towards him

The red streaks flowed like a river as they came from virtually all directions and filled the space leaving only enough room for James to float in. Seeing this many streaks, James was extremely surprised because he knew that he definitely didn't kill this many people, the Hydra agents he met didn't even reach a hundred talk less of being so many that their souls could form a river.

"Paris is everything here from this facility alone?" James asked to be sure, he knew he definitely called for all the souls in the facility alone but this looks more like it came from three different overly populated countries with high death and birth rates.

[These are from the past souls that were tortured and murdered during Hydra's experiments, Past wars that took place in this location before the existence of Hydra etc…. basically, these are souls from all time periods that couldn't ascend] Paris explained

"Oh…. Oh! that makes more sense" James said in realization

"Then let's give them a good chance at ascension" James said then waved his hand and the massive river separated into three and slowly started to shrink

[Don't you think sending the Spartans would be a better option for this mission] Paris suddenly asked

"If I want their existence to be revealed then yes but for now, they are on protection duty until further notice" James replied

The Spartans were a somewhat elite squad that James himself created using the modified MTD. Regular Elysium troops were given the Modified MTD to allow for faster learning and all the other benefits it granted such as peak human strength, speed, instructive muscle memory etc but the Spartans were a team that James had basically stolen from the Game 'Halo'. Of course, the team weren't as broken as they were in the game but they were still broken.

A perfect example of this would be how just one of them was enough to capture the extremely experienced Winter Soldier. They were equipped with a version of the MTD that James simply called the Scarab as he somewhat designed it after the Blue Beetle. The newly Modified MTD basically affected every cell in the person's body turning said person into a techno-organic being meaning that not just their Nervous system got transformed, their entire being was thus making them beings with strength enough to lift 10 tons at their strongest and beings, way faster than a speeding race car. For now, James didn't want their existence to be revealed as he had other plans for them.

[I have told you that Project Carpe Mundum only has an 89% chance of succeeding, it may seem like a large amount but any little mistake can lead to complete failure] Paris warned