Hundred & Three (103)

"Roulette….. can't lie, it really seems like that. Anyway I got super strength and incredible durability…. I was once a humanoid rock" 

"Wow that must have been tough, were you one of those transformers or was yours permanent" Reynolds asked since that was the usual case

"Permanent, honestly only God knows how they even managed to turn me back while making me retain my powers" 

"This is the part, where we chime in 'well it's Elysium' and some invisible audience laughs" 

"Mmph… this isn't a sitcom" she chuckled

"True, anyway it seems we're done here right?" 

"Actually... yeah" she replied after taking a quick look around

"Then is there a possibility that I can take you out to get….. maybe some coffee?"


"Okay that was smooth" 

"So?...." Reynolds replied choosing to ignore the fact that this was practiced repeatedly in front of a mirror and at the same also was the product of years of advanced therapy

"Sure, I should be free by 3PM today" 

"Really?" Reynolds asked completely surprised


"Then see you then" Reynolds replied with a smile as he left the office

    Reynolds couldn't help but feel on top of the world as he left the building. He was finally recovering, everything just seemed fine.

"Wait did I just jinx it" Reynolds asked himself at his thoughts but decided to just let it be 

    Hailing another taxi, Reynolds immediately found his way to the Science Island. As the train ran through the massive island to get to its destination, Reynolds couldn't help but look at the new view presented by the island.

     Unlike the mainland which was filled with people and so much life that it gave one a feeling of freedom and peace, Science island or atleast on the outer areas of it was somewhat deserted and was the ultimate example of urgency as practically everyone seemed to be rushing to some place or the other.


    The train sped through the large island at incredible speeds and soon, Reynolds was at his destination. A large building at the center of Science Island, the building wasn't special per say as it was built with the same materials as every other thing in Science island. It was only important as it was home to the chief scientists on Science Island, The Fantastic Four.

"You're late" Reed said in his ever work-minded tone

"I know…. I know, something came up, hey what's up Ben" Reynolds greeted the hulking man in the room

"Hey Bob, you're here, thank God" Ben said while breathing a sigh of relief

"Yes?" Reynolds answered while weirded out by Ben's reply

"What happened?" Reynolds asked knowing that something must have happened for Ben to remain in his rock form, 

"Nothing just go in, They are in there" 

"How are you even in this form….. wait now that I think of it, why can I feel my powers again?" Reynolds asked as he noticed the oddness of the situation

"Don't worry, we just isolated this area for some experiment, just go on" Ben continued urging him in

"Why do I feel as though I just walked into..." Reynolds whispered but got interrupted as the door before them was pushed open

"Aha!! Bob just the man I was looking for" a young voice sounded as a young man in a hazmat suit walked out