Hundred and Four(104)

"Your highness?" Reynolds asked surprised but still bowed slightly at least for formality purposes

"Don't worry about that, anyway just come in, i need you to try something for me and give me your honest thoughts" 

      At this point, Reynolds couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this. For some reason, he began to understand why Ben was in his rock form, the prince or king now only had two reasons to visit science island. Either for a presentation by one of the many scientist teams here or he was testing something and from Ben's behaviour and the earlier dialogue, he could guess what was about to happen.

"Can I ask if this test would be dangerous for me" Reynolds asked 

"Don't worry, I guarantee that it's safe. I just need your professional opinion on something and besides your immune system is powerful enough to kick it out if anything goes wrong" the young king replied with a reassuring smile 

"Okay then but exactly what am I helping you with" 

"Well this is the awkward part, this will sound insensitive but I hope you understand"

"Go on"

"I want you to test some drugs"

      Hearing him immediately brought up some dark memories that he had long since locked away due to how pathetic he had been then. He wasn't that surprised that his Majesty knew about his past since everyone privy to more information about the royal family would know that the King was an abnormal being. He knew more than he let on, he may look weak but he is one of the few people on Elysium that could use their powers even when under its heavy suppression. As for the few others who could do the same, they didn't exist.

"I see.." 

"You may have misunderstood something, you see, yesterday there was a shootout between Elysian police and some drug pushers and looking at the way things have been for the past 200 years, I don't think Elysium would ever be able to eradicate drugs from its society…"

"So you plan to replace it" Reynolds answered as everything started making sense

"Yes!.... See, I told you he will understand!" He suddenly screamed excitedly to the floating cube beside him

"Anyway, Reed and I have managed to create a substance that can give the people the 'high' they need with little to no harm even when overdosed but in order for it to replace the original, it needs to be perfect, I would have hired a random drug junkie but they are surprisingly hard to find on Elysium" 

"I understand so let's get started as long as it helps save some lives" 

"Good, let's make Elysium break history as the only country to ever openly push drugs" His Majesty suddenly said as he took on this playful but heroic stance.

     It was clear that for some reason, his Majesty thought of this as the best plan to get rid of drugs in Elysium. Rather than fight it like many countries do, he chose to give the people a choice. It's either you pick the regular ones that will probably run your life or you pick the new ones that give you what you need without slowly killing you. If he was correct then his Majesty probably planned to make all drugs legal.

    A few seconds later, inside Reed's laboratory, Reynolds could be seen hooked up to several machines as he sat before a table that was lined with drugs of all types. From those you inhale to those you smoke, they were all here and looking at them again, Reynolds wasn't feeling all too good but like he had been doing for the past 5 years, he planned to push through all his fears.

"Okay, this is all the files pertaining to these drugs, I don't know if reading through them would make you feel better but I think it will help?" Reed said as he passed him a file, inside the file was everything he needed to know and he speed read through all of them easily.

     As Reed had said, he did feel a little better since he now knew what he was getting into. These new drugs were made to be harder to get addicted to and even if one did get addicted to them then there were cures for it. They were designed to cater to the drug user's needs without the user getting harmed by them. Of course since this was reality and not everything worked as people planned it, the drugs were made to create as little trouble as possible to the user or those around them.