Hundred & Sixteen (116)

"So these are the effects of a psionic backlash" James said with an expression that made it look as though he wasn't affected by any of this

"Oh… thank god, you're safe" Gali's voice was heard and soon she appeared in the office 

"Thanks to you, he didn't go far" James said with a smile to thank her though he knew that if Druig hadn't been killed and he had continued his assault, he would have logged out and destroyed his mind personally.

      His arrogance may have been the reason, Druig's attack could affect him in the first place but their abilities were on totally different levels. Druig was a powerful telepath and possibly the best at it amongst the Eternals considering that he put his entire cosmic energy into the ability 

     This however, didn't mean that he could succeed in whatever he was planning. If he had somehow made it into the mental space created by Paris then Paris could destroy him since she had some level of control in there. 

"Why did you even allow them access to their abilities?" Gali asked obviously pissed off

"Well Paris said they would die if I cut off their abilities. They are literally made of cosmic energy. My field doesn't stop abilities from working, it completely seals off the roots of said ability" James said keeping a distance from her

     Eternals or even deviants may have been human beforrtheir transformation but after that, they need the cosmic energy imbued into them to survive. The field around Elysium will seal that off completely which means that they die the instant they enter Elysian airspace.

"Then why couldn't you set up a shield around yourself, I am at least a 100% sure that Paris warned you that something like this would happen" 

[I did]

"I thought she meant physically attacked or something like that, who knew that Druig would be so stupid as to try that" James said to defend himself only to be sent flying by a punch

*Hiss* "Shit!... Should have kept my mouth shut" he said to him as he hissed in pain while trying to stand from the rubble that used to be his office

"Why do you do stupid shit like this, always think it through before you do anything, even if you can't, why don't you just do what Paris says!" 

"Okay, I get what you mean but hear me out"

"Shut up!" Gali shouted knowing that he was about to make some stupid point 

"I hear you" James said and sealed his mouth shut

"Don't ever try something like this ever again, you hear me?"

[He will in about two months time] Paris interjected making the two turn to her, Gali in anger and James with a defeated look on his face

      James felt that the way these so-called 'lucky coincidences' that his enemies had, were going. He may die from one of them….. well not like they happened often. This was the first one in his near 20 years of existence in this universe.

     For the event of today, he knew that it was his fault for ignoring Paris's warning…. Or well not setting up an appropriate shield for himself. Paris may have been occupied with maintaining the meeting space but the entire situation could have been avoided if he had simply put up a psionic shield around himself before he logged into the meeting space.

"Okay, Paris that's enough, just go tell the Eternals that we will see them tomorrow" James said to chase her away before he says something that would annoy the cosmic being more

[I doubt that but sure] Paris replied

"What do you mean?" James asked but she was already gone