Hundred & Eighteen (118)

"Naturally, do you see Elysium bearing an American flag?..... The perpertuator is dead and everything is resolved" 

"We thank you then" 

"Your welcome.. oh and this has been bothering me, where is Ajak, the team is always. Zuras the Prime Eternal, Thena daughter of Zuras, Ikaris the Protector and potential next in line, Makkari the Runner, Druig the dumbass, Phastos the Inventor and Ajak the Communicator"

"What do you mean?" Ikaris asked 

"Well you guys always go everywhere together, Phastos and Makkari I get but Ajak is somehow always with you guys or am I wrong….. you may not know this but I am a huge fan….. Ikaris especially" James said making the three of them awkward.

      James could understand their reaction after all who wouldn't be when the guy that just killed your friend is telling you that he is a big fan but James wasn't lying though. He may have not read any comics concerning the Eternals in his past life but he had read all 80 something years of comics produced by Marvel here.

    True, most of the events there may not happen in this universe due to his presence and his actions but it was still a way for him to atleast know the personalities of who he was dealing with. From the Comics, he knew that Zuras was a leader and someone with a calm personality though it would be unwise to get on his bad side.

       Thena was somewhat like her father but had a skeleton in her closet in the form of two children, twins that were a product of her and a Deviant. Ikaris was the secret protector of mankind and had a superman-like mindset hence why James considered him to be the most volatile in this meeting.

      Druig was an asshole both in the movies and the comics in fact the movies made him seem better. Ikaris may not see eye to eye with Druig but the guy was still family….. well family in the sense that they were created in the same time period. James expected Ikaris to have blown his brains out at this point with either a punch or his heat vision.

"You wouldn't understand even if I explain, just know that if not pushed to do so, I would never hurt an Eternal….. wait come to think of it, there will be a lot of people I wouldn't want to hurt if it comes to it. Inhumans, Deviants simply because they are interesting scientific subjects, Mutants etc" James said as the thought suddenly came to him. 

       If not for his position as a King and the fact that he was a human, he would have probably moved in with the Watcher and just watched the events take place before him. Basically a front row seat to every act in Marvel history but since he was a human and a King to boot, he was bound to take action against those who go against him or his nation.

"Let's hope, you can uphold that believe" Thena replied as she turned to leave with  her father.

       James didn't blame them for their subtle hostility after all their friend was now just a mere memory and had no hope of returning back to life. Gali was thorough in his erasure, she made sure that he could never come back even with the help of the Machine, the Eternal A.I.

"No sensible person seeks war without being provoked into one" James replied with a smile as he relaxed into the chair

"Hmph" she scoffed in response then left with the group, they came in a group of four but left with one missing.

         This meeting was normally supposed to end differently with James telling the Eternals that they don't have to worry about such things and that he actually planned to get a member of each 'super' race on Earth to work on the Space station to represent their species.

         The plan had been to create some sort of neutral zone for every race on Earth and also make the humans realize just how unspecial they are….. well some humans since even the activities of the Space station would largely remain a secret until the completion of Project Carpe Mundum.

"At least you have enough sense not to make the proposition now" Gali said as she stepped out from behind James's chair and sat opposite him

"this just adds to my work but yeah, they are still mourning" James replied with a sigh. he didnt want to deal with all this nonsense.

    Druig's death basicaly took his plans and shoved it in a blender. The Eternals or at least Earth's Eternals may vow to never involve themselves with Elysium ever again…. naturally this doesnt affect him as much as it sounds but it was still an inconvenience.  This entire meeting could have gone better if not for the stupid man's actions.

    After ensuring that they had left the building, James immediately moved on with his next agenda, Elysium may not require his attention to be on it 24/7 but it didnt mean that he wasnt a busy. He had meetings, documents, places to visit, annoying charities to attend, espcially the charities. He didnt understand the point of such a stupid event, if you want to give someont something, you dont have to make it public knowledge that you are doing so.