The Crown Prince of Eslore

The Royal Guards had everything set now. The security of the road was double-checked, the guards took their assigned places where they were supposed to stand guard until the envoy safely arrived at the palace, and right now, Elaine was at the gate of the capital with some guards, waiting for the envoy to arrive.

Though mounting and unmounting from her horse became a painful task due to the wound on her leg, the Captain held out well and she was now quietly sitting on her horse.

Last time, the envoy from Eslore was a Duke but things didn't go well due to the attack. This time, unexpectedly, someone even more important and powerful than the Duke was supposed to come.

Yes, the Crown Prince of Eslore was coming. Helias Casteveron.

The Royal Guards and even King Arias Astaze were surprised when they heard this. Maybe because it's the Crown Prince's first visit to their kingdom despite being neighboring kingdoms who maintained a friendship for many decades.

After a few minutes of waiting, Elaine Vernimiere saw a group of guards who were coming in their direction. Judging from the flag that they brought with them, she could tell that they were from Eslore.

The Crown Prince's troops.

The Captain got off her horse, trying to not make the pain too obvious. Besides, she had endured much worse than this, and compared to those, the wound in her leg was nothing. All the guards who came with her got off too when they saw her doing it.

The troops were closer and closer to them and Elaine noticed that the one on the middle front must be the Crown Prince. However, the man wore a black mask and she couldn't see his face. Soon enough, the troops were right before her and they halted.

With her gaze on the Crown Prince of Eslore who was gazing down at her from his horse, Elaine Vernimiere bowed and the other guards followed suit.

"I'm Captain Elaine Vernimiere of the Araven Royal Guards. We're here in His Majesty's order to escort you safely to the palace, Your Highness. Welcome to Araven."

It was only once she finished her speech that Elaine and the other guards looked up again.

In the past, she had heard many rumors about the Crown Prince but she had never seen him.

Helias Casteveron was famous for his formidable aura on the battlefield. It seemed like he was quite similar to her cousin. Elaine realized that many of the Crown Prince's traits were also similar to her General cousin. Just like Cayden, Crown Prince Helias had black hair and thick eyebrows that made him appear very masculine.

Now, the Prince was dressed in all black and even the mask that covered his face was black.

Was he a devil or what? She will soon find out.

When Elaine met the gaze of the Crown Prince before her, she noticed the mirth in his captivating olive-green eyes. Why? She had no idea.

As the Crown Prince didn't speak up at all, silence enveloped the area to the point where it became tormentingly quiet. Then to the relief of everyone, Helias Casteveron spoke up, but before that, he removed the mask that covered his face. A smile was formed on his lips when he saw the slightest reaction from the Captain standing before him.

"I'm Helias Casteveron," he said in a surprisingly calm voice. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain Elaine. Thank you for the welcome."

This time, it was Elaine's turn to maintain her silence, all while looking up at the Crown Prince who was sitting on a horse. The longer she kept her mouth shut, the more the mirth in his eyes grew! Without anyone knowing, she ended up squeezing her clothes.

It was only when the guard who was the nearest called out to her that she was back to her sense.

"Captain. Captain." The guard tried his best to keep his voice low and he was thankful that his Captain seemed to be finally snapped out of her thoughts.

Elaine Vernimiere quickly lowered her gaze. "We already clear the path, Your Highness. Please follow us."

With that, the guards mounted on their horses and led the way until they reached the main door to the palace where King Arias will be waiting.

Then the two royals entered the working chamber of the King where King Arias handled all the kingdom matters.

Standing before the door to the same chamber, Elaine Vernimiere recalled that mirth in the Crown Prince's eyes and the smile on his lips.

He was the Crown Prince of Eslore?

As Elaine recalled everything that happened in the forest yesterday, she let out a sigh.

How was this possible?

"Captain, you should take a rest now," Vice-Captain Lucian said, standing right before his Captain. "You don't look fine. Do you have a fever?"

Elaine Vernimiere placed her palm on her forehead and let out another sigh. "It's not that serious. I will rest once I escort the envoy to the chamber prepared for him. You can take over after that."

"I understand."

The two guards didn't have to wait for long as King Arias and Crown Prince Helias soon came out of the chamber. Then Elaine looked at King Arias who nodded at her.

"Captain Elaine will escort you to the chamber we prepared for you, Crown Prince Helias," the Araven King said. "Servants are already assigned to serve you. So, you can tell them whatever you need."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Helias Casteveron promptly said with a polite smile.

With that, King Arias walked away with Vice-Captain Lucian.

Now that she and the Eslore Crown Prince were the only ones around, Elaine was in a hurry to get her task done.

"Your troops are already sent to the quarters we prepared, Your Highness. Your attendant is also waiting for you in your chamber. This way, please," she quickly said. She quietly led the way and she was surprised that the Crown Prince followed her without saying anything.

She didn't think he was that aloof like the rumors claimed. Well, yesterday was the proof.

Then what was he planning?

A few minutes and the two found themselves standing before the door to a certain chamber. There were also two palace guards standing on both sides of the door. "It's this one, Your Highness. Have a good rest."

The guards opened the door and Helias Casteveron walked inside, It was Elaine's plan to leave quietly once the door was shut, but... when the palace guards tried to close the door, the Crown Prince stopped them by holding back the door from being shut.

"Why don't you come inside for a brief chat, Captain Elaine?" he said to Elaine with that same mirth in his eyes. "I think we have many things to talk about."