The Wooden Sword Toy

Elaine Vernimiere wondered if she was in a position to turn down the important guest of her kingdom. She really wished to avoid talking with the Eslore Crown Prince!

What would she even say anyway?

Yesterday... she inwardly sighed when yesterday's incident crossed her mind. She should just be compliant, at least for now.

"Yes, Your Highness," the Captain finally responded with a nod.

Even when she was about to walk past the door, she still felt a bit reluctant. This formed a subtle smile on Crown Prince Helias's lips but... she missed it. Then she eventually entered the chamber.

She met two men who claimed to be hunters yesterday. One turned out to be the Crown Prince of Eslore and the other one was... Elaine looked at the attendant and personal guard of the Crown Prince who was already sent to this chamber. One was that man, the young attendant.

She was completely fooled!

"We meet again," Crown Prince Helias Casteveron suddenly said to her with a playful tone. "This is amazing. I never thought that the daring woman I met in a forest will be the Captain of Royal Guards. I think your spirit matches your title."

Was he complimenting her or... mocking her? No matter what, Elaine refused to think further. It's no use!

"What do you want to say to me, Your Highness?" she asked, trying her best to hide her annoyance and sound formal.

Crossing the Crown Prince of Eslore will bring her no good!

Wait... didn't she already cross him yesterday? And now that he found out her identity, maybe he wanted revenge!

That's not fair while he was the one who shot an arrow in her direction!

"I just want to ask you if you're fine now," Helias Casteveron simply said. "You got injured quite bad yesterday." He observed her as he talked and his gaze stopped at her leg where she had the most severe wound.

Helias realized that the woman standing before him was even tough than he expected! Did she really ignore that serious of a wound?!

"As you can see, I'm fine now," Elaine Vernimiere replied, feeling a bit surprised by what he said and the way he observed her.

Just what was his intention?

Did he try to get even with her because of how rude she was to him the other day? Who would be all polite to someone who almost killed her though it was an accident?!

"The accident was just yesterday," Crown Prince Helias pointed out. "Can such a severe wound heal in just a day?"

He wondered what her response would be. From yesterday's incident, he knew that she had quite a temper and... being compliant didn't suit her at all!

"I don't say that it's healed now," Elaine replied, trying her best to maintain a calm voice. "I can bear with it. That's what I meant, Your Highness. As you also said it yourself, I'm the Captain of the Royal Guards. This wound is nothing for me."

All the time, the right-hand man of the Crown Prince was standing on one corner, listening and witnessing everything. Though he had served the Crown Prince as his personal guard for a long time now, it's been so long since he had seen him that talkative and playful.

Well, he was also like that in the forest yesterday. The more the woman was annoyed, the more he enjoyed it!

"That's good then," Crown Prince Helias remarked, flashing a smile once again. "I was just worried because you got hurt because of me. It seems like I don't have to worry." He turned his back at her and said, "You may leave now. You seem to be busy."

With that said, Elaine bowed her head and left the chamber without saying anything.

Once the door was shut after the Captain, Crown Prince Helias shifted his gaze to his right-hand man who was also his friend since childhood. "What's with that face, Evan?" he simply asked and took a seat on the couch.

"It's been so long since I saw that side of you, Your Highness," Evan Ravire frankly replied. "Yesterday and today as well. With the same person too."

"I just find her unique," Helias Casteveron muttered as he leaned back. "Daring, tough, ill-tempered, and even her features... " His face turned unpredictable when someone from his memory crossed his mind. "Maybe she reminds me of her."

"Helias -"

"You should have some rest," the Crown Prince said as he suddenly rose from his seat and turned to his friend. "You must be tired too."

Evan Ravire stared at his friend rather than leaving right away. Though he wanted to say something, he knew that it won't change anything. As such, he slightly bowed his head. "You should rest too, Your Highness. Just tell the guards to call me if you need anything."

Helias Casteveron nodded and Evan left the chamber right away.

Now that he was alone, Helias Casteveron stood still with his gaze on the floor. When he sat down again, he reached for the inner pocket in his jacket and took out a tiny wooden sword, mostly served as a toy for children. There was a small hole at the end of the hilt where a tiny chain was attached, making it easy for him to carry.

Helias rolled down the chain in one of his fingers and the wooden sword was on his palm. The toy was so tiny that it was more than fit in his huge and rough palm! However, there was a time when the tiny wooden sword was exactly fit on his palm. That was many years ago.

The Crown Prince quietly stared at the wooden sword toy before he put it back in his pocket. He had many plans and he should work on that.

* * *

The Kingdom of Eslore

One young man was walking past many hallways in the vast royal palace of Eslore. After a few minutes, the young man halted before one chamber - the working chamber of the King.

He knocked on the door and when he heard the response from the King, the guards opened the door for him and he walked inside. He walked closer until he was three or four steps away from the King who was sitting on a chair behind his desk. Then he formed a respectful bow. "Your Majesty."

King Ricard Casteveron looked up at the young man standing before him. In most kingdoms, the right hand of the King was mostly the Captain of Royal Guards but in his case, it was different.

The young man standing before him wasn't even a royal guard but he was the one closest to him. From serving him as his attendant to all kinds of tasks, he relied on him. And when saying all kinds of tasks, the scope was very large. Anything would be the correct way to put it.....