A Lifeless Puppet

"It's already time for His Highness's estimated arrival at the Araven Royal Palace, Your Majesty," the young man said to King Ricard Casteveron. "We will soon hear news from the men."

"Tell me, Nicolin," Ricard Casteveron spoke up. "Can I trust my son? You know that all he ever does is go against me in every matter."

All the time, the young man named 'Nicolin' maintained a calm yet emotionless face. However, this wasn't new for people at the palace because they were already convinced that the King's most trusted man was someone with no emotion. They've known him for years but they never saw him smile. It was always just a plain face.

Some say that he was like a lifeless puppet who only breathed in King Ricard's order. However, there was a reason why King Ricard even trusted him more than any of the royal guards.

"His Highness is not easy to read, Your Majesty," Nicolin responded to the King's question. "It won't hurt to have a backup plan."

Leaning back on the chair, Ricard Casteveron shut his eyes. "I wish I have another son. I only have one yet he only knows how to rebel against me. I'm tired of this."

"His Highness is only 22, Your Majesty. Once he shoulders more responsibilities, he might change."

Ricard Casteveron opened his eyes and looked at Nicolin once again. "Do you really believe that? While I don't think that Helias will change. He won't stop seeing me as an enemy."

This time, Nicolin didn't say anything and only lowered his gaze. He always knew when to stop the talk when he was with the King.

"Vivien has something to do outside the palace tomorrow," King Ricard spoke up again after a while. "You know how much of a brat she is. So, escort her there and make sure that she return as soon as she's done."

Nicolin knew why the King was telling him to do this while there were many royal guards for the task.

Princess Vivien Casteveron, the only daughter and younger child of the King was a problematic 18-year-old girl. If the guards were to go with her, she would threaten them so that she could do something more, like making a mess, rather than returning home right away. But if Nicolin was the one escorting her, he won't care about her threats and only what the King told him to do.

That means the Princess will be creating fewer problems for the King and others too.

"I understand, Your Majesty."

* * *

After having a brief rest in her quarters, Elaine had a visitor who was none other than Blaz. The shadow guard told her that General Cayden wanted her to come home and spend the night at the mansion. Maybe the General knew that the King told Elaine to rest now that the guest had arrived.

Elaine Vernimiere knew better than to protest. So, she got changed and left for the mansion with Blaz watching over her like he always did.

With that annoying guest in the palace, it will be better if she wasn't at the palace. The Eslore Crown Prince was supposed to stay here for days and she should try her best to stay away from him.

With the Avary family being one of the most powerful families in Araven, their mansion was also not far from the palace. It only took Elaine around half an hour to reach there.

When she reached the gate, one of the guards in the mansion quickly helped her in handling the horse and she walked inside. Soon enough, the butler of the mansion who was a woman in her 40s came and greet her.

"Welcome, Captain Elaine."

"Mrs. Vellane," Elaine greeted back with a little smile. "Is Cayden in his chamber?"

"Young Master has a guest but he told me to take you to his chamber as soon as you arrive," Mrs. Vellane told Elaine. "He really looks forward to your arrival."

The Captain nodded when she heard the butler. "I will go there then. Don't mind me. I know you're busy."

With that, the butler nodded and bowed before she walked away.

Elaine Vernimiere entered the mansion and then went straight to her brother's chamber. Due to the wound on her leg, she can't walk fast enough and it took her a few minutes to finally arrive at the door to her cousin's chamber. She didn't even have to knock as the guards at the door opened the door for her right away. With a little sigh, she walked inside.

The Captain casually walked inside her cousin's chamber but... she abruptly halted her step when her gaze landed on the one whom the butler referred to as a guest.

Wasn't he supposed to be in the palace?

When did he leave?!

"You've arrived," Cayden Avary promptly said as he rose from his seat and walked towards her. "How is your leg?" he asked when he stood right before her.

Elaine Vernimiere didn't hear her cousin at all though the General was standing right before her. Instead, all her attention and gaze was fixated on the Eslore Crown Prince who was staring at her with that same mirth in his eyes.

Whenever she saw him staring at her that way, she hated it.

Was she a prey or what?

To her, it seemed like he can't wait to devour her!

Cayden Avary finally realized where the attention of his younger cousin was. Then he turned to the right and saw that Crown Prince Helias was also exchanging Elaine's gaze. He knew that they already met when Elaine escorted the Crown Prince to the palace but...

What's with this atmosphere?

Before the General could even speak up, Crown Prince Helias Casteveron rose from his seat and approached them.

"So, Captain Elaine is the cousin you're talking about, Cayden?" he asked the confused General. "Why can't I guess that? Now that I think about it, you two have a very similar character."

The Crown Prince talked like he knew Elaine well and Cayden Avary was taken aback.

What did Elaine do apart from escorting this Crown Prince?!