WebNovelCode: Z16.67%

Chapter 1

***News Break***

"Scientists have discovered a new type of virus; It called the-" before the report could even continue, the phone battery turned zero and instantly turned the phone off. Kai sighed and continued his long boring walk that was made even more boring due to his phone's battery.

Cars started to drive past him which was not common since he has been living there for a week an only 2-3 cars pass him daily, all of the cars had heavy bags tied up to the roofs of the cars, with a curious look on his face, Kai wanted to ask the drivers why they're moving out but their cars are so fast and had their windows closed making it useless to try and ask.

It was slowly getting dark so Kai doubled his speed. across him where kids growling and chasing each other, the one getting chased with red stains on his neck, and the other one had red stains on his mouth; Kai smiled because it made him remember about his childhood where he and his cousins would play tag with ketchup smeared on their mouths imagining it was blood and they were zombies, after a short pause, he continued walking straight to his apartment building where his mother was waiting.

After a short while, he finally reached the apartment building, the sun finally set and it was really dark, he went inside. There were not that many staff members, Kai remembered when there were still guards on the door and the elevator yet it was so empty, there was only the receptionist growling on the counter and no one else was there.

He waved at the receptionist and instantly went to the stairs and never waited for the reply. The steps on the stairs were smeared with red liquid yet Kai wasn't surprised since this apartment is very dirty but cheap, and due to Kai's budget and his mother's low budget job, that's the only apartment building they could afford.

"Good evening, dear," Kai was greeted by his mother the moment he opened the door, "Good eve mom, haha" he responded and then hugged her, a really good smell of food then attracted Kai's nose, he went to the kitchen and saw the well prepared and really good food that tasted a little sweet and a little salty.

Kai hugged his mom once again and sat at the table, and charged his phone on the outlet near the table, his mom sat with him and informed him about her visit to Kai's cousin,

"I guess I'd be fine on my own," Kai replied,

"I'm happy," His mother smiled and ate the apple on the table and went to her closet to pick some of her stuff up and get ready to go, she quietly added money to the pocket of Kai's school uniform and hurriedly went to the door,

"Bye dear, she waved and hurriedly walked away after closing the door, Kai enjoyed his food and washed the plates afterward. In the middle of washing, one of his classmates texted him, he knew it was his classmates due to the ringtone, its a ringtone with birds chirping, Kai always gets pumped up whenever he hears the ringtone because he can only hear it, once or twice... a week.

"Sup' Kai?" he saw the message through the lock screen, it was obviously Kaley, a girl that has been his friend for years now, he opened his phone then replied,

"Nothing much, how are you?" he happily replied as he continues to clean the dishes.

After 30 minutes, she finally replied, at that moment, Kai was already brushing his teeth, he opened his phone and her response was, "Fine," Kai felt disappointed with the reply so he tried to end the conversation, "Anything you need?" the bed suddenly looked comfy so Kai set his alarm to 7:00 AM and dived to bed face first and snuggled with his pillow,

"I wish I could sleep in this bed forever," all of the problems instantly disappeared. As he was about to close his eyes...


Kai instantly jolted awake and tried to spy on what happened on the road through his window. It was pure darkness that he could not make anything out, there were a few running silhouettes. After a few looks, Kai pressed his face on the window, trying his best to find the cause of the loud explosion. He pressed his face harder and finally finds a faint image, it looks like it was something burning, might be a car so he simply shrugged it off and tried to find the report about the virus,

"It got removed?" the report was not at the site where he used to watch or read reports, Kai checked other sites and still couldn't find it. In the middle of his search, another message pops up, "I need you, Kai, do you have time tomorrow? I really have something to tell you," it was the girl's reply, with no interest, thinking it was a joke, Kai didn't bother to answer her question and he was the one who asked the question instead, "Enough with the jokes, have you seen the report earlier? What happened? I can't find it anymore!" It didn't take long for Kay to reply, "You saw it too?! Bro that was so gruesome," Kai was puzzled,

"What was gruesome?" he quickly typed out and sent, after a minute, she replied,

"The camera started to wiggle and the reporter panicked, a man from the set then lunged at her, pinning her to the ground away from the view of the camera, blood then started to splatter, after a few seconds, the camera loosely panned down revealing the body of the reporter, filled with blood and her face isn't recognizable anymore, a black shoe then came into view before the report quickly ended," Kai thoroughly read the message without skipping a word,

"What the flip!" Kai sent out as he was shocked,

"The same reaction, they may be making a drama to attract attention and the new got taken down," she replied,

"Let's continue talking tomorrow maybe, I feel really sleepy right now," he sent as he yawned,

"Ok my G, see ya," she replied with a peace emoji,

Kai lay down his head and slowly closed his eyes, "I hope tomorrow will be a good day,"

And then slept.