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Chapter 6

Kai felt awkward, "Why would you smile at me like that?" he straightly asked the scientist, "I have faith in you, my name is Morle, an acquaintance of Leah," he offered his hand for a shake, Kai hesitantly shake his hand,

"We-well, this is all," Morle tried to ask another question but Kai dodged it and went back to the group where the instructions will be given. When Kai arrived, the other girl gave him his gun and gave the other boy a look, "Ok ok, I will explain the situation to him," he said,

"You look forced, you don't have to," Kai told the guy who looked tense,

"Ok, first of all, I'm very very sorry for shooting you, my name is Kaleigh," he tried his hardest to smile making him look like an idiot, Kai just gave him a stern glare,

"Tell me about the situation," Kai ordered,

"Umm, the soldier told us to be ready, once the door opens, there will be other people on the other side waiting for us, our objective is to defend ourselves since they will be sending out humanoid looking bots to attack us, we only have a pistol and ourselves to defend," he said,

"Alright since all of you now looked pumped up and ready," said the soldier while excitedly talking to Kai and his team who all looked gloomy and frail,

"The doors will be opening and I want you all to survive, there won't be any help from us so good luck," he finished explaining as the loud and creaking of the doors took over. Through the door were many people all preparing themselves and barricading the surroundings, Kai and his group went in and the doors closed upon them,

"Here people!" one of the people in the group waved at them, Kai and his group went to them. It was a small room with 4 doors in each direction, the other 3 has been barricaded and the door which Kai's team came from was then barricaded by the other people with stone and wood,

"What's happening here?" Kaleigh asked the one who waved at them,

"You heard the instructions earlier right? Things 'bouta get rusty, ready your gun," Kaleigh gave him a stern look, "I feel unsatisfied with the answers, after this, I expect more got that?" the other guy looked like he felt agitated, "Look here sissy, I was here only seconds before you came in, so I don't know much 'kay?" he yelled at Kaleigh,

"Who are you supposed to be?" Kaleigh calmly asked, the people were getting excited to watching both of them fight,

"I'm Steffen, got a problem with that dimwit?" he spurted out, the two of them got closer forcing other people watching to intervene,

"Get back now, both of you stop acting like children," Steffen was trying his hardest to break free while Kaleigh has an evil smile on his face.

"LET ME GO IDIOTS!" Kaleigh's smile maybe made him more agitated and tried his very best to break free, he was built like any other normal teen boy so no matter how hard he tried, he is still no match against 3 other teen guys,

"Huh, kid imma beat your nose till you can't breathe," Steffen threatened Kaleigh to which he just responded with another evil smile.


Gas started to fall from the ceiling instantly turning the room into a dark barren space, the doors started to creak and everyone started to panic, no one could familiarize another one, all of the faces were hard to recognize, everyone was just running everywhere hitting each other and randomly shooting one another,

"EVERYONE FOLLOW THE DIRECTION OF MY VOICE," the voice sounded familiar, it was Steffen's! Kai stood still when the gas fell so he was near Steffen and made went to the direction of the voice,

In the dark, Kai waved his arm around in hope of hitting someone or something, after a few swings he finally gets to touch someone,

"Steffen! got ya," Kai joyfully yelled out as he touche a limb,

"Huh?" he froze, Kai was confident he was holding Steffen's hand, but Steffen's voice was behind him,

"AHHHHHH" A loud screech was heard that was instantly followed by gunshots. The shots illuminated the person Kai was holding; it was a body that looked like it decayed, teeth missing, ashen skin, and missing an eye.


"Are you fine there?" it was Kaleigh's voice and it sounded like he was talking to Kai, "Ye- Yeah!" Kai replied, he then ran to the sound where Kaleigh's voice was last heard but stayed low since bullets were flying everywhere, everyone shooting each other. Every shot illuminating the room, the room now has a different color, with every shot, the room that was once damp and dark, turned bright and red with all of the gunshots, Kai just stayed on the ground with his ears ringing, heart beating, and legs shaking.


The last shot was fired, the room became quiet, the ringing on Kai's ear finally disappeared, groans, moans and sad tones could be heard,

"Where is everyone!" Steffen yelled out,"

*FLASH* the lights turned on and the smoke slowly dispersed, the room was so red with blood and body parts splattered everywhere. Steffen was with 3 other students, their hands pinching the end of each shirt making sure they don't collapse and randomly shoot each other. The group was Kaleigh and two girls from earlier, they were all near each other, two groups consisted of 4 people each, all of them forming a circle making sure everybody is safe, there were other people on the ground, they were all dead. Aside from human bodies, there were other people, older and their bodies were rotten,

Kai felt like he was going to vomit from the smell, he stood up and tried to go with the group, "Are you okay?-" both Kaleigh and Steffen ran to help him, Kaleigh saw Steffen and pushed him, "I got this, get away from him,"

Steffen clenched his fists and walked up to Kaleigh, Steffen winded up a punch giving Kaleigh to react, "Don'tya dare mess with me," Yelled out Steffen as he sent the punch straight to Kaleigh's face, with great reflex time, Kaleigh dodged the punch, Kaleigh then pushed Steffen's hand and puts his gun on Steffen's neck, suddenly-