WebNovelCode: Z83.33%

Chapter 5

"Tch- this all?" Kai asked,

"You don't like it?" Leah asked with a worried tone on her voice,

"Yes I don't, and what is a scientist doing here?" Kai sounded like he was slowly getting agitated as he asked,

"I am needed here for the research on the cure for the virus, you are here to help me, and you are also here to prevent the virus from getting inside your body," Leah answered,

"Help you?" Kai asked,

"This virus is scarier than you think, it's not like a sickness that you could just cure with hot water and a good sleep, *sigh* never mind that, your body must be ready since we are going to give you a test now rest well ad stop complaining," Leah ordered and pushed Kai inside instantly closing the door. Kai, who was on the floor quickly stood up and tried to push the door to open but it won't. Tired of pushing, Kai simply gave up and sat near the door and took out his phone,

"Dang, the detective was right maybe," Kai wondered as he unlocked his phone and sent a message to Kaley,

"Sup Kaley? I'm in a bad situation rn could you please call some cops or something?"

As Kai pressed the send button he gets a pop up saying, "Message cannot be sent," Kai was shocked, he tried spamming the send button, but then nothing new happens, "Looks like I'm alone after all," Kai says to himself as he goes to bed and opens his video app, the internet was perfect, he spent minutes watching bunny videos as he likes them. He giggled and laughed at the videos, his eyes slowly started to get heavy and he starts to weaken, "I'm tired," he said as he passed out.

Kai woke up in a garden filled with flowers, they were all colorful, he saw a girl holding a notebook writing something while looking at the distance, Kai tried to walk but his body feels heavy and wet. The girl with the book slowly looks at him, her body was twitching as her head slowly rotates in his direction,

*Thump Thump* goes Kai's heart, everything slowly darkens while his body gets heavier and heavier, the wet feeling slowly rises as the girl now completely turned her head full 180 without her body flinching. Her hair covered her face; she slowly reveals the book she was writing to Kai, the words written on it were...


her hair slowly opened revealing a face with stitched eyes and no nose, the mouth was taped and there were words written on the tape that was saying,


Kai tried to move his body as the wet feeling slowly rises, it did not take long before he saw what was making his body heavy and wet, it was all blood. The area then started to burn, destroying the beautiful area which was once a garden filled with pretty flowers was now filled with chaos and hell.

"AHHHH!!" Kai instantly jolted awake,

*Gasp* *Inhale, Exhale* Even after he woke up, the wet feeling still did not disappear, Kai took out his wet phone and then turned on the torch, "WHY THE HELL IS THE ROOM FLOODED!" he yelled out. The room was very dark that the only thing making light is Kai's phone, he treaded through the water straight to the door. Halfway through the walk, he heard the water gush, it sounded louder which made Kai double his speed.

*Thump* Kai used the torch to see what was in front of him, "Where is the door," Kai started to panic and banged on the wall while screaming for help, the water was now at his waist, "Think think think!" it did not take long for the water to reach his shoulder, his arm was now tired of holding the phone,

"Light?" he looked on the far right and saw that there was what it seems to be a trapdoor, the water quickly started to rise so Kai waited till it reached the trapdoor, "Got you!" he punched open the trapdoor and instantly went inside. On the other side was a new small room with a pistol, ammunition, and a door.

Kai jumped down and walked to the table with a pistol on it, he felt uneasy with his wet attire so he took them off and went straight to the door with a gun in his left hand, an extra magazine in the right, and wearing only shorts.

Kai puts his hand on the handle and opens the door, "Who are you?" a voice yelled out, as he checked, it was another teen pointing a gun at him with two frightened girls behind him, "What're you doing with them?" Kai asked,

"They're under my protection," he said as he was giving Kai death glares,

"First of all, can we just put the guns down and have a little talk?" Kai suggested,

"Talk? I'd rather put a bullet in your mouth, didn't you hear what the announcer said before this all began?" he said which made Kai confused,

"Announcer?" Kai confusedly asked,

"I knew you were one of them," he gritted his teeth and started to shoot, good thing he looked wet and it made him miss his first shot, Kai did not hesitate and pounced on him pushing him to the ground and trying to push the gun to the ground too, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Kai yelled out, he was feeling petrified, his hands were weakening due to fear. The other teen kicked Kai between his legs and pushed him away, "Saboteur," he coldly said as he shot Kai in the leg, "Argh!" he groaned as his leg started to bleed. The teen was about to shoot his head for the last time but suddenly,

"All of the saboteurs has been eliminated, all of you can now proceed to the next room." An announcer announced that left the teen and the two girls confused,

"Why did it announce it ended already? you haven't died yet," He was also confused in the situation, "You're not one of the saboteurs? the announcer said that there was a saboteur and we need to kill him before he destroys this test," He thoroughly explained,

"Announcer and a test?" Kai asked while breathing heavy and tearing to which the other guy nodded yes, one of the girls ripped her shirt and tied it around the bleeding area of Kai's leg, "Let's go quick!" the teen grabbed Kai's hand and put it on his shoulder and carried Kai who was limping, the other girl then grabbed Kai's other hand and helped him walk, "The test was announced the moment we wake up, you didn't listen?" the teen asked to which Kai giggled, "I overslept," he was carried throughout the dark hallway. Two dark silhouettes were waiting for them at the end, this first one had a beret and was standing straight with his arms crossed while the other one was holding a notepad writing things down.

When they slowly get near the silhouettes become clear, it was a soldier and a scientist, the boy teen aimed his pistol at them with a frightening look on his face, his finger was on the trigger and was breathing heavily. The soldier raised his arms and tried to calm him down, "We aren't hostile, put the gun down," the soldier said, "Your lifeless body will go down first," he threatened the soldier. In response, the soldier sighed, he then snapped his fingers, a red dot then popped out of the boy's forehead, "Your choice kid," the soldier calmly informed, the other girl on the back looked afraid so she ran to the boy and pushed his gun down, "C-can we calm down please?" she suggested, there were tears on her eyes, "Fine!" he exclaimed, "Now that we all calmed down please put him down, I will heal his injuries," the scientist informed, they put Kai on the corner and left him with the scientist, they all gathered to the soldier and had a conversation, they were far from Kai, the only thing he hears are vague words that he cannot make out,

"How are you feeling Kai?" the scientist asked as he heals the bullet wound with the medicine he hid in his coat, "I feel uneasy, and confused at the same time," the scientists gave him a stern look, "I know the feeling," he whispers and finishes tying up the clean cloth, he sighed and then stood up. He took out his hand, "Kai, good luck," he simply said with his eyes closed and a big smile.