The mad one´s call

—So... that's it?—He said indignantly as he began to leave, the sound of his boots echoed in the room

—B-b-but w-wait Duke Bladshthirt, you know they won't listen to us!—He exclaimed with concern and weariness.

Lately the problems have only increased, troops in poor condition, lost resources, discontent, anger, rage and to top it all the need to choose who would occupy the throne was consuming the leaders of the factions, their associates and of course their subordinates.

Duke Bladshthirt of the vampire faction was especially concerned about this situation, since the faction he belonged to had not had a leader as such for a long time, this meant that dukes and earls like him must lead different parts of the faction and make decisions alone and from time to time with the company of a council made up of delegates, of course for this bloody duke there was nothing more despicable.

He had to put up with the bad decisions of others, the complaints of others, the unanimity of others, the losses of others, the cold wars to climb in the power of the faction of others... and now that all the factions decided to get together against a common enemy the duke only saw the same problems but greater and with the risk of greater losses.

—They won't listen to us, you say? Damn it Heikerms!— He shouted and then smashed a table with his fist. Heikerms reacted to this action by taking a small step back and resting one of his hands on a table, thus letting all his weight rest there—What do you expect us to do then? Suffer in silence while losing everything we have achieved?!

Bladshthirt said those words with anger as he clenched his teeth, for Heikerms the duke´s teeth were especially sharp on that occasion and that caused him fear.

—N-no d-duke, b-b-but don't you think it's time t-to do that?—He said as he dropped his other arm on the table and brought his index fingers together.

—Hey....—He said more calmly—Do you think they will accept?—He changed his tone of anger to one of doubt and began to touch one of the buttons on his jacket with his left hand.

—A-as much as they like power they also know that at this rate there will only be r-ruins—He said with great difficulty.

—Certainly, and I don't think anyone wants to be a ruined king—He sentenced after having regained his composure.

—S-should I warn the others?—He asked pointing to the door of the room with one hand and placing the other on his forehead, as he did so his arms slipped and he fell to the floor.

—Only vampires—He replied, observing Heikerms—I will deal with werewolves, dragons, infernals.... Those pitiful incompetents—He announced reluctantly.

—L-luck then d-duke—Heikerms began to crawl on the floor, the way he moved did not correspond at all with the noble clothes that the duke and he wore, or with the furniture or the elegance of the cabin.

—Oh yeah, here—He put his right hand in one of the pockets of his jacket, grabbed a transparent bag that had a reddish liquid inside, put it on the ground and slid it towards Heikerms—How long has it been? 3 weeks without a single drop? You must be hungry, so you can have that.

Without saying a word Heikerms dug his teeth into the bag and emptied it in less than 10 seconds, some drops fell to the ground just like he had done before, but he had no problem on licking them with satisfaction.

—Thank you sir, I wanted to thank you when you gave it to me but I had no time to lose, your as benevolent as great Dracula was—He thanked as he stood up and gasped.

—It´s nothing—he puffed up his chest a little with pride without realizing it—having to go from one place to another when they ask you must be exhausting, especially when they do not give you many supplies, even so, as hypocritical as it sounds I must ask you to leave once more, go—He said with serious tone as his eyes shone with a crimson glow and raised his hand in the direction of one of the doors of the room.

Heikerms leaned towards the duke, he saw the extreme pallor of his skin, not different from his, with that view he smiled satisfied, advanced towards the door, one glance was enough to open it, finally even before taking a first step out of the cabin the vampire Heikerms was transformed into a dense fog and began his journey as a herald.

After Heikerms left, the duke gave a long sigh, went in the direction of one of the windows, instead of opening it as Heikerms had opened the door the duke used his hands revealing the opposite of a pleasant landscape, Bladshthirt remained in his castle, specifically in his room and from there he looked how the waves of the sea crashed against the mountain on which his castle was, the gray clouds that threatened rain, the animals of the area: wolves, bats, bears, rodents.... As well as the fog that surrounded the whole place, he was not a normal duke, he was The duke, descendant of great Dracula and someone with more intelligence than his peers, or atleast he thought so.


—As I was saying, these people keep repeating the same things about me, but I consider myself quite good, I mean, if I say it I am not humble at all, but I will not be the stupid one who is not able to recognize their own abilities.... Are you listening to me?—He asked a little annoyed, but received no answer—Damn, always the same, I´m wondering if saving you was the right choice—He said seriously, now there was an answer, a little sob—Quiet, I'm just kidding, give me a moment, I had told you that I would give you something good to eat, and by now it should be ready, wait for me here.

The young man left the room and went to the kitchen, once there he checked the pan, a piece of meat was being cooked, almost finished, he smiled satisfied and directed his attention to a plate that he had prepared before on the kitchen table, A garnish of rice with cooked potato, an egg, 2 pieces of bread and the jewel in the crown was being finished in the pan, everything exquisitely spiced, with joy he opened a drawer and took a knife from inside for later and with much mastery cut a banana, peel and cut an apple, 2 strawberries, and a pear and place all of it on a bowl forming a fruit salad, at that moment he felt it, the meat was already done, he grabbed the pan by the handle and placed his masterpiece on the free space of the plate, after that he turned off the fires.

—What a feast my friend is going to eat, next time she will have to cook for me—he said to the nothingess.

After his words he grabbed the plate and the bowl but not before grabbing a knife, fork and spoon and returned to the room that he had previously left, on the way a lock of hair fell crashing against his forehead, with some reluctance the young man left both the plate and the bowl on one of the tables in the living room and went to a mirror, there he left everything in its place but despite having fixed its hair, he keept looking at the mirror, his hair was blond neither too long nor too short, as well as the tips of his eyelashes were golden, as the lights were on when he moved his head away from the mirror a little, his front part was bathed in light and his eyelashes lit up revealing a beautiful gold which matched his green with blue tones eyes, in his face appeared a genuine smile, once more he liked himself, after his encounter with the mirror he picked up the plate and the bowl and returned to the room in which he had been in the first instance.

—Look what I've brought you—He stretched out both arms to show his culinary work—I hope you like it.

The woman sobbed once more at the words of the young man, after that the young man realized something.

—I apologize—He abandoned his kind tone to speak seriously—It must be difficult for you to trust my kindness, especially when we've only known each other for a few hours, we talked to each other for those few hours and especially when.... well I've gagged you and tied you to a chair in your own house after.... —The young man thought twice—After that—He sentenced.

The young man apologized once more, stepped closer to the woman, set the dishes on the floor, removed the gag and looked at her with his deep, hypnotic eyes.

—I don't expect you to forgive me, but I want us to talk, you and I, what I have done has not been wrong and you can´t tell me that I have done anything bad, especially when that man has hit you and your children have agreed with him.

The woman who had remained silent due to the terror that that young man had assumed took the next step, stopped sobbing and advanced to crying, the boy approached and hugged her, for some reason the woman felt warmth in the arms of the young boy.

—Tell me everything—he asked the woman, she agreed with no other option.

—A-at the beginning t-things weren't like that a-a-and I.

—Shhh.... The young man silenced—Take your time, I don't need you to rush—​​After those words, he gave the woman a charming smile.

The still handcuffed but calmer woman began to tell her story, it turned out that she had married a man she liked but did not love, he was a technician and on numerous occasions he had gone to the company where she worked to solve some problems, there they met, her friends pushed her to try to go out with that boy, he did like her, but she was too shy so they would never get to something, one thing led to another and the same shyness that had made her friends push her towards that man was the one that marked her downfall, he was a love, he gave her flowers, he listened to her, he cared about her, he invited her out, he understood her tastes and he adapted to them to make her happy.... Because of these reasons plus her incapacity to say ´´No´´ leaded that man to ask her to marry him and she couldn´t refuse, time passed and the man asked her to leave his job ´´My wife is my queen, she does not work´´ ´´I want to start a family with you and when we have children you´´ll have to take care of them.'' At first it sounded romantic, but in reality it was bullshit, they had 2 children, time passed, he treated her more like a pet/maid, she couldn´t say anything nor could she turn to anyone, he had cut off her relations in the past, her children grew indifferent to her, admiring their father's work and thinking that their mother was useless because she was always at home and had no one but their father, that´s why when the abuse began, no one helped her, of course she couldn't ask anyone for help, she didn't have a phone and when she got married she had moved away with him, they only had one car, why have anymore? In the morning he was the one who took the children to class, time and loneliness made her enter into decadence to the point of being able to tell everything to a young man who had tied her up, to the point of wanting to say it without caring much about the place where do it or to whom.

—I see, your life has been taken from you and you are alone, but hey, the suffering is over—The young man began to untie her—For years you have been making food for others and feeding others, but that ends today, I bet you remember feeding your children when they were little, ¿For what? It really is a pity if you ask me, I know you are not little anymore, but rest this time—Then the young man grabbed the fork and the knife, cut a piece of meat and slowly brought it closer to the woman—Say ´´Ahh´´ my dear.

The woman burst into tears, she couldn´t contain herself anymore, for fear of looking ridiculous, she lowered her head but the young man placed his index finger and thumb on her chin and raised her head.

—Don't cry anymore my queen, I'll protect you from all the bad and scary things—he said as he raised his fingers caressing her face in the process and wiping a few tears from her—But eat a little first.

The woman then accepted the young man's food when she opened her mouth the young man gave her the first piece, the rest was eaten by herself, while that was happening the young man left the room and took his index finger to his mouth.

—Fuck, it's disgusting, those people have made her bitter—he said angrily—I haven't been talking to her for hours and doing this whole thing for nothing—He said indignantly thinking of all the things he said to the woman to soften her up.

The young man went to the living room right to the stairs, he went up one by one, smashing hard to release a little of his stress, then he went to the largest room of all, the door was ajar, there a girl was trying to untie her father but when she beholded the young man she froze.

—You know, I had left your grip especially loose to be able to meet this situation, I would have let you escape... for a few minutes—he revealed with some indifference—But seriously, have you noticed how you have left me?—He approached the girl enraged and slapped the girl who fell to the ground and spat blood—Silly of me I thought, what does it taste like? Of course, tired of conventional meat, you have to innovate, and since she was very quiet at all times, I thought it was one of those who believe themselves to be superior, but the girl was quiet because she considered herself inferior!—At that moment the man began to try to free himself, his attempts were so repeated that he seemed to suffer spasms, on the other hand the child tied to his side remained in silence terrified—What, do you want to escape? But are you retarded? .... I'm sorry for the question, I shouldn´t be reminding you, wait for me here, by the way girl—He looked at the child who was on the ground—I don't think you can, but I warn you, if you move even the least, if I notice the slightest difference in the room, things are not going to end well—He warned the girl who was lying face down with her legs a little apart, her right arm stretched out in front and her left arm stretched at left.

The young man left the room, went down the stairs and went with the woman he had left behind, before returning with her he checked the hand with which he had hit the girl, he was wearing a glove, but he would still have to do extra work to eliminate evidence, he sighed and entered the room, the woman was sitting on the floor, she had already finished the food that had been served and had calmed down, as soon as she saw him enter she smiled, her face was beautiful, no, in fact now that he was looking closely, she was pretty beautiful, she must have been around 1.80 meters, she did not reach but was close, her hair was black and her eyes were blue, the young man did not have much idea of ​​measurements, but he knew that the 90-60-90 was something very coveted and that woman was close to the 3 measurements, it was not exact but almost, she was also young, that man must had married her when she was 18 years old, knowing that her eldest daughter was 12 years old and that she had a little of peace before the abuse that woman had to be about 32 years old, but hey, it wasn´t the moment to think about that, the young man grabbed the cutlery and held out his hand to the woman, she accepted it and got up with his help.

—I want you to come with me—he asked, looking into her eyes, she accepted.

Together they climbed the stairs and reached the room where the rest of the family was, everything was as he had left it, even the girl, nothing had moved, she was only trembling.

—Dear, today the suffering ends, the children will go first, the man later.

—But I don't know if-

—Shhh—He put his index finger on the woman's lips—It's not about whether you know or not, it's about that it is your turn, for you there isn't much left here, so I'll take care, I´ll be giving you a chance, the only thing I´ll ask you is that you trust me.

—I-Is.... okay—She finally said.

The man went into rage, but it didn't change anything, what's more, he received a kick in the chest which made the chair fall towards the bed, the young man sighed once more, now he had more evidence to erase.

The next day the house was investigated by a group of policemen, several of them secured the perimeter of the house while a few others entered, everything was quite clean and tidy, it seemed like if he hadn't been there, everything except the room of the couple who lived there, as soon as 2 agents entered they saw the hell raising.

—Jhansen—the policewoman said when she witnessed the mess—This was not done by a human—She said terrified.

In response, the policeman suppressed his urge to vomit or at least he tried, he grabbed his vest and raised it a little to spit bile on it, that way nothing would fall to the ground, where the evidence was.

It was just disgusting, but they still had to do their job, the policewoman took out a pocket notebook and began to write down some things in it while the man took photos, they still did not believe what was in that room.

A little girl was lying face down with her legs slightly apart, her right arm stretched out in front and her left arm stretched at left, she had no clothes, instead she was covered in her own debris, her back had been opened, her spine was removed and from there the intestines were pulled out, these were thrown around her as if they were the toys of a kid and the girl was the box, the reason why she was covered with her debris was due to the fact that her intestines were urged, the same ones they found lying around her, needless to say that the author of that macabre spectacle had spread them all over her body. That´s what was known about the murder of the girl until the next day, when they took her to the forensic and turned her around, they observed how her eye sockets were empty and her eyes now rested in two holes, located in the nipples, the forensic couldn´t help but to look at the corpse with pity.

The small child of the family was a different case, although they knew that all pf them had been tied up, the one with the most marks on the wrists was the child, it is suspected that while he was tied up he received a beating and several lashes, although that is not the worst part, his fingers and toes were cut off and judging by the damage to his teeth, tongue and throat it is suspected that the perpetrator of the crime forced him to eat them, that would make sense considering that is known that the child vomited 2 times, at last the boy was bald, his hair had been pulled out in strands and, to top it off, inserted through various holes in the body.

Despite the macabre of the whole situation, it is suspected that the children died before receiving all the abuse, since both had a blow to the back of the neck, therefore the murderer had some compassion on them, although calling that compassion made the comissioner enter in rage, others tried to be more calm but the order in which they were mistreated was uncertain, so they couldn't even know how much those children had to suffer, it was truly annoying to know they couldn´t do anything.

Finally, the man was a real mess and he had no blow to the back of the neck, they had cut off his nose, pectorals and ears, pieces of thigh and fragments of skin from his face lay next to his emaciated body, the kidneys, the liver and others organs were scattered around the corpse and on the bedside table, finally his tendons had been pulled out and stretched to the maximum and then glued in the farest place they reached.

Some thought that that ended there, but there was still something else, in the forest near that house of terror layed the lifeless body of a woman, unlike the others she didn´t suffered any type of torture or dismemberment, the only thing that was seen was a bullet hole in her chest, judging by how it was she could not have shot herself.

Finally the police and the detectives came to the same conclusion, it had been the monster, although well, that was only a nickname, those people would have liked it to be a monster, because then they would understand the reason for his actions, but no, that monster was a person, it should be noted that depending on the police department he was nicknamed as The Devil / The Ripper / The Thief / The Reaper.

It is not known with certainty how long the monster has been operating, but more than 800 cases of murder have been attributed to it, the traumatization of 440 people, all witnesses unable to speak, and last and most important the monster is acused of flooding with terror wherever it goes. There have been similar crimes throughout the rest of the world, because of how sinister they are and the encrypted messages all of them would be attributed to the monster, then bringing the sum to more than 2000 murders, but for the sake of public morals and despite the fact that the dates fit other murderers are accused of those cases.

The worst part of the whole situation was that they still couldn´t explain what kind of mental problem the monster had, because he must have one, what kind of life he had had or what he saw and others did not, whatever his mission was to catch him, understand his atrocities was the work of other departments, although to be honest, they didn't understand it either, when they thought it was for one thing he did the opposite, erratic but preparatory movements, difficult and mocking messages, sometimes childish, others with clues, a lot of forms of killing people, different acts.... all those actions bringed questions, do you want to be caught? or do you just want to prove your superiority? The monster was coveted by psychologists and other people with similar occupations, dealing with him face to face could give them a lot of information about the psyche of people and crazy people.

Four days after the brutal murder of a family, the young man rests in an apartment watching television and changing his clothes, when he went to that place he was wearing full-body black leggings along with shorts and a black short-sleeved shirt, he was also wearing a black sports shoes, and black gloves, the young man was not very complicated, he was putting on exactly the same clothes but of dark blue color, this time he was spending more time than normal since he paid attention to the news channel, he also checked a bag full of gadgets, the other day he left it on a tree branch, there his bag patiently waited for its owner to retrieve it to make numerous evidence disappear, having and knowing how to use technology and chemical products is very convenient.

—The members of the Varansawer family were found dead this morning inside their house, after an exhaustive investigation the police have determined that Valiana Varansawer mother of the 2 childs and wife of Randor Varansawer was the one who killed them, she shot at them and then fled to the forest to end her life also-

The young man began to lower the volume of the television so that it would not disturb him, he had heard enough.

—This motherfuckers....—he said with indignation—They do not only hide that it was me, although they know it, well they don't know who I am specifically talking but the little theater that they have settled with the woman is sad, with how good she was, this can´t be—He clicked his tongue — This time they are not getting any encrypted message, for being an unfair group of dogs.... well since they are so bad at searching but so good at inventing let´s see if they can invent a way to find me—He sentenced having the nothingess as his witnesser.

The young man finished putting on his clothes, left the apartment but not before grabbing his wallet and headed towards a cafe, he hadn´t been in that city for a long time, but had found several places of his liking to hang out, chat and get a drink.

Without delay he entered into the ´´Farius´´ cafe, he was received in a good way by the employees and the owner who also was at the bar gave him a cordial greeting, the young man responded in the same way and ordered a coffee, his relationship with the people there was good, it was barely a month since he knew them, but he had been very friendly at all times, had given tips and demonstrated various knowledge worthy of the best topics of conversation, a full-fledged gentleman.

—Ah, it seems like today will be a good day—He said and then took a sip of his coffee.

—So it seems… Have you seen the news Walfos?—Asked the owner.

—Oh yeah, another murder, what a novelty... but seriously, what is going on with the people? To be honest, I think that the police is hiding something, I don't think that this woman took the courage to kill her entire family.

—Certainly, before, when she was still alive and going to do the shopping, I constantly saw her, a quiet and timid woman, maybe she could kill her husband you never know what´s going on, it is possible, but the children? These people haven't told us something—Added the owner.

—How right—He granted when he finished the coffee—But you know what they say, the more things change the more they stay the same.


—I mean that she could change in the inside but not outside, possible or not we can´t know.

—You´re right young man.

—Whatever, I would like to stay and chat, but I have some business, I got a call from a university, they liked a project of mine and know they want to hire me, it is clear that they have investigated my academic record, with just a project they wouldn´t contact me.

—Well, yours is pretty fascinating, in my times it was a bit harder to be noticed by the others, but hey, let´s celebrate you can have that coffee for free—he proposed with a smile.

—We could go somewhere to eat, you're shabby Farius, I'll invite you with the first salary, for now pay your offense with the coffee—He said sarcastically

—These young people... what energy and how rebellious, very well then I hope to see you soon.

Walfos said goodbye to the owner and the staff, he had barely been there for 5 minutes, but he had to hurry, he could work around for a while and get money moreover he would also punish the police without letting them know about him for a while, uncertainty is stressful. Luckily the university was not far away, but even so Walfos decided to take a few shortcuts, it was when he got into an alley that it happened, then the real madness started.