Supernatural invocation

Why does the devil kill? Why is the thief accused by the accusers? Why has the ripper to stop his actions? Why should the reaper put an end to his harvest? Why is the world like this? Why is the monster the author of all atrocities? Is it a whim of fate? No, Is it a mental illness? No, Is it a puppet controlled by someone else? No, Is it a need that attacks incessantly? No, no, no... For the young man who the darkness observed and had the courage to look back, shaping the world according to the most twisted ideals and the most decadent justice is something as natural as breathing.

But.... how did he get in to that point? Life did not treat him badly, nor did it treat him well, problems came and went, something common, time passed and he could not help becoming more and more twisted, until one day he understood it, he abandoned everything that was written, he destroyed the morals of others and humiliated thinkers and their ideas, that was what made the monster thus, understand existence.

In a world that had neither good nor bad, in a world without rules, in a world in which justice is an illusion, he decided to change it, he would grasp the foundations of reality and put everything in harmony, he is a liberator and dictator, a tyrant of order, but if he wanted to change everything that surrounded him, he had to start with others, that is how he committed himself to the world and that´s why he has no regrets, in the eyes of the world he is a murderer, but there are more, political agreements, world interests, resolution of crimes, justice for all, the methods were brutal and few were the people who got involved with him and managed to continue being the same, but his mission was about to start a second phase that not even he had provided.

Before he could even finish what he started, he was called by someone else, they wanted his help and for someone so benevolent it is difficult to refuse.


The room was completely silent, they had been arguing for hours, the continuous disagreements and disrespect had led more than one of them to want to jump from their box and charge against the incompetent who claimed to be right, but neither anger nor disrespect would change nothing in this room filled with outraged people.

From their box, each leader left the situation in which they were for a moment and directed their gaze towards the floor, the room had the structure of a cylinder, at the bottom there was nothing but the floor and a large logo, this consisted on a crimson pentagram, in each of its points it had a different symbol and in the center some writings, beyond that at an intermediate height there were a total of 8 boxes, all were the same, the only thing that made them different was the people who occupied them, after that there was nothing else, the walls continued to rise until they ran into the ceiling.

The occupants of each box had already considered the option of retiring and since no one said anything they would do so, but a voice interrupted.

—Are you really serious?… You are really going to deny this!—Bladshthirt shouted from his box.

Usually in each box there were only 3 or 4 people, the leader of the corresponding faction and his chosen subordinates, in the case of the vampires box it was different, as they did not have a leader they always came in quantity, in this case they were 4 dukes, 4 earls and a subordinate of each, amounting to 16, on the other hand the box of the infernals only had one representative.

—Hm? Are you saying that we were wrong?—The leader of the werewolves asked in a superior tone.

—That's how it is!—He answered with certainty.

—What courage to be a bloodsucker—said the leader as she left her elbows resting on the railing of the box and continued with her look of superiority using her golden and vicious eyes.

—How did you say bitch? If you apologize right now I could consider giving you a skeleton for you to nibble on—He replied with an icy rage.

—And you consider yourselves the elegant ones here?—She asked as she straightened her long silver hair.

—At least we come up with ideas to save useless people like you.

The leaders and subordinates were surprised, in moments of superiority in the votes initial complaints are normal, but the continuous complaints of that duke made it clear that he was really upset.

—So your goal is for us to kneel in front of an outsider brought by vampires?—Asked seriously one of the 3 witches who were in a box.

—Although it is true that the objective is to bring a leader, your making special emphasis in that he would be brought by vampires.... that is a lack of respect, we have the object that will bring him, we have not chosen it, we don´t have any kind of catalog as the one you had for your potions, we cannot choose the most convenient leader for us—He declared firmly.

—You want to talk about disrespect? What if we talk about how we suffered to abandon some magical practices because they affected the ones of you kind? Unfortunate complainers—added another of the witches.

—You won't have the courage to say that, will you?—A demon complained from his box.

—But you need to understand, our practices have been taken away from us!

—And you dedicate yourselves to invoke ours for your benefit, normally I would not mind that kind of slavery, but since we have made a pact you are violating it in every rule, don't you think?—He finished with a question and looking directly at the witch with his piercing eyes, one of them blue and the other green, his appearance was similar to that of a human but managed to intimidate anyway.

—W-with all due respect, Mr. Beelzebub, we are not invoking anyone who would be a real loss to you.

—Are you saying then that I can show up at your house and take everything that doesn't represent a real loss to you? You know.... Stored objects like griffin wings, you have quite a few.

—T-that's true but I can give them some us-—She stopped before continuing to speak.

—What were you about to say decrepit old woman?—His words didn´t match either his tone nor his aesthetic as a gentleman, he wore a black suit, a dark blue trench coat and green gloves, but he talked and looked at the witch in a way that went beyond all that.

With the flame lit, the silence of yesteryear was abandoned and a fervent discussion began in which each one blamed the other's mistakes, this would have continued for a while longer, it could even have ended in a fight, but their actions were interrupted. From the dragon box a humanoid with red scales, horns, claws and a tail of the same color struck the ground with its tail and released a roar.

—Enough!—Declared the dragon tired of listening to them—The vampires, the infernals and the dragons have voted yes to the proposal of the bloody Duke Bladshthirt, the others have voted against, it is a 5 to 3, the idea has been proposed again and no opinions have changed, this ends here, so shut up!—After those words, the dragon and his companions withdrew.

After several sighs, snorts and clicks of the tongue, each leader along with his subordinates began to retreat, the last to leave were the vampires, the duke burned with rage, after the great work that Heikerms did in convincing his entire faction the idiots of the others refused. It would all have ended there for them, but it was not too late.

From his box, the same infernal who had defended the vampires and insulted the witches beckoned to Bladshthirt and his people, words were unnecessary, he wanted to see them. With no time to lose, they left the room and headed for one of the corners in the pentagon.

The factions lived in a very vast territory whose borders were delimited by the shape of a pentagram, in each of the blades of the pentagram resided one or more factions, in the case of vampires they lived together with dragons, but the main theme was that the center of that pentagram, the pentagon, was a meeting place whose sole objective was for the leaders to meet to reach agreements and maintain the peace between them, it was also a nexus of union for their societies, despite that barely a few minutes ago they were insulting each other and the situation threatened with fights.

They went specifically to the dark corner of the pentagon, bordering the territory of vampires and dragons, the duke sent the other vampires to safeguard the area and stayed only with his faithful herald Heikerms and with Earl Svan, one of the earls with the largest territory besides the person in charge of external affairs, there, hidden by the fog and surrounded by the mountains their second meeting would begin. Beelzebub appeared from the mist, before the infernal said nothing Bladshthirt spoke.

—Am I kidding myself or do I know what you're going to say, Beelzebub—He uttered with a small smile.

—I trust you do, you see my friend, you don't know how much I miss the old days.

—What do you mean by ´´Old days´´—Asked the earl.

—You know, the perfume of the knife flower, the changing streets, the stable government, the shouts of the rebels, the meetings with the lord, ah—He began to rave—When did we stop being Archdukes of Misery and began to come together like this and argue like savages?

—When that resistance started and we lost the greats—Svan answered with utter seriousness.

—That's why at the idea of ​​bringing a great one with us I can't help but feeling emotion.

—But they have refused, Mr. Beelzebub—Heikerms said.

—But that doesn't matter, they'll have time to reconsider, they're still very young.

—Are you saying we ignore the votes?—Asked Bladshthirt.

—Partially, though please don't play innocent, you were going to do the same—He added condescendingly.

—It is good that we agree—said the earl—But to be able to reach the object it is necessary to open the seal under which it is suspended.

—What is needed?

—Three things, it doesn't matter what they are, but each one of them has to store a bit of the essence of an ancient lord, we already have something with Dracula.

—Well.... I happen to have the rest—He announced, laughing carelessly and clasping his hands.

—Is that-

—Certain?—He interrupted—Yes, where do you have to go? The desire is killing me.

The 4 of them looked at each other, slowly a creepy smile formed on each of their faces before finally having to contain their maddening laughter. The duke warned the other vampires that they could leave and he retired with his companions to his castle, to the most remote and hidden room located in a subway that had not received anyone for more than 100 years.

The place was dark, infested by rats and bats, ghouls resided in cages, the walls as well as the entire area were made of stone and each step taken inside resonated like 10, but they finally reached their goal, a small room inside which there was only one coffin.

—Heikerms, take it to my quarters, we will collect the item.

—I will do so.

With no time to lose, the vampire grabbed the coffin with extreme care and left his 3 companions in the area, these continued to walk.

—By the way my dears, I would like to know one thing about the object.

—What is it about Beelzebub?—Bladshthirt asked.

—Although I am capable of detecting any lie, I still cannot fully believe the existence of an object capable of summoning someone as great as a lord, so…. Can you tell me what´s the trick of the artifact?—Said with a playful tone.

—Very well, as soon as we get it back I'll tell you.

—Well—He looked at him with an extremely normal face—It seems that you want to ensure the recovery first, even though I am the one who has wanted to collaborate voluntarily.

—I'm sorry for my manners, but I'd be more sorry to leave that artifact there for another second.

—You two.... This better go well, I don't want to have to deal with those bone-bumpers/Chase carriages—Svan stated.

—My friend, if everything goes well, I can assure you that the lord will educate them for you—The duke answered hopefully.

—If it comes out well....

—You are not helping me Beelzebub.

—Sorry~—He answered crooning.

Finally the three of them stopped at the end of the subway, there was nothing else left, just a huge wall, there were no places to turn and no ceiling to fly to to continue, just the wall and a chest embedded in it.

Bladshthirt recited some chants in an intelligible language put his hand on one of the pockets of his jacket and took out a vial, on the other hand Beelzebub used his magic and brought from an unknown place to where they were a scroll and gloves.

—Are these ones the objects?—The duke asked.

—A scroll with the sins that made god fall written on it and the gloves that have been bathed in the waters of the Styx and used to tear branches from the great tree ¿Didn´t you guys know about these?

—We are around 800 years old, don´t mess with us—Said the duke.

—Oh sorry—He made a little laughed—My little-

—Anyway where did you find that?—Asked the earl interrupting him.

—Where did you find Dracula?—He sharply counter asked.

—Let's save that for later—The duke asked and took a key from his pocket—Can you unite them with your magic?

—I am going to have to use a high-level spell to unite these objects in that key, it will be so powerful that it will be felt throughout this blade and perhaps for a small extension of the surrounding ones, are you sure?

—We have no other method.

—Very well then—He grabbed the objects and began to cast his magic.

Slowly the entire room began to light up, the ghouls turned to dust, the place began to shake, outside the gray clouds released a storm, from the violent waters tsunamis capable of pushing the krakens emerged, the great pentagram in which all the supernatural creatures resided saw its borders illuminated by a crimson light and finally the feeling that something ancient and horrible had just awakened haunted the entire place.

—There it is~.

The key looked old, disgusting and rusty, nothing seemed to have changed, but the three objects that had been used had started to burn in purple flames.

—This time you've outdone yourself, demon leader—Svan announced.

—Special situations require special measures—He replied as he approached the chest—Ah sorry, I think you should do this Bladshthirt, but the emotion has gotten with me.

—Leave it, you can have the honor, but be quick, your prediction about the area of ​​effect has been wrong, or in any case you have lied to us, anyway, if we don't do this quickly someone will come, well, rather, you have to do this quickly because they are already coming.

Instead of responding energetically as he had been doing so far Beelzebub said nothing, he quickly inserted the key into the chest and opened it, revealing then a dark sphere the size of a head, with nothing else to do Beelzebub grabbed the sphere, the duke and the vampire were transformed into mist as Beelzebul disappeared from the place, in less than 1 second the three had reached the duke's chambers, there was Heikerms with the coffin.

—Well?—The demon asked, placing the sphere in the center of the room.

—My grandfather, the great Earl Dracula told me that it was only a matter of time before the reign of the great three came to an end, he did not know when and did not know where, but many would rise as they had discovered a new power, knowing that he couldn´t do anything he decided to create this artifact together with the other two greats ones—he began to explain—Svan sees outside, Heikerms closes all the doors and windows and reinforces the resistance of the place.

´´Yes´´ said the two in unison, in a fraction Svan was out and in the next the whole place was closed, the count saw several creatures coming but above all werewolves and undead.

—The objective of this artifact was to bring a replacement as worthy, no, more worthy than them, but as you may have already guessed and I imagine that was what disturbed you, the possibility of building an object that would allow you to call someone more powerful that any of the big three is a dream, no, is far from dreaming, it´s a delusion, that is why they directed their efforts to call the most evil one—He sentenced and then took off his gloves and with his own claws cut his veins to drop his blood on the sphere.

—The most malicious?—He mused in shock.

—Yes, bringing the most powerful is not possible, it is simply too much to grab someone from another reality with a power greater than that of any of the big 3 and bring him here, that´s why the object is focused on alignment not power .

—That means!—He said surprised with his eyes wide open —That the object will bring the most twisted of all, he cannot seek the power of the dark lord, but he can bring it, the portal will not be made at the convenience of his power, if not at convenience of its being, but.... how will we know that it has worked?

—It´s presence will let us know "Who else besides the one who carries the darkness and the ability to exercise their sovereignty could be the malevolent King of Shadows? ´´—Recited.

—4-16 the Descent of Saur.

Bladshthirt beholded the stunned Beelzebub, a macabre smile formed on his face as one of his eyes narrowed and the other got completely open.

—Don't you wish to behold the glory again?—After those words some explosions were heard from outside—Then help me before these idiots ruin it.

—I'll give you all the time you need.—The demon went through the walls of the room and planted himself on the makeshift battlefield.

Beelzebub was an extremely powerful entity, capable of casting spells of the highest level in addition to fighting hand to hand as a frightful knight, yet the most dangerous thing about that demon was not his power, but his intelligence and instability, an offense was enough for him to make a plan of destruction on a large scale and the interruption the members of the other factions were doing was an offense, a very great one.

—Hear my call and appear! I offer you the throne and servitude, oh sovereign of darkness!—In a state of ecstasy he dropped his bloody arm on the sphere—Fulfill the legacy of the great 3 with your dark justice!

10 seconds of silence were spent inside the room, only the screams and explosions from outside disturbed that silence, slowly Bladshthirt withdrew his hand from the sphere and went to the coffin, put his two hands on it and spoke.

—Please wake up, open their eyes—He pleaded with the coffin.

Walfos had decided to take a few shortcuts, when he suddenly began to hear voices in his head, he who was quite sure of his mental health, could not help but think that it was something extremely rare, but it was even rarer to find in that alley a black sphere.

The young man was not stupid, but he was not a fantasy maniac, anyway he decided to take the sphere to investigate it since he had never seen anything like it, well, actually he had, but they did not give off such a sinister aura, that was when he touched her when the voices intensified.

—We want to bequeath you something—Said a whispering voice.

—The darkness is expanding—Said a serious one.

—The power of the throne is-

—Shut.... the fuck.... up!—Said the young man to interrupt the voices—I don´t care so relax with all those things, would be better if we talked about other things ¿How´s the day?—Asked kindly.

The voices fell silent, but not for long.

—It's decided—They said in unison.

The sphere began to absorb a very surprised Walfos, at first he struggled a little, but when he saw that his attempts to escape were useless, he decided to let himself go, if he managed to go somewhere he would need to save his energy. Walfos had the opportunity to observe how the sphere not only swallowed him, but how it consumed itself, that made him think even more seriously about what was happening.

During his short stay in the sphere, he did nothing more than float in a kind of dark void, it was certainly pleasant, but the boredom he felt made it a torture, 10 seconds later he noticed several changes, the comfort was maintained, but he was no longer there floating, on the other hand the darkness of the place was different, it had gone from infinite emptiness to a closed interior, he could feel it.

To be honest, the place he was in was not uncomfortable but it was not quite comfortable, he had enough space, but if he stretched a lot his arms and legs would collide with something, it was like being in a bed with walls and someone was touching the place, whoever was there, Walfos could hear him rubbing his hands, but what really made him want to go out were the screams he heard from outside, they were certainly horrendous, he didn't know who was responsible, but he was doing his job irritatingly wrong. Faced with such discomfort and indignation Walfos stretched his arms up and began to touch something, judging by how it felt he could swear he was in a coffin, that made sense considering the limitations of movement and the comfort he felt on his back.

He heard a few last screams, several doors and windows opening and the footsteps of several people, that made him terribly annoyed, he had not arrived in time for the screams, with some anger he crossed his arms.

—My good duke, I have bought us some time—The demon announced, beside him were Heikerms and Svan, the latter was full of wounds and his clothes were dirty and a little torn, the herald took charge of helping him.

—Only you have bought time? You have a lot of courage—Said the wounded earl.


The demon and the vampire looked at each other, disapproved each other and began to argue, on the other hand Heikerms approached the duke, he had left the coffin and had gone towards the sphere.

Has it worked?

—We will have to wait for the coffin to open, if it does not open shortly we will have failed.

—I see.

The dispute over who had bought time ended up becoming more and more intense, the vampire was truly outraged, the demon was only playing, such was the point of the earl's annoyance that both turned to the duke to decide, however this was in vain since he had been busy with the ritual, the other option was Heikerms, but he claimed that he had not paid attention to it since it was reinforcing security.

Tired of hearing unfamiliar voices Walfos put his right hand on the lid of the coffin and pushed, this did not move up in the slightest, instead it began to slide to the left side slowly and stealthily, usually despite the little noise that it made anyone would have noticed it before, but the heated discussion of the vampire and the demon together with everyone around the sphere did not let them realize it.

Walfos was finally reached by the light, it was artificial, but it was light, with some intrigue he looked to the sides of the place where he had been, now that he could see well there was no doubt, it was a coffin, he gave a slight sigh and he started to get up, but only from the hip up and he saw the place that surrounded him, it was a fairly large and luxurious room, although with a somewhat gothic style, he also saw them, 4 people arguing, at first he thought that they could be saying something interesting, but when he heard that they were fighting to know who had got more time he lost all interess, but the discussion went on and on until the young man got tired.

—Enough!—He exclaimed.

The 4 figures froze in that instant, abandoning their dispute and waiting to hear something else.

—Ah—sighed—What a way to waste time—He sentenced as he came out of the coffin, once Walfos touched the ground the demon and the earl turned around and the herald and the duke stood to one side of those two to be able to see .

—Y-you—The duke barely articulated.

—I-I—the young man sarcastically imitated—I'm somewhat intrigued, where am I?

The 4 were silent again, they did not know what to say, finally Heikerms fulfilled his task as herald and decided to give a group message.

—A-are you the invocation?

—Since I'm the only one here and I've come out of that coffin, it seems so, but hey, what does that matter?—Walfos then took his first steps and then sat on the Duke's bed—Hm.... Not bad.

—Bladshthirt seems to have been a mistake—Beelzebul said as he approached the young man and sat on the bed as well.

—What happened? Have you come because you lack attention? Do you need mine? If you ask it pleasintly enough I could pat your head.

The 3 vampires watched the situation that had just arisen with their jaws dislodged.

—Certainly, young man—He brought his hand towards Walfos's shoulder with a smile, but as soon as he touched it he could feel something beyond his expectations.

It was not the dark and powerful presence they were used to, no, it had nothing to do with it, it was something that went even further, it was completely insane, a storm of holy light bathed by the darkness of the pits of the abyss, a presence imposing that devoured all hope, bottomless depths, the deadly song and the cry of the madman, death, the gospel and descent, justice without compassion, the law of terror, absolute decadence, the original sin, the steed of the apocalypse, in front of him a maelstrom made up of the spirit of that creature was presented.

Tears began to escape from Beelzebub's eyes, he got up from the bed but his strength abandoned him and fall to he´s knees, his hands touched the ground as he dropped his neck back, he left himself fully exposed in order to observe the consumption of all belief in one creature, now he understood what ´´It´s presence will let us know´´ meant.

—¡Beelzebub! ¿¡What happened!?—Exclaimed the duke with concern.

—And so I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and the rider´s name was Death—Sentenced the demon.

—¿What?—Gasped the earl.

The vampires were surprised, astonished rather, they did not notice what Beelzebub had felt, so they decided to direct all their attention to the black sphere, it was shining with a sinister glow, it had been her, that object had allowed him to feel the interior of that young man, as it was the same who took over him.

Under the sight of Walfos, he was with 4 strange creepy cosplayers who kept saying weird things, but hey, it could be interesting to deal with them and learn about their strange behaviour.