The bet between the lord and the dragon

—That was the reason why he agreed—Concluded to explain Heikerms

—Are you saying that that lizard wants me to beat him up?—He asked a little stranged.

—Y-yes—He replied with some shyness since before his master he had to recognize the dragon as a lizard.

—Interesting, I´m getting several ideas, I will defeat him quickly and very accurately so that he doesn´t cause me problems, a few attacks should be enough.... I will defeat him in 10 attacks or perhaps less—The young man conjectured.

—What?!—The astonished herald exclaimed.

—Don't be so rude Heikerms—Rebuked Asmodeus who appeared from a portal.

—Ah... yes, I apologize—He replied with some pity, Walfos looked at Asmodeus with some weariness.

It had not been long since Walfos had ordered Asmodeus to keep those objects in a convenient place for his grip and at the same time to be easily accessible to the two of them, the young man had really thought that demon would take a while longer, but 10 minutes after he marched, Heikerms appeared and told him about that dragon, and Asmodeus returned from a portal.

Walfos must have imagined that Asmodeus's mental capacity and processes together with his speed and wisdom were large enough to do that task in such a short time, but anyway, there´s no one in the world who could prevent a young man from dreaming.

—Anyway it is very surprising, may I ask how you will do it?

—Schlachten—He replied fluently.

—Ah?—The herald whispered surprised.

—He means that he will slaughter him—Asmodeus added with vicious eyes and a disturbing smile.

—Well seen—The young man praised, Asmodeus thanked this with a bow—Anyway I still need you to accompany me, I also want Bladshthirt and Svan to come.

—I can understand that you want Asmodeus and Bladshthirt to accompany you, but why the Svan and me too?—He asked with intrigue.

—Every leader who is worthy has an entourage of reliable people, going only accompanied by 2 people would be very pathetic, no matter how representative they are, so I want you all to accompany me, also.... My trusted herald will be the one to explain to the other lizards what happened to their leader—He said with a sinister tone—Besides the count is good at defending, maybe he should accompany you he is too the person in charge of external affairs.

—Yes! I am very honored!—He replied energetically.

—Should I prepare a means of transport?—Asked Asmodeus who already had a magic circle prepared in his hand.

—Yes—Asmodeus set out to leave but Walfos stopped him—But not too quickly, I will accompany you, I want to see what you do—Sentenced Walfos, he could not allow the demon to create anything very extravagant, because if he did his efforts to dress decently would have been in vain—Heikerms, go to find the others, whey're in one of the rooms questioning the magicians.

—That's what I'll do—At that moment Heikerms started moving, but he couldn't help but appreciate the pile of ashes on the ground, there were traces of magic in them, although he didn't recognize who he was, plus he noticed vital essence, that had been alive, then a shiver ran through his body, it must have been Walfos.

Heikerms advanced through the rooms of the castle until he finally reached the one where the duke and the count were, but the scene he observed was something that completely disengaged him, sitting on chairs and only tied in hands were the magicians and in front of them and having a quiet tea were the vampires.

—What's going on here?—The bewildered Heikerms asked as he watched the room, they had been taken to a room and not to the torture chamber!

—We ask the gentlemen for some information—Pointed out a very relaxed Svan.

—That's right—Supported Bladshthirt—The Lord was very eloquent in speaking and benevolent so the magicians kindly agreed to speak.

Heikerms noticed it at that moment, the vanity charged with security and slight tinges of sarcasm that were in the words of his companions, the faces and the silence that the magicians kept, that was a trauma, he could notice the essence of the fear that lived in their hearts.

—As much as I would like to inquire there is no time for it, the meeting with Drahjsda has already been agreed and the Lord wants us to accompany him—The herald announced as it was it´s speciality.

—I'm sure we're both happy to participate....—The duke said—But what about them?

Heikerms observed both vampires with a face of disbelief and responded with some annoyance.

—Well, you just tie them up properly—He thought how stupid it sounded to have to say it.

—Ah, certainly—The count answered.

The reality was that after the simplicity of the interrogation they had experienced, the submission of the magicians and the terror that Walfos had inspired, it was a little difficult to return to their initial reasoning, the one where they were treated more as hostages and not as mere slaves at their utter mercy, they both thought that if Walfos had been there his words would have served as restraints, but in view of how the situation presented itself they again tied their feet and reinforced the ties with magic.

Heikerms observed the parsimony with which they performed these acts and could not help thinking how young they were both vampires, they had let themselves be influenced by an act, the only thing that comforted Heikerms was that at least their influence had been his new leader and not another supernatural creature of rags.

The moment they finished tying the magicians, Heikerms grabbed both vampires and set out to march to the outside of the castle, the herald thought that if they were to take it with the same calm, the journey to the carriage would be better for him to take them, Bladshthirt and Svan complained about this, but there was no other way, before their complaints affected Heikerms they would have already reached the outside.

Once they arrived at that grey and renewed thanks to the magic landscape, they observed a large carriage, this did not differ much from a common one except for its big size, it was black with white details and the engines of this consisted of 2 horses, one white and the other black, the eyes of the white were black and the eyes of the black were white, the hair of the 2 was silver.

—Is this one of your liking?—Asked a doubtful Asmodeus.

—Yes, this is actually the best you've got out—Answered a tired Walfos with a sharp look.

—But why don't you like the one with the wings?

—Because we must go to territory of dragons, they are more accustomed to flying than we are, also it would be quite offensive to demonstrate our superiority in that way—Said the young man.

The fact that Walfos had chosen to prove our superiority instead of proving our superiority made Asmodeus unable to avoid smiling, on the other hand the vampires remained watching the carriage, more specifically the horses, had a dangerous and severe aura.

—Oh, you are here—Walfos said turning to them—How has your information been obtained?

—Genuinely—The duke replied.

—Thanks to your intervention the magicians had no trouble telling us what we wanted—The count praised.

—Turns out the witches used divination spells and warned of what was happening to the werewolves, together they came here, the werewolves in the front row and the wizards at a great distance empowering them with spells—When Bladshthirt said these words the discomfort on Svan's face was noticed, it really hurt to him to have been harmed by werewolves aided by magic, that meant those bastards didn't stand a chance, or so he thought, in the end he was helped by Asmodeus—Yet the goal was not to really fight, they wanted to present themselves as heralds so we wouldn't attack them and get as much information as possible, in case things didn't go as werewolves wanted, they had to entertain us while the magicians prepared two spells, one of area of effect to destroy the castle and another of movement to teleport the werewolves to a safe place—Concluded the duke.

—What a pathetic way to impersonate a herald—Heikerms said with some indignation.

—A rather shabby and inexpensive strategy, perhaps they would come to it by arguing in a sleazy den—Asmodeus said to join the conversation.

—Either way it's not something we care about right now—The young man announced—Our target is with other creatures right now, Heikerms said that dragon is impatient and we don't have that much time, so we must leave now.

The demon and the vampires accepted the young man's words and went in the direction of the carriage, all of them settled inside, this seemed strange to Walfos at first, but then he remembered that Asmodeus could have mental connections, so giving telepathic orders to the horses to move made sense.

And that was how it happened, or at least how Walfos imagined it, the horses began their journey while the people of it were accommodated inside, for the young man that place was similar to a limousine, but bigger and more affluent, he preferred not to relax too much, eat or drink anything that Asmodeus offered him, even though it smelled good and looked good, he did not need to eat, so he will not do so at that time were he had an important thing to do later.

The first few minutes in the carriage were rather quiet, either because everyone was thinking of something different or because certain creatures were merely looking at Walfos attentively, the situation was somewhat uncomfortable, but it would be more if Walfos scolded others for it, luckily or unfortunately depends on the prospect they arrived at the mountain palace soon after, it took about 20 minutes.

Heikerms was the first to leave the carriage and humbly offered to help the others down, they had no problem with it, except for Asmodeus, he left the carriage levitating.

—Where are these horses from?—The herald asked respectufylly to the demon.

—Are you impressed by their speed?—The young man intervened.

—That's how it is, sir.

—Well.... Those over there are called War and Pestilence, do I need to talk more?—The demon asked.

—Not really...—Heikerms responded a bit shocked but keeping his composure.

Walfos was a little thoughtful about those names, remembering the horsemen of the apocalypse, but quickly deflected those thoughts as he saw Svan about to enter that mountain range, at first he thought that was the work of Heikerms, but the count was in charge of foreign affairs, or at least he would have.

As soon as he set out to cross the entrance this was destroyed by the impact of a creature, Svan reacted and became mist so he wouldn´t be damaged and then returned to his form when he reached the others, Asmodeus sighed when he saw that and made the carriage disappear with a snap to avoid destruction.

From the debris and dust stood a gigantic and frightening figure, it spread its huge wings, pulled out its claws and showed its enormous jaws from which a blackish smoke rose, the figure distinguished Walfos from the rest as he had never seen him and roared with emotion.

—What disrespect—Said a disappointed Asmodeus.

—This guy.... It is exasperating—Pronounced the duke.

—And a barbarian—added the count.

-Drahjsda!—Heikerms shouted—You better calm down or things will not go as we agreed!—He exclaimed with annoyance.

The great red dragon calmed down a bit because of Heikerms words and the reactions of others, he also calmed down because some of his people came out with concern to see what was happening.

—Very well....—The dragon said, turning off his passion a little.

—Hm? How quickly will you let yourself be influenced? What disappointment, aren't you the leader of the dragons? That was so pathetic—Walfos said under the stunned gaze and faces of the people in that place.

—Oh!—The dragon went back on fire—I like it!—He hit the ground with his tail causing a low intensity earthquake—What's your name?

—I'll tell you when I know yours.

—Didn't you hear it?

—Oh yes, but it wouldn't make much sense to accept it, after submiting you I might change it for other, or maybe not, so I'll leave that for later—Once again Walfos got the looks of total surprise and the emotion of the dragon began to increase as the ones of it´s kind began to whisper.

—Submit me?!—He roared roared causing rock falls in the surrounding areas.

—Very noisy.... Ah—Sighed—Yes, but I also want to bet something with you—Added with some annoyance.

The place went quiet suddenly, Drahjsda stopped his roars and the whispers went off, the atmosphere of the conversation had changed again.

—I will defeat you in 10 attacks or less, if I do that there won't be a single complaint about what I do next, you know, when I change the rules.

—What would I get if I win?—Asked the curious dragon.

—If I don´t defeat you in 10 attacks or less it would mean that our fight would last, therefore you would get a long and bloody battle in which to deploy your potential, in addition I promise to fight until one of the two falls, that's what you like, no?

—Yes... but I feel that this only benefits you, because you must fight with everything you have if you don't want to be crushed, but I'm curious to see how you will and well if you win I was going to accept what you did anyway, dragons respect their superiors, so I accept—Sentenced the dragon under the eyes of his kind, even Walfos was harassed by the looks of vampires and the demon, 10 attacks sounded like very little, so they wanted to guess what kind of brutal act he was going to perform, according to him this was going to be a massacre.