Internal massacre

—Before we get started, aren't we going somewhere to avoid damage to the area?—The young man asked—You know, some empty territory in the area or some combat arena you have inside—He pronounced with a little slackness as it was he who proposed it and not the dragon.

—You have been very superb to me and you have assured my quick defeat why would you care about the area now?—Asked the dragon used to destroy.

—About that....—He looked at the ground—it's...—He began to look up at the dragon—plain and simple—He looked at it with his piercing eyes—For I am a gentleman—He sentenced under the incredulous gaze of the draconic public.

Both the vampires and the demon were also a little surprised to hear those words, but the reality was that Walfos had behaved like a gentleman, sinister, but as a gentleman, he took care of Asmodeus, dressed in elegant form but not very pretentious, he threatened directly but spoke properly and did not raise his voice in any situation.

—If you're worried about manners... —Drahjsda began to say a little disappointed—Don't worry, that kind of consideration doesn't go with us, what's more, the geographical features you observe around you aren´t just natural, most are product of our presence, magic and fights, that the place changes or is destroyed will not be a problem, nor you have to have consideration with me—Announced to try to recover its emotion.

—Can you revive?—He asked curiously.

Upon hearing those words Drahjsda froze in his place and began to tremble, he did not tremble from fear, he did not tremble from power, he trembled from that feeling so genuine that it represented uncertainty, what is this young man going to do? He wanted to know now.

—I don't have abilities like that, but there are magic and rituals that can bring me back in less than a day, of course they have limited uses and recovering them takes a lot of time and sacrifice, but it's a minor risk—Responded without digging too much into the kind of ways he could be revived, he didn't want to wait much longer.

—Very well—Walfos turned and looked at his companions—Get far enough to see but do not intervene—The young man's response was expressed by 4 bows for the later retreat.

Drahjsda said nothing to the other dragons, perhaps because the words of Walfos could also apply to them and there was no need to repeat them or perhaps because that red dragon would destroy the one who interrupted him to give him help, or both.

Walfos assessed the situation, he was 20 meters away from the red dragon, to see his face he had to put his head at an inclined angle worthy of a math exercise, the dragon´s height was between 20 and 25 meters and must be between 30 and 34 meters long, He was certainly the greatest of the dragons out there, though Walfos suspected that he was also the greatest of the ones inside.

The young man had not noticed any change in his movement since he arrived in that world, so the laws of physics, specifically the law of gravity, had to remain the same, just as the gravity of the place had to be 9,8 newtons, thanks to that and that the size and weight of the dragon were exaggerated this could not be very fast.

Trying to repel his attacks would be stupid, the strength that that mass gave him was too much and the young man did not see himself as a Samson or a Hercules, also if he wanted to avoid them he could only advance or back since if he tried to move left or right he would be trapped in the area of the attack, or so he believed, he knew that now was fast, but not to that point.

Finally that dragon was carried away by emotion, he could play with that, unfortunately Walfos discarded that idea, that guy must be a berserker, once in fight manipulate it would be impossible, since he would only respond to feats in combat, that way Walfos would be unable to give him enough use of reason to take advantage of it.

Walfos thought of it all as he drew his daggers, had been quick to assess the situation, the dragon granted a huge whistle of surprise upon seeing Walfos's weapons, the air of the whistle was released with a power so great that it shattered some rocks, The young man had no doubt that if there had been, he would have knocked down trees as well.

Drahjsda had already shown his weapons, but seeing that Walfos had taken his weapons out and put himself in position he decided to show them again, jaws, claws and tail, all terribly lethal.

—Are you ready?—The young man asked with condescension at the same time as he creaked his neck.

—I always am—He said with a smile that showed his huge fangs—We´ll need an opening sign!—He exclaimed, to the ones of his kind, they beat the ground with their tails in response—When you hear them roar-

—No—Interrupted quickly and with a neutral face—It will be better if they hit the ground again with their tail, is a good sign and thus avoid a rocky fall here, I would not have cost to dodge the rocks, but it would not be the type of fight without intervention of any type we seek.

—That....—The dragon replied with impetus—That....—The dragon thought more coldly—That is well—He conceded, the emotion did not let him think clearly.

Walfos nodded to himself while sighing, on the other hand the dragon looked at the situation with some shame, this was not due to the lack of knowledge he had shown by his state of semi-euphoria, but rather by making a fool of himself in front of his opponent, especially when he was the one who wanted a fight as pure as possible.

Finally, when the two were in the right position, the dozens of dragons who were to witness the close combat struck with the tail that marked the beginning of the fight.

At first, before anything even happened, Walfos leapt back, a fraction of a second later Drahjsda lashed out at the place where he had been with his claws, at which point the young man confirmed it, that guy wanted blood, no sophisticated techniques or initial breaths, this time speculation did help Walfos, as he predicted a barbaric attack and by the time the combat began he dodged the attack to come.

The young man also checked the speed of the dragon, it was equal to his, which was good on the one hand, but terrible on the other, that dragon there was subject to the laws of physics and yet he managed to move at the same speed as Walfos, who with his new equipment broke the sound barrier, he didn´t experiment with his clothes to know, but hearing moments after his jump and attack what had happened confirmed his speed.

Then began a succession of terrible attacks that Walfos limited himself to dodge, if he focused only on not being hit he would get no damage, fell attacks with claws, blows with the tail, giant bites, headbutts with included horns, but Walfos did not let himself be reached and this despaired the great red dragon.

The dragon's attacks became more and more frenetic until at one point it happened, Walfos received a small cut on his face and drops of blood began to fall to the ground, the dragon had overtaken him in speed, Walfos would have liked to continue evading him, but there was nothing left to do, the demon and the vampires they watched this with a deadly serious face.

—Do you see it!? Running away makes no sense! Attack from the front!—The legendary creature roared.

—Tch—Clicked the tongue—I didn't run away from you, I just evaluated that strange body you have, how are you so fast you psychotic fucking dragon?—He wondered in his thoughts—Okay, I guess it's time—He announced as he began to crouch.

—It´s time?

—Yes...—He sentenced at the same time that he was jumping, concentrated force and pressure coupled with his speed made him move fast enough to drive his daggers into the dragon's right shoulder.

Drahjsda roared, none of those present knew if it was out of pain or gratitude, at great speed the dragon directed his left hand to crush the young man, but he rappelled with his daggers from the shoulder to the hand tearing the dragon's arm.

—That makes 2 attacks—The young man thought.

The dragon tried to crush him by closing his hand but Walfos leapt, at which moment the dragon took advantage to release his fiery breath, opened his huge mouth showing his fearsome jaws and released a flaming breath more dangerous than the fire of the hell depths, the breath spread all over the place, being able even to consume the rocks and to burn part of a mountain, to the point of making it fall.

When Walfos saw the breath arrive he activated the skill of his suit and released an enormous amount of darkness that spread from the air to the ground to cover it as if it were miasma, inside Walfos received the breath completely, but because of the temporary immunity he had gained to the fire he was not affected, after receiving the attack he began to generate ice to slide over it and not fall to the ground to finally undo the darkness and appear without any damage.

—How did you dodge it? Magic perhaps?—The dragon asked a bit angrily, he did not like magic tricks.

—Oh no, I fully received your fire—He assured while pointing out the icy structure that was now visible, had slipped through it and the residual heat was melting it.

—Are you saying my fire didn't affect you?—He asked with his wounded pride.

—The situation speaks for itself—The young man pronounced—But this is no time for explanations, I will finish you—He sentenced and pointed to the dragon with his blue dagger.

Once again this burned in excitement and headed to attack him, Walfos did not focus on dodging this time and jumped to stand on the arm of the creature, in exchange for that he received a painful cut, the young man could swear that a quarter of his vitality had been consumed after that, after receiving the attack and standing there he freed once more the darkness and which covered the dragon completely except his head.

Feeling that the young man was using his body to climb, he tried to stop it with blows that were only failing, he did not have the vision he needed, and at great speed he left the dark zone and began to search the area, but Walfos was not there, before that situation the dragon gave a brutal combo tearing the area completely, but it did not help, as soon as the darkness faded it was possible to prove that there was no one there.

An invisible Walfos had climbed stealthily taking advantage of the frenetic attacks of the dragon and had reached his eyes, once there he made a cut in the left eye and grabbed it and then shoved it out and inserted himself into it, after attacking its invisibility disappeared, Walfos made sure to put the eye back in the socket to be his shield

—If your anatomy is as I imagine it and you have a pair of eyes like mine but on a large scale.... That means you have choroid—The young man thought and then went into the eye at the same time that the dragon roared with pain, with that they made 3 attacks.

The choroid is the layer of blood vessels and connective tissue between the white part of the eye and the retina at the back of the eye. It is part of the uvea and supplies nutrients to the inner parts of the eye. through those vessels, normally what Walfos would do would be impossible, but the size of its large size difference allows it.

Walfos cut those blood vessels to get into them, because he didn't need to breath he started swimming through the dragon's bloodstream without having to worry much, making cuts where it was most convenient to move through the bloodstream and the various organs, long cuts and vicious tears, there were roars of pain, staggers, internal bleeding, there was a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh and an eighth attack, but Walfos stopped his internal slaughter when he arrived at his destination, the heart of the creature, despite the bleeding and the pain that had produced him still beat, that showed an unwavering resistance.

But that resistance was its inner façade, from the outside the dragon howled in pain, pounded all around, plucked scales with its claws trying to calm its inner, released powerful breaths that eventually weakened, bled through the nose, the eyes and inside as well, the other dragons observed this horrified, the vampires were also stunned and paralyzed by the fear, their leader was actually making him suffer, nor having someone resistant enough to torture would achieve that result, finally Asmodeus observed the scene with a small blush on his face, he had already wondered what kind of agony his master was going to cause and the one that had resulted was very worthy to see, that creature suffered as if it went through the pain of a thousand hells and the worst thing is that he could not do anything to remedy it, Even suffering in silence was forbidden, as he needed to shout, Svan now understood why Walfos had scolded him, those were indeed cries of pain.

—Now that you have arrived what will you do? Will you stab him?—Asked a bored Zalieus.

—No, he would have liked something fair.

—Why do you speak of him as if he were already dead?—Taramot asked this time.

—Because soon it will be, No?—Dracula answered—Cut it with the daggers, let's see how it explodes in a blood nova—He proposed with emotion.

—No, that would be many attacks, besides I promised that it would be 10 or less, the guy I have faced is a barbarian who barely kept common sense to fight, so we come to this outcome so quickly, but I understand why, Heikerms explained to me, the legend about Drahjsda the invatible dragon, the problem of reaching the top is that only the void remains, you can try to throw yourself off your pedestal, but if you are strong enough you will survive the fall and rise again, you can look for others, but then you´ll live with the fear of knowing that if you continue to win you´ll rise to the point of not being able to go down and not being able to look for anyone else, all the honor and glory that you obtained with the sparks of the past will become a boring and constant fire controlled by yourself, this dragon wants a greater force to envelope it and that's what I'll do—He decisively sentenced while channeling the cold of his blue dagger is his right hand—A direct blow, with the power of a legendary dagger and all my might.

—And why would you do so much for him?—Taramot asked, Walfos had presented himself as inconsiderate.

—Why? Because even though I am that twisted 10 you said, that walker of the abyss that destroys hopes they told me, because despite everything that I am, there is something that goes above all that.

—What is it?—All 3 asked at once.

—That I am a gentleman—He sentenced to then strike the heart with all his strength, then giving it a literal overturn to the dragon's nucleus, it roared for the last time and then fell, Walfos noticed, plus the power of the cold used froze part of the inside of the dragon making it no longer in a bloodstream, but rather in an ice rink

—Nine—He announced to himself, then grabbed a piece of the dragon's heart, crushed it in his hand and poured blood on his tongue to taste it.

—A very convincing show for those who do not know you, you are actually a mad gentleman—Zalieus pronounced before such a horrible scene.

—What face did the dragon make? Would he be happy? The way he consumed his life.... I would have liked to see the faces of the other dragons as they watched as their great leader suffered and roared in pain and as no one could do anything to prevent it, I would have liked to see the face of the dragon who wanted a head-on fight and suffered in his defeat for not having it, neither his scales nor his strength were of any use—He said at the same time that he was forming a small laugh—Sweeter than tears.