Dark Wrath

With vicious eyes he watched as the blood spilled from the piece of heart that had crushed and fell into his mouth, he swallowed every drop surrounded by the ice that had invaded the nucleus and body of the already dead mythical creature.

In a short time that piece was dry and thrown to the ground, the young man observed the enormous place that appeared before him more carefully, took his time to release a sigh of satisfaction and came closer to the heart that had struck.

Since he had come into that world he had been holding back, had contained his desire to investigate as much as his stress, he was a human who had reached the top in his world, who would bring him to another where almost everyone was superior to him was certainly frustrating, not to say that without that equipment the most common citizen could kill him if he was obfuscated with it.

The young man could use his silver tongue but what good would it do? It could save itself from some situations, but if an organized group marked it would be its end, they were faster, stronger and of course, more powerful, in the past he had to deal with mafias, but its members couldn´t fly, use magic, regenerate, have resistance or immunity to poisons... Just frustrating.

And now he had achieved victory thanks to his ingenuity in using his size, thinking about things like physics didn't help him much, the feeling eating him up was disgusting, knowing that if it were not for small coincidences or certain advantages he would already be completely defeated bothered him too, if not for his aura would have killed him those who gladly accepted to be his subordinates, were it not for his ´´Darkness´´ he could not have carried the objects you were carrying at that time, and without them that momentary immunity to fire did not exist, as well as it´s enormous speed. In what situation would he have gotten involved if he didn´t get all that equipment? Would he have had to organize a murder? Asmodeus would have participated? From what he had seen he was the strongest.

It bothered him more and more, even the fact that he had three dark lords in his mind was fortuitous, if they weren't there, how would he have noticed the music boxes or the artifacts like the ring he was wearing? The worst part was that now those voices were silent, it was Walfos who had to deal with his internal crises, not them.

Now that he thought there was something worse, he couldn't be there as long as I wanted, there were people waiting for him outside, his reflection had to be interrupted by a handful of spectators who didn't understand anything.

With a mortally serious face Walfos began to use his daggers to cut the heart of the dragon, took out his anger against the organ of a dead creature, something worthy of a fool, that there was similar to an inanimate object, a piece of furniture, and when you have problems you don't hit furniture, but damn, if they temporarily alleviate stress, especially for the young man, who does not cut for just cutting, cuts because it makes a type of macabre art incompressible to many.

Walfos dissected that heart, observed the mitral and tricuspid valves in addition to the vena cava and aorta artery, in the end the dragon was not so different in the most essential, the young man cut with malice staining the ice red until he finally dissected the organ completely, he had separated everything to the maximum and from side to side, so that the heart seemed rather one of those that are drawn and have nothing to do with the original form, it was a truly sinister work, besides he had been in charge of drawing runes and stars with his daggers, he just needed to cut.

—Be careful young man, you could let your aura out a lot—advised Dracula.

—What about aura?—He asked, he had no powers of his own, so he should not be able to manifest it.

—Maybe you can't show your power with your aura so that others feel it, but you can show the darkness, it's something different, why do you think there are people who can tell if someone is good or evil just by feeling their power?

—Well, I'll keep that in mind because I've read manga and I know what you mean, I'll have to learn about it....—He set himself that objective as a target while recovering some of his stress, impotently decided to abandon those ideas for the moment to focus on the present.

The young man looked at his work with a small smile, all in record time, it had not taken more than 2 minutes, after observing it with satisfaction he looked at himself, he was pitifully stained with blood, quite actually, had swam through a bloodstream so it was normal, his idea to clean himself was to dry the blood with the red dagger and then turn it into a frozen crust with his blue dagger, after that he would move a bit and it would break everything off, and so it worked, pitifully reeking of blood.

Without much to do about it he used the ability to go through matter from his suit and came out of the dragon, because he was no longer alive he could use it without any problem since those intestines and scales were no different from a armored door at the time, he could also have cut the dragon with his daggers, but there were several cons.

In the first place he had enough to get even, if he continued he would probably get too excited and get blood on him again, in the second place he didn't know how hard that would be, so if he cut too much and showed that it was difficult for him to get out of the dragon, he would give a bad image, in third and last place he had already defeated his adversary, if he massacred his corpse in front of the one of it´s kind would be unpleasant and befitting of a barbarian.

Without too much haste he went out completely, in that instant he realized something, the dragon had fallen face up so he went out through the chest without problems, thanks to that he could observe his surroundings with ease, for it he could feel it, a cold and overwhelming silence, looked like the place was completely desolate.

Walfos allowed himself to walk his gaze through that place invaded by silence and that had suffered terrible damage because of the dragon that had squirmed, his gaze was icy and implacable, with it he sought any dragon before his subordinates, soon found them, they were in the same position of the beginning and they looked at it very fixed, at that moment the crimson agony shone and it´s glows made the corpse react, a kind of red smoke came out of it and entered the ring, now the silence was not cold, It was crushing, Walfos didn't pay much attention to the ring precisely because of that, he didn't want to stop looking at the dragons, looking at something else could mean a surprise attack.

Before the terrible scene that had just starred that ring several dragons stood in front of a confused Walfos at great speed, he could see them coming, it seemed that their speed was still challenging physics, but not as much as that of the late Drahjsda, those who were planted were 6 dragons, 2 white, 1 green, 1 blue and 2 red, almost at the same time appeared the vampires next to the demon.

The dragons watched Walfos with anger, perhaps it was because of his way of winning, or because of what had happened because of that ring, or because he was still on top of his leader, however the other dragons looked at him with contempt from a distance, they remained more faithful to their leader bet and despite their indignation did not approach.

—My lord, do you want us to take care of the deserters?—Asmodeus asked graciously.

—What?—Walfos responded slowly and with a frightening tone of doubt as he turned his gaze to the demon, it seemed like one that mixed the most innocent of doubts with the most frightening replenishment, all with its cold and desolate tone.

His voice echoed thanks to the collapse that had occurred because of the useless blows of Drahjsda, everyone heard him, but for Asmodeus who saw him from the front went further, once again that glorious whirlwind was planted in front of him, but this time he was not in the beautiful maelstrom, but in the stormy sea, it was as if death wanted to take away his soul.

—I won, didn't I?—Asked turning to the dragons, his ring shone and his decadent aura spread across the place—Weren't there supposed to be no complaints? That's what we agreed, I finished in less than 10 attacks....—Sentenced with a small tone of guilt of the child who had done what he had been asked and had not let himself be carried away—That's okay, isn't it?

It was at that moment, when Walfos asked his question which occurred, each and every one of them, faced with the oppressive and decadent presence of the young man, felt as if their soul to fall at their feet, was not a question of power, if not of will, and that of the young man was twisted, that along with the little stress that he had just released made it much more frightening, there were no games, no eye of the storm, just chaos.

—I see.... You must be kidding, right?—Asked again, this time he looked at the vampires, they were paralyzed, the grip of death grabbed their necks tightly, if not for they didn't need to breathe they would have suffocated, In the end they could only affirm with their heads—I see—He whispered with his sinister tone of voice which spread through the place and echoed, his voice began to invade the minds of others—But what a bad taste did not?—Once again he asked with his ´´¿No?´´ staring at the dragons that had begun to tremble.

No one answered the young man, no one wanted to talk, if he did he would be reprimanded, they would receive punishment from the young man and that was not something they wanted, they did not know how he acted, but he was totally intimidating, he knew how to make a dent in their heads.

—Ah...—The young man sighed, he began to calm down, his aura did too—It seems that my thoughts before were just me trying to escape my responsibility, I can't leave the aura for a future, He thought as he left his position on the dragon's corpse, everyone stared at him—What? I don't intend to be here when you relive it.

After those words the enlightenment reached the heads of the dragons, they certainly had to revive him, that fight had only been the result of a fight proposed by their leader to know if it was worth subordinating or not, Walfos had not won as they would have liked, but he had, the test was over, the humiliation and death had clouded their ability to think, maybe the ring was only a preventive thing, if he had told them about the resurrection that meant that the ring was nothing serious, sadly Walfos didn´t knew what the dragons thought, he had not even paid attention to it yet, it could be noticed later, he was now facing a lot of possible enemies.

—My lord—Asmodeus appeared floating beside Walfos—It was great—He smiled with satisfaction as a blush formed on his face, Walfos took very seriously the things that that guy might be thinking, he was as tall as he was, but he has a finer face and since he had given his a name he seemed a little more childish, was he one of those weird people? The young man hoped it wasn't, he had already dealt with people like that in the past and was annoying.

—Certainly impressive—Heikerms who formed from a cloud of smoke praised on the other side of Walfos.

—Something worthy of you—Bladshthirt remarked.

—You have proved your worth to those heretics—Svan added.

Walfos listened to the praise of his entourage with anguish, these people knew nothing, did not even understand the mental process to which he had submitted, first they warn him that he has to fight against an unbeatable and powerful dragon, then the dragon defies his comprehension completely and if it were not for his choices with the objects he would not have had it so easy, mainly because he could not resist fire breaths, then the other dragons's replenishment, everything he had to do before and the people who got into his head, who despite having taken it very lightly bothered him, Walfos had to endure and repress his aura.

—Excuse me—The green dragon spoke—We will make the preparations for the resurrection, when you are ready we will warn you, your presence is important—He remarked the ´´Important´´ with some seriousness to then along with his companions take the body of Drahjsda.

—Well that dragon is not wrong, being there is important, but after what has happened with the ring is more so—Said the demon at the same time that he placed his feet on the ground.

Once again the young man was surprised, now he should find an answer to that ring before that ritual happened, which judging by how the dragons had treated him would be quick, that leader was in very high esteem, unfortunately he couldn't ask anyone other than the dark lords in his head or find out for himself, to ask anyone other than them would be tantamount to saying ´´Yes, that thing that happened after I got out of the corpse, can anyone explain what it was?´´ Simply inadmissible.