The function of the ring

The dragons warned Walfos of the time it would take to have the preparations ready, an estimate of at least two hours, the young man was told that he could rest inside the mountain palace and even observe the process, this interested him in the first instance, but if he did, he wouldn't concentrate on figuring out the ring problem, if it was something magical, he'd have to come up with a compelling excuse for someone else to want to do it.

In the face of Walfos's refusal to attend the funeral ritual, the dragons were somewhat disappointed, but Walfos claimed that Drahjsda was a worthy and powerful opponent, so seeing his corpse moved back and forth would only dishonor his memory, for the most fervent subordinates this was sufficient explanation, perhaps the others would have reneged a little, but only those closest to the red dragon would prepare the ritual so it was okay.

As a result of the removal of the dragons, Walfos wondered how he would get rid of his entourage for a while, how he would convince them not to bother him, thinking of two things at the same time was not a problem as long as the two of them did not involve a great mental effort, having to deal with them could be problematic, so the young man chose only to ask the vampires to retreat, Heikerms could supervise the surroundings while Bladshthirt and Svab would return to the castle to continue with the hostages.

Asmodeus was a separate case, he was the most annoying of the three, but he was also the most powerful and the most knowledgeable, if he needed to flee or had any doubts which he could disguise as something else he should be the one to help him.

The herald humbly accepted the request to search the surroundings, and it made sense, after so many roars and natural disasters it would be rare for anyone to approach to see, on the other hand the duke and the count marched somewhat disappointed in the carriage of Asmodeus, There was nothing left for them to do over there, but it was interesting to stay in the area.

Accompanied only by Asmodeus, Walfos decided to start with his reflection, now he would only have to respond to the insistence of a creature, or so he thought, because there were also complaints.

—What a way to treat the guests the dragons have.... They could have brought some kind of furniture abroad for greater comfort-

—The dragons need to rest in huge places, so their furniture is usually simply the floor, or something they prepare with blows to fit more, so I don't think they have a lot of furniture—said the young man.

—Hm... Right, where you come from dragons don't belong together, so it's common for me to say, actually around here they have all kinds of furniture since they have a partnership and share territories, plus furniture our size, the half dragon are more or less our stature—Announced the demon.

—I see, you've worked for something like that... Anyway I don´t think everyone shares it, some can not stand that kind of comfort—Pronounced something thoughtful the young man.

—Certainly, the dragon you have just faced is accommodated inside a volcano, yet I still think the same, if there are such furniture they should be more courteous to you—He said with some childish rage.

—Then why don't you get something? Let's see what you can do to accommodate us, I trust that you can do something good—The young man replied—And so in passing you let me think—The young man thought with tiredness.

—I will be honored to serve you—After those words he began to clean the area and make all kinds of magical objects, chairs, tables, umbrellas, glasses.... even a source.

At the time Asmodeus was performing the task entrusted to him, Walfos inquired further into the matter. The possibility that the ring had absorbed his soul was high, but the ring pertained to Dracula, why would the object behave like this? Wouldn't it make more sense to turn him into an undead? He also thought about the possibility that the ring would absorb the power of his victims, but there were several problems with that, he would have first realized how he absorbed magic from the magician he killed, or at least the vampires or the demon would have notified him when they saw him, plus the magician didn't release smoke, that theory also had the problem that if that were the case, instead of leaving their consciousness in a sphere and risking it, the three dark lords could have bequeathed all their powers to one as well as other creatures could have surrendered their powers as well and prevent their defeat, that was denied.

At the same time he thought Walfos sat in one of the chairs of the paradisiacal stage that Asmodeus had prepared while the latter served him a cup of tea. Nor could it be some kind of usurpation, if the aim was to remove the essence of the body and allow another to possess it they would have asked, at least once, who he wanted to give the body of the dragon, besides the other dragons would have been angry, Walfos sipped his tea and wondered if it was some kind of materialized memories, maybe the function of the ring was to change the memories, the young man discarded that option quickly, if you're a vampire why you're going to kill someone, change his memories and then relive him in a normal way if you can just turn him into an undead in your service or another vampire.

—It will be an hour and I do not know the answer, why don´t you help me a little?—He asked something annoying to the voices in his head.

—Did you ask for help before?—Zalieus replied with condescension.

—Do I need to ask for help when it is clear that I need it? Are you so desperate for me to specifically refer to you and ask you?—He answered with another question and unburdened—Is that what turns you on?—He asked to abandon seriousness.

—If your insolence were equivalent to your deductive capacity we would not have to go through this—Pronounced Taramot joining the conversation.

—Since you like to talk about deducting, how come you didn't figure out a way to win without turning to me?

—That's painful for the poor man—Dracula announced with a tone of carelessness while Taramot gave a tired sigh.

—So? The one I have is your ring—He said to the last voice that he had spoken.

—Ah yes, well, I will be direct, because if I am not clear and concise it could be difficult, why? You might think-

—Enough—Interrupted Zalieus—Stop playing.

—I agree, we don't need to hear you talk about ways to understand something—Taramot added.

—I agree with them too, he went straight as you said—The young man sentenced.

—Ah...—Whispered in the dark, his complaint echoed by the young man's mind—The ring serves to change people, causes the soul of the individual to leave his body and begin to dwell within, there the ring tests the person, this to know the compatibility with the wearer, if the target could be inserted into the ring and was not annihilated within minutes means that the soul is willing to work alongside the wearer, this is proven thanks to the ring checking the personality of the affected, although he cannot change it, he can incite the person to change for himself, arguing the benefits that that entails, yes, the ring speaks, but it's like a mechanism, it doesn't have a consciousness of its own, but it nothing can be done the ring just gets rid of the target leaving the body intact so that people like me can transform them into creatures without will.

—Why do you bother to try them? You can have their benefits without resorting to them—Taramot said.

—That's true, but keep in mind that a zombie can't talk, can't perform missions more complex than eliminating someone and doesn't have the conscience to reason plans on his own, if I can get a subordinate able to think for himself but be loyal to me, then to suppress his will is not necessary, moreover, if he refused in the end he would end up being a subordinate without will, no matter what I get whay I want—The vampire replied fluently.

—You have a good point, moreover, when you show your new servant's loyalty to his former allies and they can see that he is not totally dominated they become more susceptible—Praised Taramot, who had become accustomed to huge legions of the living dead in which a few had their own will.

—Then that means that the dragon has accepted it—Said the young man to nothing reasoning.

—Well, that barbarian said that if you won he was going to join you out of respect, so it was an obvious result, the ring must be guarding his soul right now, nothing more—Zalieus added.

—So when I'm in place I just have to point the ring at the corpse or how's it going?

—He will be able to leave on his own, only worry not to have the desire that he doesn't—Dracula replied.

—I see, another thing, does the ring have any side effects?—The young man asked seriously.

—The ring doesn´t....—Dracula replied slowly while laughing a little.

Walfos would have liked to ask the reason for an answer like that, but he was returned from his trance to reality by Asmodeus, who brought a piece of cake to his mouth, at first Walfos had not paid attention to him, But the demon began to chew the cake himself and now approached him dangerously, this time it was Walfos's instinct that brought him back to the demon's strange intentions.

—What are you doing?

—I feed you the best way I can—He responded telepathically so as not to spoil the piece of perfectively chewed cake he had in his mouth.

Walfos looked at the demon with surprise when he realized the reason for his mental response and with the intention of calming down he observed the area to clear himself, the young man was a little surprised to see that Asmodeus had placed grass and it was not artificial, in fact, now that he was looking at the place better, that mountainous and ruined place was now quite beautiful, it reminded him of the gardens where the tea parties were held.

—You know, I have no need to eat or drink—Said the young man then turn around and look at Asmodeus.

—That is surprising considering that you´re is alive, but in any case you should not deprive yourself of pleasures such as exquisite food or good drink—The demon argued—Allow me—Again closed distances.

—Ah—Sighed—Leave it, I will do it on my own—He sentenced to then grab a piece of cake on his own, it was perfectly placed on a small white structure next to other cakes.

Asmodeus observed with some disapproval that scene and Walfos took the cake to his mouth, it was certainly sublime, he had not tasted anything like it, but anyway he did not finish enjoying it since the young man imagined that it would be so, if you got to live for millions of years, you have magic, powers and all kinds of fantastic ingredients it's normal for that to happen, especially when Walfos had only tasted food from the human world with ingredients from there.

—It's pretty good, where did it come from?—He asked curious.

—Normally the food is made by Ialdabaoth, but as it was a special occasion so I made it—He said proudly.

—You have just admitted in front of me that you have accelerated the process in some way, if not, it does not give you time—The young man thought reluctantly—It has been a good job.

—If I continue to grant you what you ask, will you give me a reward?—The demon asked calmly.

—Hm....—The breeze moved the young man's hair a bit—I didn't order this, but I can still enjoy the atmosphere, so yes, are you thinking that your reward is to accept that method of feeding?—He asked with sarcasm.

Before the answer of his master, Asmodeus remained in a deep silence and began to reflect, after a few seconds a perverse smile formed in his face and began to delirious, before this situation Walfos seriously posed the type of person that was that individual.

The young man's thoughts would have lingered longer, but several half-dragon left the mountain palace to warn them that the ritual was ready, The dragon half were surprised by the scenario that was posed in front of them while Walfos was surprised by the speed of those dragons, they had estimated a minimum of 2 hours, but he could swear that barely went an hour and a half, anyway it was something that could happen.

—Gentleman—Said one of the half-dragon while concealing his surprise tone—Join us, we will be your escort—Sentenced.

Walfos rose instantly, in the process placed his left hand on Asmodeus's shoulder to lean on and at the same time release him from his strange trance, this was a success, the young man did not know what Asmodeus's conclusions had been, but as long as nothing very rare or impossible could do it, in the end that demon's desires were conditioned by the situation of the factions and their enemies, so things like revenge or the desire to recover something he lost can be targets in the future.

With no more to do in that place the duo began to follow the half dragons who had gone to escort them, Asmodeus got rid of the nice place he had created with a slap and Walfos evaluated his companions, they were quite similar but very different in certain things, To begin with their stature was similar, they all had to be about 2 meters in height, they had robust bodies and a kind of retractable scales, their claws looked sharp and their horns frightening, each one of a color, the dragon half who had spoken to them had purple scales, and a prominent tail, the rest of the half-dragon were blue.