Chapter 23: I just…Feel Upset on Thinking You Feel the Same Way

Early the next morning, Yu Qinghuan went to the filming set, though he didn't have a part today. But since he went to the Grand Theater last time, he had developed a habit of observing how others acted.

Liu Jia'an felt a little surprised at first. A young man in his early twenties should play video games or sleep in the hotel till the sunset when he didn't shoot. No one would be so self-disciplined.

But after Yu Qinghuan had kept doing so for some time no matter what, Liu Jia'an gradually got used to it.

One day, on seeing Yu Qinghuan, he took off the cigar in his mouth and said hello to Qinghuan with a smile, "You are early Qinghuan."

"Morning, director." Yu Qinghuan sat next to Liu Jia'an and watched the monitor together with him.

Liu Jia'an sighed with emotion, "Your life style is completely different from other young men.

Yu Qinghuan chuckled, didn't say a word.

"I found it's really reasonable to hire you," said Liu Jia'an suddenly. Looking at Yu Qinghuan's stunned expression, he explained with a smile, "I thought you are just a diligent newcomer, and with a very reasonable price. I didn't expect you are quite appropriate for this occupation. Let's put aside your acting skills aside, even your hot search ability has saved me a lot of publicity expenses."

Liu Jia'an had a habit—he would see every program presented by the national station.

Although people had been badmouthing the national station these years, like the hosts job-hoppinh together, programs becoming more and more boring, Liu Jia'an still gave his support and turned up his nose at those comments.

Most programs of the national station belonged to serious content. They seldom launched entertainment programs. But every time they launched an entertainment program, it would be a classic one.

Let's put aside those grand and exquisite documentaries. The new Young People Want High, whether its conception or the content, they were both outstanding, beating other rotten variety shows to the ground.

They interpreted what was "your dad is still your dad." with what they could do, no matter how many years had passed.

Last night, Liu Jia'an put off all his work and waited for the second episode of Young People Want High before the television. He never expected he would see Yu Qinghuan in the interview.

To show up in such a hot show, even as a passer-by, it was already very rare, let alone Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu had contributed so many blisters.

"What hot search ability?" Yu Qinghuan had already left the interview in the street behind. And now hearing Liu Jia'an words, he was completely at a loss.

"Oh!" Liu Jia'an took out his phone, "Don't you know? You and Huo Qu made a hit on Weibo yesterday."

What? After Yu Qinghuan leaned forward to see what was going on, he nearly blacked out.

How could it be? Hadn't his good luck been gradually gone? Even if this show was hot, they only showed up for a few seconds as passers-by, how would so many people were gossiping about them?

Wait? That person said she met Huo Qu at the airport of America?

Yu Qinghuan zoomed in the photo on Weibo and confirmed it was Huo Qu.

But it ain't no right. Huo Qu said he'd stay there for a week. Something happened? And seen from the photo, Huo Qu was all alone, no one around.

On thinking that Huo Qu went to the airport himself, Yu Qinghuan nearly had a heart attack.

He immediately asked Liu Jia'an to contact Huo Rong and inquired about the situation.

Liu Jia'an knew about Yu Qinghuan, plus he had seen him and Huo Qu together in the show, so he didn't suspect their relationship at all and immediately dialed Huo Rong's number.

At this time, Huo family had already fallen into a panic. Huo Rong with a bristly unshaven chin was sitting on the couch, with red eyes, saying with a hoarse voice, "I was just joking, brother. I never expected he would really fly back alone."

Huo Rong felt like stung by remorse. He'd wish that someone could give him a stab. If something bad happened to his little brother, he would never forgive himself.

Huo Rong gave Huo Rong dagger eyes, "For all these years, I thought you have grown up."

"Brother!" Huo Rong threw a punch on the tea table, saying with a trembling voice, "I said I didn't mean it. How old am I? How could I ever play tricks on him…"

"You better be." Huo Zheng took his eyes back from him, "Adjust your expression. Pretend everything is as normal, or dad and mom will know. Now bring some people to the airport now."

Although something went wrong at his little brother's side, things hadn't gone to the worst step. At least he correctly boarded on the right flight. So they should not blame Cheng Ya, instead, they should thank her.

Otherwise for his little brother's stubborn characters, who knows where he is gonna send himself to?

"I'll go now." When Huo Rong was about to leave, his mobile phone rang.

Hearing it was Yu Qinghuan, he didn't hide any detail from him, but told him everything while driving.

On the second floor, hearing the loud engine sound of her son's sports car, Mrs. Huo wept in bed, looking very sad.

They were all her flesh. How would she not notice something happened? Those kids didn't want to worry her, so she could only pretend that she knew nothing.

"Don't cry." Her husband moved to her and wept her tears for her with his rough hands, but his voice was gentle, "You are going to be a granny, how could you cry for such a small thing? Qu will be all right. Didn't they say he has already boarded? Are you afraid that he may get lost on the plane?"

"Bah! Bah! Bah!" Mrs. Huo gave him a resentful expression, "You are lost! Are you even his father?" Now she got angrier and raised her voice, "You promised those old men could take care of him, so I didn't let the bodyguards go with him. Otherwise, how would this happen?"

Looking at his furious and misbehaving wife, Mr. Huo heaved a sigh, "Miao, Qu is nearly thirty years old. You can not always take him as a kid. He is much better than before. Now he has someone he cares about and is willing to connect to the outside world. You can't always put an eye on him. Have you ever thought about this? If things keep going on like this, what if we get old someday?"

Actually Mrs. Huo was already convinced by her husband, but she still wouldn't admit it, "So what? He has two elder brothers."

"But Huo Zheng and Huo Rong will get married some day and have their own wives and kids. How could they put all their attention on Qu like us?"

Mrs. Huo pursed her lips, but didn't talk back.

"All right," Mr. Huo patted her back and comforted her, "Pretend we know nothing. Leave it to those kids. Didn't you say it's a little cold recently? I'll check out some warm countries. Then you pick one and only you and me…"

Yu Qinghuan met Huo Rong at the entrance when he arrived at the airport.

"I have checked his flight. It's almost arrived." No time for small talk, Yu Qinghuan looked at the people behind Huo Rong and came straight to the point, "He should come out at Exit A. You have more people. You can split out, so you wouldn't miss him."

"OK." Huo Rong approved and did as he suggested.

"Wait," After taking a few breaths, Yu Qinghuan continued, "Let's exchange our numbers. If you see him, you can tell me in the first place, vice versa."


After everything was arranged, the only thing they needed to do was waiting for Huo Qu.

Yu Qinghuan waited before the arrival hall, scanning the crowd without blinking, feeling very awful.

He had never expected that Huo Qu would do this for him.

He even didn't know how to cross the road, but immediately came back from abroad, even gave up the academic exchange conference on hearing Yu Qinghuan got bullied.

What was he thinking at that very moment? Didn't he feel frightened when he thought of the scene he'd wait at the airport alone helplessly?

How did he overcome such instinct fear for such a friend he hadn't known for long?

Yu Qinghuan could get no answer of any of these questions.

He knew that, whether to the fellow scientists or to his family, this was a big trouble, but he didn't know why he felt very happy deep in his heart.

He had never had the feeling of being valued and cared about by someone for no reason since his parents died.

Yu Qinghuan felt sore in his eyes. He thought he had to do something for Huo Qu. It was never one side's giving between friends. He couldn't just take Huo Qu's selfless giving for granted.

After breathing upon his hands to keep warm, he raised his head and suddenly pinned his eyes at somewhere–

Among the crowd pressed for time on their journey, Huo Qu, straightened up like a poplar, looked extra conspicuous. He pursed his lips, with that notebook in his hand. It seemed he raised his hand trying to look at his notebook, but got humped against from behind suddenly and the notebook immediately fell on the ground.

Before he had time to pick it up, those passers-by already stepped on it.

He stared at the ground, looking his head, like a little fawn accidentally breaking in a big city.

Yu Qinghuan felt pains in his chest. Before his brain giving him an order, his body already rushed to him, "Huo Qu!"""

On hearing the familiar voice, Huo Qu's eyes shone, and then he pinned his eyes on Yu Qinghuan, "Qinghuan, it's you!"

"Why do you come back in such a hurry?" Knowing it was because of him, Yu Qinghuan still wouldn't admit it, "You know how much trouble have caused to others? What about the academic exchange conference? How could you miss such an important conference for no reason?"

Seeing Huo Qu nearly buried his head in his chest because of shame, Yu Qinghuan felt that he finally let out the complicated feeling he had suppressed.

Great! This person came back in a whole piece.

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu looked at him cravenly, "You…are you mad at me?"

"Of course I'm mad at you! Have you ever considered the consequences? Huo Qu, you are an adult, not a kid anymore. You should have the sense of responsibility."

"But…"Huo Qu pulled a corner of his clothes restlessly, "Except me, there are other representatives on behalf of our country."

Yu Qinghuan took a deep breath, and immediately understood what he was trying to say.

Without Huo Qu, others could replace him to attend the academic conference. But no one was with Qinghuan except him.

Yu Qinghuan didn't say a word, which made Huo Qu more nervous. He peeped at him now and then and suddenly stretched out his hands and held him in his arms.

"Qinghuan, I…I am wrong. Don't be mad at me." After a pause, Huo Qu buried his head in Qinghuan's neck and explained why he came back with a resolute tone, "Qinghuan, don't be afraid. I am back now. I will kick the ass of the guy who bullied you."

Huo Qu was a bit higher than Qinghuan. So now he was trying to hold the whole Yu Qinghuan into his arms unhandily, which made him like a hen stretching out the wings to protect the chicken, very funny.

But Yu Qinghuan was not in the mood to laugh. He felt both sad and annoyed and nearly couldn't restrain himself. Finally he tried to calm himself down a bit. When he opened his mouth and was about to say something, he suddenly felt his clavicle wet with cool liquid flowing down his chest.

"Why are you crying? Now you are afraid that you got into trouble?"


"Then why are you crying?"

"I don't know. I just…I just feel upset on thinking that you feel the same way."