Chapter 24: Just a Kiss but still Failed

For a moment, Yu Qing Huan's mind was completely blank.

The voices of the people outside and the engine of the car all disappeared in his ears. Only Huo Qu's words, "I just…feel upset on thinking you feel the same way" kept circulating in his mind.

He always thought that Huo Qu's empathy was missing so that he could not feel the emotion of ordinary people.

But at this moment, Yu Qinghuan realized that Huo Qu knew everything in his heart, he just had no chance to express it.

Yu Qinghuan remembered that the last time someone cared about him this way was more than ten years ago. The broker in his previous life was a mutually beneficial relationship with him, only caring about his commercial value. While most of those so-called friends only wanted to get something from him.

As for his emotions and feelings, no one cared at all.

What Huo Qu said was like a warm current rushing in an upsurge, having melted the ice in Yu Qinghuan's heart in an instant. His heart seemed to be soaked in warm water, which was extremely comfortable.

Yu Qinghuan's eyes turned red, then he patted Huo Qu on the back. "Well, I'm not upset, shall we go back first? Your brother is still waiting for you."

He thought the best thing he had ever done in this life was to pick up the lost Huo Qu by the roadside.

Huo Qu took a sniff and raised his head from the side of Yu Qinghuan's neck. His long thick eyelashes were wet and clustered with tears and looked somehow pitiful.

"Don't you feel embarrassed?" Yu Qinghuan chuckled, deliberately stretched out two fingers, trying to catch Huo Qu's eyelashes. Unexpectedly Huo Qu did not even blink his eyes to let him succeed.

Everyone had instinctive reactions, especially the eyes, which would instinctively dodge when threatened by external forces. However, Huo Qu did not. It could only be done through complete trust and unsuspecting.

Yu Qinghuan's fingertips were stained with wet tears from Huo Qu. When the wind blew, the soaked part was extremely cold and unforgettable.

Yu Qinghuan took a deep breath, suppressed the sour feeling, and then sent a message to Huo Rong, telling him that his brother had been found.

"Let's go, your brother is worried."

Huo Qu nodded and followed him obediently.

Yu Qinghuanscolded Huo Qu as he walked, "What are you going to do next?" He was afraid that he may not understand him, and added, "Is it really okay not to attend the academic exchange conference? Do you need to inform your superior?"

Huo Qu hurriedly shook his head, "Doesn't matter."

Yu Qinghuan continued, "Didn't you say earlier it was important?"

"But not as important as you," Huo Qu blurted out.

It was an absolute truth that Yu Qinghuan had a sexual orientation for men. Now what Huo Qu said with a show of seriousness was stirring his heart. He could not help palpitating when looking at Huo Qu's handsome face.

He said in his heart three times of ��Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests" to barely restrain his heartthrob.

The two had just walked to the door of gate 4 when Huo Rong came running with a face of surprise. When he saw Huo Qu, his whole body was relieved, "My dear brother, promise me, don't frighten me like this next time, ok? Our eldest brother almost skinned me!"

"I'm sorry." Huo Qu apologized in a sincere tone, "I was wrong."

Huo Rong was stunned when he heard these words.

This was the first time in more than 20 years that he had seen his younger brother apologize.

Huo Qu was very simple, but it was because of this kind of simplicity that he insisted on his own ideas all the more. He would never feel himself wrong. Even if his family took turns to persuade him, he would not change his ideas.

Facing their earnest efforts, he would only stay silent and refuse to communicate.

Today's apology was a leap forward for Huo Qu.

"No, it…I mean…it doesn't matter." His silly brother Huo Rong was so happy and was almost to float up. Before their reunion, he planned to complain in front of his parents, but now, even if Huo Qu said he would resign from the institute, he would support him with both hands up, let alone the dropout from the academic exchange conference!

He ran up to Huo Qu, with a silly smile, "Come on, go home with me."

However, he did not expect Huo Qu to take a step back and stand behind Yu Qinghuan, staring at him warily, "No."

"Or do you want to go back to America?" Huo Rong could not understand what his little brother meant. He grabbed the hair, under kind of distress, "Don't, little brother, anyway, that kind of conference would be held every year. Rest assured, I will help you handle with the institute. How could you endure the tiring round trips?"

Having said that, he reached out his hands for Huo Qu, but was dodged by the opposite side.

Huo Rong's face was full of doubts, "Qu?"

Huo Qu looked firm. "I want to go back with Qinghuan."

Yu Qinghuan did not expect he would suddenly say so and was startled. After returning to absolute being, he was in some distress situation, "You should go home first. I'll come to see you when I'm free. I live with the film crew now, and you can't go there."

Huo Qu shook his head, uttered the same word, "No."

He wanted to be with Qinghuan.

"Listen to me," Yu Qinghuan patted him on the shoulder, "Go home with your brother, I need to go back to work soon. Call you later."

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu took hold of Yu Qinghuan's skirt and looked at him with sparkling eyes, which looked pathetic.

Before Yu Qinghuan could say anything, Huo Rong surrendered first.

"OK, fine. Take him away. I'll tell Liu Jia'an." Huo Rong could not bear to be tough on his little brother and was also worrying him to set the world on another fire. So he just put the duty on Yu Qinghuan, "Don't worry, he would agree."

"All right." Since Huo Rong said so, Yu Qinghuan could no longer refuse, but nodded in agreement.

Huo Rong saw his little brother's little face immediately lit up as bright as the sun.

Unaccountably, Huo Rong's heart suddenly filled with a strange sadness like marrying out a sister…

When leaving the airport, Yu Qinghuan felt that someone was watching them.

Having been photographed by paparazzi in his previous life all the time, he was very sensitive to other people's sights. However, he always felt something was wrong because he was just a newcomer in the circle. Which paparazzi would take pictures of him, just because of eating too much?

He carefully looked around and found no suspicious characters, but the feeling of being peeked was still there.

Yu Qinghuan could not help but poke Huo Qu with his elbow. "Have you noticed anyone is watching us?"

As long as he was with Yu Qinghuan, other people or things in the outside world did not exist to Huo Qu. He shook his head in bewilderment.

Yu Qinghuan held his forehead, regretted having asked him. Just as he was about to pull Huo Qu to run away, a timid voice suddenly sounded behind him, "Excuse me… Are you…Qinghuan and Huo Qu?"

Yu Qinghuan froze, and then turned around and nodded, "Yes," he glanced at the girls in front of him, "Excuse me…you are?"

"Ah! What a luck!" The leading girl's face was filled with joy, and her meaningful eyes swept over Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu, making Qinghuan feel creepy.

"We are your fans." Just when Yu Qinghuan could not help retreating, the girl finally opened her mouth, "We've been waiting for you at the airport since the early morning."

"Thank you, but don't do this next time." Yu Qing Huan had always been kind and considerate to his fans especially when he saw the girl's thin figure.

"Qinghuan, you're so sweet," the girl looked at Yu Qinghuan with stars in her eyes. "Work hard, both of you, and we will support you!"

What did she mean? It's okay to let him work hard. But why was Huo Qu counted? Before Yu Qinghuan could come up with an explanation, Huo Qu, who was standing behind him, suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of him, his face full of displeasure.

Yu Qinghuan, "?" What was this all about?

"Ah!" The girls flushed with excitement and screamed on and on. Under Yu Qinghuan's puzzled eyes, they directly stuffed a small notebook into Huo Qu's arms, "It's for you! May you live happily all your lives!"

Then they turned and ran away.

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Well, he finally understood the identities of these girls. They turned out to be fans rooting for the two to get together.

He had seen the capacity of this kind of fans in his previous life and worried about they would write something strange in the notebook. So he hurriedly grabbed the notebook and turned over several pages. Fortunately, these girls were not so out of line, there were only the cartoons of him and Huo Qu, and nothing strange.

After returning the notebook to Huo Qu, Yu Qinghuan asked, "What happened to you just now?"

"I don't want them to look at you." Huo Qu replied very honestly.

Huo Qu also did not know what was wrong with himself. Last time he felt unhappy because of Zhao Qingyuan, this time because of these girls. As long as they were slightly too close to Qinghuan, he would feel very uncomfortable.

Of course, he knew that the word parrot describing Zhao Qingyuan was not good. But how could he rob the Lamian noodles that Yu Qinghuan specially made for him that day? So he interrupted his second brother and deliberately said Zhao Qingyuan was a parrot.

Although he knew all the reasons in his heart, he just could not control himself.

"Not that serious." Yu Qinghuan did not take his words seriously and thought it was just the possessiveness desire among friends. He laughed, "Since when have you become so stingy?"

Huo Qu's eyelashes quivered, his head bowed and he said nothing.

After Yu Qinghuan returned to the film site with Huo Qu, Liu Jia'an said nothing. It seemed Huo Rong had informed him in advance already.

But the accommodation posed another problem due to Huo Qu's arrival. The hotel rooms rented by the film crew were fully occupied. Yu Qinghuan was not at ease to let Huo Qu stay in other hotels. Finally, he could only let Huo Qu sleep in his room.

"I'll take a shower first, your clothes for changing are here," Yu Qinghuan pointed to the cabinet beside, "Take them out later. Your turn is after me."

Huo Qu obediently nodded his head, found out his clothes, and put them away properly. Glancing at the hand-painted notebook on the bed head, he could not help opening it.

With just a glance, he was shocked.

The book was full of cartoons of him and Qinghuan! Eating, reading books, and even watching movies together!

The little figures in the cartoon had his and Qinghuan's names on the heads, which was adorable! The more he read it, the more he liked it. Then he turned to the last page and his face turned red in an instant.

There was a cartoon of him and Qing Huan kissing. It was so lifelike that even his blushes were drawn!

How… How could it even be possible?

Huo Qu threw away the notebook in panic and almost fell off the bed.

How could he and…Qinghuan kiss? They were not husband and wife!

However, even Huo Qu himself did not know why, the picture had been engraved in his mind, and could not be driven away.

When Yu Qinghuan came out of the shower, he noticed that Huo Qu flushed with his whole person looking like a flaming shrimp. He immediately got a fright. "Are you all right? Feeling sick?"

"I, I'll go take a bath!" Seeing Yu Qinghuan, Huoqu's whole body was going to smoke. For the first time, he did not dare to look directly into Yu Qinghuan's eyes. He quickly ran into the bathroom.

What happened to this guy? Got his head bumped?

Yu Qinghuan was puzzled. He withdrew his eyes from Huo Qu and quickly made the bed. Just now Huo Rong sent him a message saying that Huo Qu must go to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening, not a minute earlier or a second late.

Maybe it was because of the new environment, Huo Qu's behavior tonight was very abnormal. The man who should have slept at 9 o'clock could not fall asleep and rolled over in bed like a spinning top, his noise made Yu Qinghuan also agitated. So he could not help kicking him and yelled, "Stop it, sleep!"

Huo Qu, the man being cautioned was shocked and curled up into a ball pitifully. Although he was not feeling well, he did not dare to move anymore.

Yu Qinghuan felt a lot of peace in his ears, but Huo Qu suffered even more. His whole body seemed to be on fire. He was almost burning, and his throat was dry and itchy. Even if he kept swallowing saliva, he could not relieve that kind of thirst.

The cartoons of their kissing kept enlarging in his mind. It was like a deadly poppy attracting him, making him could not escape.

After a long time, long enough to make Huo Qu feel that it was longer than he had worked out the mechanism of how subatomic particles obtain quality, he finally could not help but quietly got up and called Qinghuan's name in a whisper, "Qinghuan?"

Yu Qinghuan seemed to be asleep and did not respond.

Huo Qu bit his lip and lowered his head slowly.

Just one kiss, thought he. He just wanted to give it a try out of curiosity…

Just as his lips were about to fall, Yu Qinghuan suddenly opened his eyes in the darkness, "What are you doing?"