Chapter 31: Qinghuan, Don’t Be Sad! I’m Here with You!

The second last scene of Yu Qinghuan was shot in the afternoon the next day.

Fang Zhongxi still didn't look very well, but he tried to hold it through. Liu Jia'an replayed that scene in the monitor and found 0 claw, so he let it pass, no NG.

Till now, there was only one scene in the movie The Line of Life and Death for Yu Qinghuan.

"Qinghuan, you stay." Liu Jia'an moved his eyes from the screen to Yu Qinghuan, smiling, "Strike while the iron is hot. I want to shoot your last scene later. What do you say?"

"No problem." Yu Qinghuan nodded, "I'm already fully prepared."

Liu Jia'an laughed on hearing that, "Great! Then go get changed now." then he turned to the prop crew, "are the plasma and gun prepared? Check it out for one last time."

Liu Jian'an always made perfection more perfect.

No appropriate script?! No shooting!

No good casting? No shooting!

No appropriate costumes and production group? Still no shooting!

Even the props had to be true to life. The gun they were gonna use was a genuine one, but with no bullet in it.

"Qinghuan, come," taking advantage that Liu Jia'an was busy with something else, Yu Xin sneaked in and pulled Yu Qinghuan to one side, took out two warm pastes, "later you'll have to lie on the ground for a long time. Stick this on your waist, or you'll catch a cold."

"It's OK," Yu Qinghuan shook his head, didn't take them, "It's not very cold today. I can make it."

The lens is the world's most clear foe-light mirror, on the big screen, if there is a slightly inappropriate place on the body, will be infinitely magnified. Though the warm pastes are light and small, but Yu Qinghuan only wore a thin white gown. If the shape of the warm pastes showed or they made his waist swollen, it wouldn't pass.

"You are really a one-track mind!" Yu Xin couldn't persuade him, so he could only put them away.

Yu Qinghuan looked free and easy, but actually he was a very responsible person. Any job he got, be it big or small, he'd finish it with all his heart, not even a bit of discount.

Let's talk about the warm pastes alone. Actually he saw that even Zhao Qinghuan had a few on his body. Liu Jia'an just turned a blind eye to it. But as stubborn as Yu Qinghuan was, he refused to use it no matter what.

Ordinarily speaking, such celebrities would win the broker's favor. But Yu Xin and Yu Qinghuan were not just working relationship, they were also good friends.

In such a cold winter, Yu Qinghuan shot his scene only wearing a thin shirt. How could Yu Xin bear to see it? If possible, he'd rather take his place. Anyway he got a thick layer of fat which could keep out the cold anyway.

Yu Xin heaved a long sigh again. His heart was bleeding on seeing Yu Qinghuan who was still losing no time to look at the script.

No young people in his early twenties didn't like hanging out and enjoying his time. But this guy was an exception. He was so self-disciplined. When he was free, he'd either read books or try to improve his acting skills facing the camera. He even had no time to update his Weibo.

The only chance to see him become a bit lively was when he was with Zhao Qingyuan.

So even the gossip between him and Zhao Qingyuan never stopped, Yu Xin didn't prevent them hanging out together. He was only hoping that Qinghuan could be more open under Zhao Qingyuan's influence.

While Yu Xin was still pondering, they already started site-clearing. On seeing that, Yu Qinghuan took off the down jacket and handed it to Yu Xin. After tidying up his costume, Yu Qinghuan walked to the site.

"Qinghuan," Liu Jia'an came over to explain the scene, "The key point of this scene is your eyes. Later I'm gonna give you a close-up. You have to express that kind of fear and despair at death's door."

After a pause, seeing Yu Qinghuan nod, he continued, "But that's not enough. Ye Sheng dies in order to save a little girl. So you still have to show that kind of joy even death can not overwhelm."

"I got it." Yu Qinghuan nodded as if absorbed in thought. He didn't ask Liu Jia'an to start right away, but said instead, "Let me think about how to express it first."


For death, no one would have a better feeling of it than Yu Qinghuan. But despair at the death's door, he really had no idea.

Yu Qinghuan always thought his death in his previous life was quite dramatic. At the time, he went to Zishan Villa to take a look, wanting to buy a villa there to live for the rest of his life. Though he disguised himself, the salesman still recognized him. So he didn't get free until late in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, there happened to be a rainstorm.

There was a distance between the parking lot and the sales office. Although he brought an umbrella with him, he still got wet all over. When Yu Qinghuan was to throw his umbrella and directly run to the parking lot, he suddenly saw a person to the left front was directly walking towards a sewer with no lid.

That was the most dangerous place on a rainstorm day. One might die quite possibly.

Yu Qinghuan was startled and shouted, "be careful!" then he immediately rushed forward trying to pull him.

He never expected that person dodged aside reflexively on feeling that someone was rushing at him from behind. Yu Qinghuan was running too fast, plus the slippery ground, he couldn't stop and directly fell into the sewer. When he woke up, he had already been reborn.

He died without his expectation. It was as easy and simple like drinking water and sleeping.

But Ye Sheng's death was different, which was a very important scene in The Line of Life and Death. So Liu Jia'an would be extra strict with it. If he couldn't show that kind of feeling Liu Jia'an wanted, he would never let it pass.

That kind of extreme despair could not be expressed solely through acting.

Then…he could only reply on that thing…

The darkest, the most despairing thing in his two lives which he even didn't want to remember…

"Qinghuan, are you ready?" shouted Liu Jia'an while rubbing his hands in the cold wind.

"Yes." Yu Qinghuan nodded and then walked under the lights after taking a deep breath.

All the other actors were already on set. Once Yu Qinghuan was also set, Liu Jia'an already couldn't wait and shouted, "Action!"

It was on another battlefield. Ye Sheng was standing in the safe area, looking outside anxiously. In the place where bullets were flying stood a little girl with tears all over her face. It seemed she was scared silly by the flying bullets and even dare not move a bit.

"Come here! Come here!" Ye Sheng shouted at the little girl using the localism with his hands tightly clenched.

Pity that the gunfire outside was too loud. Although he already used his highest pitch, the little girl still didn't hear him.

What to do? What should he do?

Ye Sheng was like an ant on a hot pan. As a doctor, he couldn't bear to see a life vanish before his eyes without doing anything. Besides, that was only a 5 or 6 years old girl. The bullets had no eyes. How could he go out to save her? What if he died but still failed to save her?

To save her or not? Ye Sheng was wrestling with himself in his heart.

Until an earsplitting bombing sound came to his ears did Ye Sheng made up his mind. He pulled off the Jade Goddess of Mercy around his neck, held it in his hand, and ran to the little girl at his fastest speed. Once he held the frightened little girl, he immediately ran back.

The gunfire behind was still rumbling that nearly split open Ye Sheng's eardrum, but in his heart was full of joys.

He made the right choice. He not only saved the little girl, but also escaped out of the gunfire.

Great! So damn great!

After he went home, he would definitely tell his parents this. He was already not that childish and silly young man. He would be their pride.

Ye Sheng's lips curled up. But the moment one of his feet stepped into the safe area, a bullet flew over and directly pierced through his chest from behind.

At this time Liu Jia'an gave him a close-up. Liu Jia'an stared at the monitor, only on Yu Qinghuan's face, without eyes blinking.

The moment the blood bag burst, Yu Qinghuan's eyes were instantly filled with all despair and pain.

That was a part of memory he never had the guts to touch. But taking this chance, it gradually unfolded in his head.

His parents died on spot in a car accident on the way to the town to buy him a desk, giving the doctors no chance for the rescue.

The folks all said this was the last thing his parents could do for him because they loved their son.

His family was poor. If both his parents were in hospital, who could pay for the medical fees? What would the kid do? They'd rather die than push their son to despair, leaving no burden to their son.

Yu Qinghuan would never forget that the day before his parents died, his mother said to him with a soft smile, "Our Qinghuan is the smartest kid in the whole town. You will definitely go to very good college and we'll live a better life. How could a college student have no desk to study?"

That day he had been excited for a whole night. After his parents went out the next day, he took a stool and waited outside the gate happily, picturing numerous scenes how he studied with that desk and even making up his mind what to put on it.

However, he would never get the desk.

The two people who loved him most passed away with such a tragic way without even saying goodbye to him, only leaving him in this world, alone and despairing.

The moment he held that little girl, Yu Qinghuan knew it was only acting, but still he couldn't think how he wished that accident had also been a scene in a movie, so when it happened, he would rush out to save his parents like Ye Sheng, even at the cost of his own life.

All those thoughts were only a moment's thing, but had amazing performance on the screen.

Liu Jia'an nearly got absorbed in the despair and pain in his eyes. Even when Qinghuan went out of the scene, he was still immersed in it. It was not until Jiang Qi elbowed him did he come to himself and shout, "cut!"

But he still wouldn't move away his eyes from the monitor. He played Yu Qinghuan's acting part again and again, and muttered to himself excitedly, "Great! Awesome! This is it! This is exactly what I expected!"

The reason he decided to shoot it ahead of time was that he wanted Yu Qinghuan to have a try first, to find that kind of feeling. He never expected Yu Qinghuan would give him such a big surprise.

"Qinghuan…" He wanted Qinghuan to appreciate his own acting, but when he raised his head and looked at him, he was startled.

This scene had passed, all the figurants had left on after another and the propmen already began to clear up the props, but Yu Qinghuan was still lying in there, his arms covering his eyes, without moving.

Liu Jia'an felt something ain't no right. When he was about to check him out, Yu Xin already ran over, "Qinghuan, are you numb? Get up! Hurry! Lying on the ground on such a cold day? Do you wanna catch a cold?"

Yu Qinghyuan didn't move.

"Qinghuan?" Yu Xin pushed him with a hand, and when he was about to say something, a stifling choking was heard which surprised him, "are you crying?"

"I'm fine." Yu Qinghuan's voice was a little sullen, with thick nasal, like he was trying to hold something, "I'm just too absorbed into the scene."

Yu Xin immediately felt relieved and kicked him slightly, "you scared the shit out of me. I thought you met something bad. Come on! Get up!"

"Dude, leave me alone." Yu Qinghuan's tears had wetted a big part of his sleeve. When the wind blew, it felt really cold, "just let me lie in here."

Yu Xin could only cover him with his down jacket and sat beside.

It was already half an hour later when Yu Qinghuan felt a little better.

Some acquaintances also ridiculed him when congratulating him for finishing his part,

"Qinghuan is too devoted. He was weeping like a girl at last."

"Hey, Qinghuan, this is not good. Being too absorbed into the drama may influence your own mental health. Try to relax after you go home."

"Qinghuan, don't you feel ashamed of yourself to cry so hard? Hahaha…"

Yu Qinghuan nodded and accepted all their teasing with a smile. Except his eyes were a little red and swollen, nothing else looked wrong with him.

Since Liu Jia'an was going to throw a party for him the next day, Yu Qinghuan didn't go home but still stayed in the hotel.

He had no idea whether it was because he cried too hard, he just felt strengthless, head splitting aching. So after taking a quick shower, he went to bed early.

Yu Xin came to talk about the future plan with him. But after he called Qinghuan a few times, the other party still had no response. He now noticed something ain't no right. He stretched out a hand to feel his forehead. It was burning hot!

No one knew how long he had having a fever. He nearly fainted. Yu Xin was scared since he had no response. So he immediately called Zhao Qinghuan and sent Yu Qinghuan to hospital together.

Yu Qinghuan was in a daze, but he also knew he was sick. When in the car, he tried to open his eyes and apologized to Yu Xin, "dude, sorry to trouble you."

He was sick but still being so well-mannered. Yu Xin was really touched. He then said crossly, "Just shut up and rest!"

The filming site was too remote. When they arrived at the hospital, Yu Qinghuan already fainted. He even had no response when the nurse gave him a shot.

"Alas," Yu Xin sighed. When he was about to say something to Zhao Qingyuan, Yu Qinghuan's phone was ringing. He took it out and saw it was Huo Qu. He dare not hang up. So he could only press the answer key and told him the actual situation about Yu Qinghuan.

Huo Qu said he'd come right now on hearing Yu Qinghuan was sick.

Yu Xin knew his situation, which gave him a headache. But under Huo Qu's questioning, he dare not refuse to tell him room number. He could only make a call to Huo Rong and explained everything to him.

When Huo Rong sent Huo Qu to the hospital, Zhao Qingyuan had just left and Yu Xin went to get some hot water for Qinghuan.

Huo Qu opened the door and saw that the ward was empty, with only Yu Qinghuan lying on the bed, showing a burning hot face and his right hand wrapped in medical tape, looking lonely and miserable.

Huo Qu's heart suddenly felt like it was being pricked by a needle. He walked to the bed and sat down with his eyes on Yu Qinghuan's face.

Yu Qinghuan's character was cold. So even he was sick, he still obediently lied there, like a poor stray cat.

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu leaned forward, eyes turning red. When he was about to say something, Yu Qinghuan whose eyes were closed whispered, "mom."

At that moment some kind of tremendous sadness popped out from deep of the heart and got Huo Qu drowned in it.

In his over 20 years' life, he had never tried to understand others' feeling. But at this moment, Huo Qu wished that he could enter into Yu Qinghuan's brain and see what he was thinking and why he was so painful and helpless.

He wanted to protect Qinghuan, he wanted him to be happy forever, he wanted him to stay away from any sad things.

An idea suddenly came up and lingered in his mind. Huo Qu realized that Qinhuan would also be weak sometimes and need his help.

And for himself, he had to become strong and protect him!

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu tried to hold back his tears, lowered his body, carefully avoided the hand having an intravenous drip and held him through the quilt. He gently pressed his face against Qinghuan's burning face, and stressed every word, "Don't be sad, Qinghuan. I'm here. I'm here with you."