Chapter 34: Drama of the Year

Few stars in the entertainment circle would hurl abuse at each other like this. Even if the two sides hated each other to a certain extent, at least in front of the public, they would show the appearance of good bros and good girlfriends. But Shen Ji's case set a precedent in the circle

His actions attracted numerous people to comment on his microblog, causing his Weibo followers to increase by 2 million over one night.

Shen Ji grew dizzy with success, and he was more obedient to Xu Ning.

Zhao Qingyuan followed this drama by chance while filming. His nose was crooked with anger. However, he was always a person who would not submit to humiliation and would let out his temper. Therefore, he hid from his agent and confronted Shen Ji on Weibo.

Zhao Qing Yuan v: @ Shen Ji, Have some self-respect, dude! Want to humiliate Qinghuan to elevate yourself? What a daydream!

When this microblog was posted, it immediately mixed up the already muddy water.

[What the Fuck! Why did Dayuan join in the battle? I suddenly feel the gossip between him and Yu Qinghuan is not false…]

[Zhao Qingyuan is also a bad egg! Is it possible that the sugar daddy behind Yu Qinghuan is him?]

[Interesting, he is bullying Shen Ji because the latter does not have a strong background. That Yu Qinghuan is really a green tea bitch. He dare not confront Shen Ji, so he let his sugar daddy step forward to speak for him.]

These vicious comments made Zhao Qingyuan even more furious. He meant to send a microblog to support Yu Qinghuan. But now, he really wanted to pull up his sleeves and got into a fight with those network mobs.

Zhao Qing Yuan V: Yes. I'm bullying him. You got a problem? Come and bully me since you are so capable! Btw, Qinghuan is my good friend so I have no hesitation to help him. Is it wrong? You can also enjoy this privilege if you have the ability to be my friend! [Doge]

[Wait… why do I feel… our Dayuan seems to gain much in masculinity this time. Is it my illusion or what?]

[You are not the only one. Who did he learn this sarcastic tongue from?]

[Shame on you! Your family is rich. So what? I don't believe you can hoodwink the public in the entertainment circle!]

[ Support my Dayuan! Mua! Who do you want to diss? I'll be the first to help you!]

[ Zhao Qingyuan and Yu Qinghuan's fans, please have some virtue and save yourselves some face! I'm just waiting to see you get your face slapping!]

Shen Ji didn't expect Zhao Qingyuan to join the war. He put down his cell phone in full head sweat while cursing Zhao a mental derangement in his heart.

Good friends? So what? In the entertainment circle, who did not have a good friend! However, for the sake of friends, he ignored his personal image and indiscriminately scolded others like a shrew. Wasn't this kind of behavior insane? Even if Zhao himself was discredited, everyone had never seen him so radical!

Although Shen Ji dared to defame Yu Qinghuan, he did not have the nerve to annoy Zhao Qingyuan. Therefore, he could only silently swallow his anger. The second microblog showing his grievance could only be stored in his draft box.

"Don't worry about Zhao Qingyuan, he is a mad dog." Xu Ning frowned and told Shen Ji, "Don't provoke him for a moment of anger. From now on, don't send anything. Zhao Qingyuan's aggressive appearance will definitely make the public feel more sympathy for you."

"I know." Shen Ji replied bitterly.

"Tidy up your emotions," Xu Ning said, reaching out to help him carry the suitcase. "Spread more powder on your face. Later I'm gonna take you to the film crew. You must show them that you are trying to force a smile."

Shen Ji was going to play a part in a new TV series. Today was the day to join the film crew.

"Okay." Hearing this, Shen Ji nodded. He was determined to win sympathy from the public.

Sure enough, just like what Xu Ning said, Zhao Qingyuan did not help Yu Qinghuan to recover his inferior position but instead gave Shen Ji the favorable impression of many passers-by.

"Zhao Qingyuan and Yu Qinghuan are so gross. They are simply tumor of the entertainment circle! The atmosphere in the circle has been brought down by these two!"

"Hehe! How many times do you think Yu Qinghuan has slept with him before Zhao Qingyuan obeys him?"

"This ass seller is still a little star excluded from the mainstream after so many efforts!"

Yu Qinghuan originally wanted to wait until Yu Xin's investigation results came out before posing an explanation. However, seeing Zhao Qingyuan being cursed by those netizens, he had to open Weibo that he had not used for a long time.

Yu Qinghuan V: Are you all tired of quarreling? I'll offer you a cup of tea and please listen to me while drinking. First, regarding Shen Ji's change of his agent, Yu Xin and I were the last to know until the whole process was completed. Second, regarding my sugar daddy, I am lazy and seldom post microblogs to explain it. If there really is sugar daddy out there, I think I will only eat and die at home and will not work so hard outside. Finally, Qingyuan is a good friend of mine. A person who can do anything for his friend regardless of his status should not be splashed with dirty water like this. What do you think?

As soon as this microblog was posted, the two parties that had been quarreling fiercely ceased the fire surprisingly.

[I don't know why, I suddenly don't want to blame Zhao Qingyuan now… ]

[ Me too… I always feel Yu Qinghuan is a very rational, calm and intelligent person, I must have made a mistake… ]

[ I suddenly envy the friendship between Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Qingyuan… ]

Some people became more rational while others became more drastic.

[ Bah! He still dares to post a microblog!? It's true that shameless people are invincible. ]

[ LOL, he said they were the last to know? Since he has such superb acting skills, why hasn't he won the best actor? ]

[ He is indeed an actor and he acts much better what he does!]

Yu Qinghuan's reply pushed the drama to its climax. When Zhao Qingyuan saw this microblog, he immediately called Yu Qinghuan, "Are you stupid? I wish I could settle this matter myself. What are you doing here?"

"It's foolish of you to fight with them and refuse to admit defeat."

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

Zhao Qingyuan took a deep breath, silently reciting "Yu Qinghuan was a patient" three times in his heart. Then he smiled, "Yu Qinghuan, with such a sharp tongue, it's no wonder you don't have any girlfriend or even boyfriend!"

"Oh," said Yu Qinghuan faintly, "Although your tongue is so smooth, you do not have a girlfriend, either."

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

He was silent for a long time and growled, "I deserve it meddling with your fucking business!" Then he hung up the phone.

Yu Qinghuan touched his nearly deafened ear, put down his cell phone and climbed back into bed silently.

Huo Qu was picked up by Huo Rong in the morning. It was said that there was a problem with his laboratory, which could only be solved by him. Yu Xin was also busy outside. Yu Qinghuan felt bored alone in the ward, but he didn't like playing with his cell phone, so he simply closed his eyes and planned to have a unprotected sleep.

Yu Qinghuan just had his fever abated and his body was still a little weak. He slept through the night. It was not until the nurse came to take his temperature did he be woken up.

Fortunately, the temperature did not rise again. Yu Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief and sent the nurse away. When he was preparing to get some hot water to drink., the ward door was pushed open with a bang which gave him a jump scare and he nearly dropped the cup in his hand.

"Ge, what's so rush?" Yu Qinghuan helplessly raised his head and looked at Yu Xin and asked.

"Qinghuan~~~" Yu Xin's face was flushed with excitement. When he spoke, his tail sound almost quivered into wavy lines, arousing Yu Qinghuan's goosebumps.

"Ge, could you please act a little normal? What on earth is going on?"

"Look at Weibo!" Yu Xin took out his cell phone from his pocket and handed it to Yu Qinghuan. His hands were shaking, "Xu Ning was interviewed by reporters! He has exposed all Shen Ji's scandals."

"Ha?" Yu Qinghuan took the phone in disbelief and immediately fell silent after browsing the news.

At noon today, on the way to send Shen Ji to the film crew, Xu Ning had a car accident together with Shen Ji on the highway. Shen Ji's face was destroyed while Xu Ning paid the price of two legs.

When he learned that he was disabled for the rest of the life, Xu Ning went crazy. He blamed Shen Ji for everything. He felt that if he hadn't become Shen Ji's agent, he wouldn't have followed him to the film crew and naturally wouldn't have had this car accident.

The more Xu Ning thought about it, the more he hated Shen Ji. After the reporters swarmed into the hospital, he told them everything, from Shen Ji went to see him to how Shen Ji asked to change his agent…From that Shen Ji had long been dissatisfied with Yu Xin, to how Shen Ji slandered Yu Qinghuan. Now everything was revealed word for word! He even took out a recording of his conversation with Shen Ji from his mobile phone.

Xu Ning was shrewd and had a strong desire of controlling. In addition, he had done a lot of wicked things. He always left himself a way out in case of anything bad happened to him.

With such ironclad proof, Shen Ji could never justify for himself even if he had a hundred mouths.

What's more, the current Shen Ji was unable to top these as his priorities. He learned that his face had been destroyed and that the best cosmetic techniques could not repair it. So he had totally collapsed now!

If Xu Ning had not turned the steering wheel to the left as hard as he could at the moment of the accident, pushing all the danger to Shen Ji's side, how would his face be destroyed!?

Shen Ji's anger reached its peak after seeing Xu Ning's interview.

Despite his injured face, he also accepted the interview. He said indignantly that whether it was to change agents or to guide the public to abuse Yu Qinghuan, all the incidents were Xu Ning's idea.

For a while, the two were extremely busy slandering each other. It was like dog biting dog.

The public was originally scolding Yu Qinghuan. Seeing the interviews of the two men, they were immediately shocked to their chins dropped by the twist.

What? Yu Qinghuan and Yu Xin actually did not know about the changing of agent?

It meant this matter was planned by Xu Ning and Shen Ji all alone? They even used another two innocent people?

Were these two people treating the public as fools?

A few days ago, there were still comments scolding Yu Qinghuan. Now, the spectators all felt shameful. They flocked in Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Qing Yuan's Weibo for a sincere apology, and then they angrily hurled abuse at Xu Ning and Shen Ji.

How could there be such shameless people!?

It was obvious that they did something shameful, but they let the victims take the blame. If it hadn't been for this car accident, they might have succeeded!

Shen Ji's fans were also shocked. They never expected their beloved idol to do such despicable things. They clamored to abandon their idol and joined the public to scold him.

The Internet suddenly became extremely lively, almost like the Chinese New Year. Weibo's traffic even reached an all-time high because of this incident.

Yu Qinghuan put down his cell phone in silence, unable to describe how he felt. On one hand, he felt much relieved, on the other hand, he felt a little bit sad.

In the previous life, Yu Xin tried his best to protect Shen Ji's face, but he was treated like that by the other party. In this life, Shen Ji's face was completely destroyed because of the absence of Yu Xin, and Shen could no longer stay in the entertainment circle.

This was probably the seed planted in the previous life and the fruit harvested in this life.

"I'm gonna live on this joke all through the year," Yu Xin laughed brilliantly and all his fat meat quivered with joy. "Bitches would finally be punished by heaven. How come it's such a coincidence? It just happened at this time…"

Before he could say the second half of the sentence, he suddenly got stuck.

Yu Qinghuan felt strange, "What's wrong?"

"Qinghuan," Yu Xin was suddenly frightened, "If I were still Shen Ji's agent, would I be the amputee today?"

Yu Qinghuan lowered his eyes and sighed softly, "Don't think so much."

"Jesus!" Yu Xin patted his chest, showing a look of lingering fear. "Thank goodness, I escaped this disaster!" After a pause, he still felt a little unease. "Well, I have to go to the temple to worship the God and get rid of my bad luck."

Yu Qinghuan was dumbfounded by him, "OK, if you really want to go, I'll come with you."

Yu Xin nodded. He just wanted to say yes, but it seemed like he suddenly remembered something and suddenly widened his eyes.

With a thud and a swallow of saliva, Yu Xin walked straight ahead of Yu Qinghuan's puzzled eyes and bowed respectfully to him.

Yu Qinghuan, "What are you doing?"

Yu Xin hissed at him mysteriously and whispered, "Silence! I'm worshipping the koi!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

After Yu Xin bowing to him three times, Yu Qinghuan said helplessly, "Ge. Could you rest assured now?"

"Don't call me Ge!" Yu Xin corrected him solemnly, "I will call you Ge in the future!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Yu Qinghuan suddenly had an urge to change his agent.

The author has something to say:

This is actually a story about the seeds planted in the previous life and the fruits harvested in this life. Whoever it is, well…you know…