Chapter 35: “Qinghuan, Are They Warm?”

This drama of the year finally ended as Xu Ning and Shen Ji's letter of apology, but the discussing on the internet didn't stop because of it.

Those who denounced Yu Qinghuan at first now were all as quiet as dumb.

After all this could be rendered as cyber-violence.

It was all by coincidence this time. Xu Ning and Shen Ji happened to have a car accident and put on a dog-biting-dog drama. And it was not until then did those netizens know the truth. But what if there hadn't been this car accident, would Yu Qinghuan take the blame of stealing other's agent all his life?

And right at this time, some paparazzi took the photo of Yu Qinghuan discharged from hospital, which caused quite a stir.

He was the innocent one through the whole thing, but suffered such an unforeseen disaster. One could stay cool and think about it. Yu Qinghuan was only an undergraduate who just went out of school not long ago. Besides, how would such a young academic achiever do such a nasty thing?

And overnight the discussing about cyber-violence became heated on.

[Suddenly I realize I am also a keyboard man. I don't know what other so-called keyboard men w would do in the future. But for me, if I ever meet such a thing, I will definitely make things clear, know what's happening and then make my statement.]

[I also thought I am the embodiment of justice. I will diss any unfair things. But now I realize I am just a network mob. I should reflect on myself.]

[I feel really awful these days. I don't know how many people I have mistakenly dissed on internet. I feel very regretful now. Here I will say sorry to those I have wronged.]

When those netizens were reflecting on themselves, a few majors of Yu Qinghuan's Alma Mater Hua Univ. had already planned to select cyber-violence as a topic of the thesis.

As the No. 1 century-old college, Hua Univ. was sagacious and massive. It didn't speak a word on this thing, but chose this way to support those kids who had ever learned in here silently.

As the only celebrity who had spoken for Yu Qinghuan in this big drama, Zhao Qingyuan immediately received tons of praise from those netizens. They even gave him a title Chinese Good Dude and got over 2 million followers in a short time on Weibo.

If it had been before, Zhao Qingyuan would certainly feel mad with joy and show off on Weibo. But this time, he just gave it a sardonic grin and put down his phone. He said nothing, instead, he decided not to update his Weibo so frequently from now on.

Only an apology and this is over? Such falsehearted apology and praise, he would accept neither.

"Dad, things are over." In the office, Huo Rong was giving his dad a call, "don't you ever say that I don't listen to you. This time I totally stayed out of it. Besides, I also told my underlings to stay out of it. So? Are you happy this time?"

After a pause, he asked wonderingly, "dad, do you have a problem with Yu Qinghuan?"

By rights, Yu Qinghuan is his third's son's best friend. Shouldn't Huo Family help him in the first place? But on the contrary, his father told him to stay out of it and even watched this drama as a bystander.

Even if this person is his own father, Huo Rong thinks it doesn't make sense.

"Rong," his father ignored his question and asked him instead, "do you think it'd do Yu Qinghuan any good if you step in?"

Huo Rong answered without thinking, "Of course!"

"What good?" His father asked bitterly, "You can help him once, you can help him twice, but can you watch what the netizens say about him all the time and help him for his whole life? He belongs to the entertainment circle. So such things are not rare. If he doesn't learn how to deal with it himself, what about in the future?"

Huo Rong got a little confused, "Dad, so you are tempering him? Then how do you think of his way dealing with it this time?"

His father heaved a sigh, "At first he could keep his equanimity, but finally he lost control. The whole thing is Shen Ji and his agent's fault, but anyway Shen Ji is a B-list celebrity. What about Yu Qinghuan on the other hand? He is only a newcomer in this circle and directly confronted Shen Ji on Weibo. Does he really think the netizens would buy what he said and touched by what he said?"

"Zhao Qinghuan has the right to be unruly, but not him."

After a pause, he made the conclusion, "He still needs experience and toughening. I meant to let him taste the bitterness of frustration through this thing and let him know every circle has its own unspoken rules and then solve the problem for him. But he was really lucky. Shen Ji had a car accident…Forget it. Take things easy."

He had three sons he didn't care at all, but had time and energy to care about other's kid? Huo Rong was kind of jealous, "you really take Yu Qinghuan as your half-son?"

"Rong," His father said sternly, "Without Yu Qinghuan, Qu wouldn't have the big changes now. He has no parents. Your mother and I have raised up three sons, we don't mind raising one more. For my own kids, I never dote on any of you. The one I will dote on would always be other's kid."

"All right." Huo Rong shrugged and learned to speak with the tone his father used, "Then I also don't mind having another younger brother."

"Invite him here this Spring Festival. One person's Spring Festival is not complete."

"I know."

Yu Qinghuan never knew those things that happened behind. After he was discharged from hospital, he went to the sales office of Yanhe Community with Yu Xin and bought a 125-square-meter real estate on 31th floor on full payment. Finally he had a nest of his own.

About the decorating stuff, Yu Qinghuan only nailed the style he wanted and left all the rest to Yu Xin. He himself then went to the Grand Theatre every day and made a lot of friends there.

He was here to learn but not steal other's job. So those casts in the Grand Theater apparently welcomed him. Except some small talks, they also taught him a lot of useful acting techniques.

This was a chance he even hadn't got in his previous life. So Yu Qinghuan made full use of every minute to absorb all the knowledge like a sponge absorbing water.

Finally even Wang Zhensheng had to admit that he had made rapid progress.

"Look at you. Why do you go to the theater every day?" Yu Xin looked his own celebrity and said grumpily.

Since Shen Ji's drama, Yu Qinghuan's popularity had greatly increased. As a normal person, shouldn't he receive more endorsements and scripts now? Why would his own celebrity would choose such an unusual way? Why would he choose to accumulate his acting skills? Maybe after he learnt enough, he would already flop again!

Yu Xin threw a stack of scripts in front of him and said bitterly, "These are the scripts I have collected for you. You read them now and then choose one! The Line of Life and Death will be released in the summer movie season. How to Love You will shot at least in July or August. There are nearly six months between. So you must take advantage of it and shoot at least one film."

"I know." Yu Qinghuan picked up the scripts and started to leaf through one by one.

Seeing Qinghuan finally drowned himself in it, Yu Xin pinched his fat belly and exhaled a long breath of relief.

A celebrity with koi's luck but didn't know how to cherish it was really something annoying!

Those scripts Yu Xin selected for him were mostly good quality, among which there was even a blockbuster he had acted in in his previous life. The only difference was he acted as the third male lead last time, but this time the director wanted him to try the second male lead!

To take the route he had taken in his previous life was kind of meaningless. So Yu Qinghuan directly put this script aside and opened the last one.

The moment he read it, he got deeply hooked.

The movie was called Orange, which told a story how a little girl's elder brother found out the rapist, sent him to jail and helped his sister walk out the shade after she got raped.

It was at a cracking pace and the plots were cliff-hanging. With a good crew, it'd definitely be a masterpiece.

Yu Qinghuan looked at the director and scriptwriter and found it was the same person. But it was strange that in his previous life, he had never heard of such a talented guy.

"Ge, contact Zhao Rui for me." Yu Qinghuan pointed at the name on the script, "I'll take this one."

"Who is Zhao Rui?" Yu Xin was a little confused and then looked at the name. After quite some time, he still couldn't recall a director called Zhao Rui.

"This is weird." Yu Xin muttered to himself, then stretched out for the script Orange. After checking other scripts, he patted the back side of his head, "I remember it! I picked this script out before! Why did it appear here?"

"Maybe destiny, I guess?" said Yu Qinghuan with a light smile, "I think this movie is not bad. I'll take it."

"Qinghuan, my ancestor!" Yu Xin was a little anxious, "such genre is too heavy. Few people would love it! You can search movies of the same genre. Few have received over 100 million box-office. Besides, it may not get approved."

"It doesn't matter." Yu Qinghuan said flatly, "Whether its plot or its pace, it's all very good. I got hooked. Anyway I'm only a newcomer. No one would judge me even if the box-office flops."

"That's right." Yu Xin nodded. Any movie star with a little fame wouldn't shoot such a movie with too much uncertainty. But it suited someone like Yu Qinghuan very much.

After he said that, he realized he got led by the nose again. But since Yu Qinghuan liked the script so much, he could only accept it reluctantly.

Never mind! He is only a C-list star. Just let him! When he becomes famous someday, he wouldn't be able to do things as he likes like now.

Yu Qin then went to contact Zhao Rui. While on the side in the Grand Theatre, on seeing the rehearsal of the last scene finished, Yu Qinghuan stood up and went out. When he put on his mask and was about to go home, he suddenly caught sight of the south gate of Hua Univ..

Huo Qu had ever told him that his working site was in the technology building not far from the south gate of Hua Univ.. After thinking for a bit, Yu Qinghuan walked toward the technology building.

It was really a coincidence. The moment Yu Qinghuan walked to the sentry box, he saw the Huo Qu was saying goodbye to his colleagues.

"Professor Huo, bye bye."

"Professor Huo, see you tomorrow."

"Professor Huo, you forgot your phone. Here!"

In front of Huo Huo, the faces of all those prestigious people were written with all respect.

Huo Qu nodded to all those people one by one seriously. When he was about to hop into the car and go home, he got a glimpse of Yu Qinghuan not far away.

His eyes immediately shone, and he quickly ran towards him.

Other professors, "…"

They must have opened their eyes with the wrong way today! How is it possible that serious and bland professor Huo becomes like this? Is there any unknown matter on that young man? Can they have a study…

Apparently Huo Qu had no idea what his colleagues were thinking. He asked Qinghuan excitedly, "Qinghuan, what are you doing here? Are you here for me?"

"Hm," Yu Qinghuan smiled, "I come to pick you up."

"Then I'll go with you!" said Huo Qu. Like afraid that Yu Qinghuan might go without him, he immediately ran to Yu Qinghuan's side after informing his driver.

Yu Qing laughed in spite of himself. When he was about to go, Huo Qu grabbed his wrist.

He turned his head and asked, "what?"

"This…is for you." Huo Qu twitched his lips shyly, then took out a pair of gloves from his bag. He explained while putting them on for Qinghuan unhandily.

Yu Qinghuan lowered his head and watched him put on the gloves for him slowly, feeling kind of complicated.

The first time he saw Huo Qu, Huo Qu even didn't know how to cross the road, only stood in the middle of the road dully, and wouldn't ask other's help stubbornly. But now Huo Qu even knew how to care about others.

"Qinghuan, are they warm?" asked Huo Qu carefully. After a pause, he lowered his voice like he was muttering to himself, "I specially bought them for you. They should be warm, right?"

"Hm." Yu Qinghuan moved his wholly wrapped hands a bit and then raised his head and said to Huo Qu, "They are quite warm."

"That…that's great!" Huo Qu felt his ears burning, and then showed that round little dimple on his left face.