Chapter 76: “Open the Window and You won’t Feel Stuffy.”

Yu Qinghuan finally joined the film crew after finishing his work as the overseas cultural ambassador.

Since Zeng Peirong preferred second male lead, Yu Qinghuan, as the second male lead in How to Love You, had a screen time not much less than Qin Zheng. If it hadn't been for the event of national television station, Liu Jia'an wouldn't have allowed Qinghuan to delay the filming process.

In retrospect to the two roles played by Yu Qinghuan previously, Ye Sheng was a proud and frivolous rich second generation, while Zhao Qingping was a gloomy and tough avenger. Compared with the two characters, Wang Chuan seemed too mediocre.

He was the project manager of a small company. Like many young people struggling in big cities, he made pennies but worried like he had billions. He would get up from bed with just a phone call from his leader no matter how late it was.

His daily routine was to supervise the project process at the construction site and meet all kinds of needs of the first party like a servant, lest annoy these bosses. As for weekends, it was a luxury he dared not even think about.

His life was ordinary without spectacular.

However, such a person had the attachment and yearning for love that Ye Sheng and Zhao Qingping did not have.

After meeting Zhang Xiaomiao, Wang Chuan's life was like a night sky suddenly lit by stars, dazzling and shining.

He began to have a goal and the motivation to continue in adversity because he wanted to give his beloved girl a place to live, a house.

He kept on taking projects and willingly ran to the isolated countryside in the southwest China and stayed there for more than half a year only in order to get a higher salary.

Although life was bitter, his love was sweet.

He had always firmly believed that as long as he worked hard, he would surely get happiness.

He had a chance to escape when he was struck by a mudslide.

At that time, he had already saved up nearly enough money to buy a house. The man would soon be able to confidently express his feelings to Xiaomiao. As long as he left there alive, his dream life would become a reality.

However, looking at the young colleague who had just graduated from college and had a boundless vision for future life, he hesitated.

Wang Chuan' leaving this world was just like his personality, silent and unknown, leaving only Zhang Xiaomiao with a broken old-fashioned mobile phone full of bits and pieces of dialogues with her.

Wang Chuan's love, though never spoken, ran through the whole movie.

If this storyline was well played, the feelings in the movie would sublimate to a new level. If not, it would become an unbearable long-winded disaster.

Therefore, before filming, Liu Jia'an especially spent two days to watch a lot of romantic movies with Yu Qinghuan to let him have a good experience of the feelings of people in love.

Yu Qinghuan was too young. Even if they had cooperated before and he already knew the young boy's acting was good, Liu Jia'an could not help worrying. Some emotions and feelings could only be sensed with the accumulation of experience and age.

But soon, Liu Jia'an found his worries completely unnecessary.

The secret admirer's forbearance and sweetness, as well as his joys and carefulness when seeing his sweetheart, were all fully expressed by Yu Qinghuan. Even the director was shocked.

Liu Jia'an watched the replay again and reluctantly withdrew his sight from the screen, making a gesture, "OK! Pass!" Turning to Yu Qinghuan, he asked, "Qinghuan, have you fallen in love with anyone recently?"

He did not believe that a person who knew nothing about relationship would make such a breakthrough in a short period of time unless he himself had such similar experience.

Yu Qinghuan took the towel handed over by Yu Xin, wiped the sweat, glanced at Huo Qu outside, but smiled silently.

Huo Qu forbade him to be alone with Qin Zheng, and the man really did it. Not only he followed Qinghuan to live with the film crew, but he also personally supervised every scene.

To some extent, Huo Qu was very domineering.

However, his actions would not let Yu Qinghuan disgust.

Even if Huo Qu lacked the sense of security, and he sensed Qin Zheng's feelings for Qinghuan, he would never use this as an excuse to interfere in Qinghuan's work. He would only make concessions to accommodate his beloved one.

"It seems so," Liu Jia'an narrowed his eyes and smiled vaguely. He threw a popsicle to Yu Qinghuan and took a bite of the other one in his hand, smacking his lips comfortably before continuing, "Come on, get the beauty as soon as possible, I'll send you a large red envelope then if you succeed!"

Liu Jia'an was a man who shot from the hip. His wife once said, it was his luck that the society did not advocate free love at that time, or Liu Jia'an would have been staying single all his life!

Even if the whole film crew had realized the relationship between Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu, he didn't think much about it! Even when Huo Rong called him and said that Huo Qu would live with the film crew, he just turned around and sighed in front of his assistant that the relationship between the two men was really good.

"Keep your promise," Yu Qinghuan smiled with narrowed eyes, "Director Liu, prepare your red envelope in advance."

"Wow!" Liu Jia'an clapped his thigh, "You are quite confident! Okay, I will wait for your good news!"

The following several days of filming did not need Yu Qinghuan. After chatting with Liu Jia'an, he went straight to Huo Qu.

It was already dusk. The sun had faded from the acrimony of noon and became gentler. Huo Qu sat beside a pile of messy props, and the golden-red sunset projected on him, enveloping him with a faint halo.

He was looking down at a book, his bony hands turning the pages regularly. His back always kept straightened up, dazzling in the crowd.

Yu Qinghuan sat down beside him and cast his eyes on the book. He was immediately dazzled by the pile of professional terms. He reached out and flattened Huo Qu's sweaty hair on the forehead and said with a caring tone, "Is it too hot? Let's go. I've finished filming and I'll take you back to room with an air conditioner."

Huo Qu closed the book properly, smiled at Yu Qinghuan, nodded obediently and followed him behind.

"Don't wait for me outside next time," Yu Qinghuan tore open the popsicle Liu Jia'an gave him and handed it to Huo Qu. "The sun is harsh. Stay in the hotel if you don't want to stay alone at home."

At the touch of the popsicle that was still steaming cold air, a refreshing feeling soothed Huo Qu's dryness in mouth. Huo Qu licked his lips and refused vaguely, "No, I don't afraid of the sun."

Huo Qu was very persistent in some aspects, even Yu Qinghuan could not persuade him out of it.

Yu Qinghuan felt helpless and wanted to scold him but finally gave up. He had a small bite on Huo Qu's popsicle and then gave the rest to him.

Before the two arrived at the hotel, Huo Qu's phone rang. It was Huo Rong.

"Huo Qu, are you at the filming site now?" Huo Rong asked straight to the point.

Huo Qu glanced at Yu Qinghuan and said, "Yes." After some thoughts, he added, "Qinghuan's part is finished and we are returning to the hotel."

"That's great," Huo Rong excitedly slapped his thigh. "Our mother wants Qinghuan to come home for dinner on Dragon Boat Festival day, but he was busy and didn't have time. She was afraid you wouldn't be able to eat zongzi, so she said she would come and send you some later."

Huo Qu digested the message for a moment before he understood what his brother meant. In Yu Qinghuan's horrified eyes, he not only agreed, but also reported the hotel room number to his brother without further consideration.

After hanging up the phone, he touched Yu Qinghuan's red face exposed to the sun for a long time, asking, "Qinghuan, do you like eating zongzi?"

"Huo Qu…" Yu Qinghuan swallowed some saliva, grasped Huo Qu's hand tightly and looked at him in dismay. "I, I have work to do later, maybe I don't have time…"

"What kind of work?" Huo Qu looked at him doubtfully, stretched out his hand to brush open the door and pulled him into the room. He carefully thought over Qinghuan's work schedule for the past two days and shook his head, "Qinghuan, you remember it wrong, you do not have plans this afternoon."

"No…" Yu Qinghuan's heart beat like a drum. He clenched his fist and went in circles there, with his mouth keeping mumbling, "No… No…"

"What's wrong with you, Qinghuan?" Huo Qu did not understand why he was acting so abnormal. He was about to speak when Yu Qinghuan suddenly threw himself into his arms. "Huo Qu, stop your mother, could you?"

Qinghuan looked anxious, his nose beaded with sweat and his lips turning slightly pale.

Huo Qu stared blankly for a moment, then looked down at him, "Why?" He paused and his face gradually becoming a little sad, "Qinghuan, don't you like my family?"

"No," Fearing Huo Qu might misunderstand, Qinghuan hurriedly took Huo Qu's hand and pressed it on his chest, making the other side feel his violent heartbeat. Then he explained, "Huo Qu, I'm so nervous, this, this is too sudden."

Huo Qu didn't understand why he would act like this, but Yu Qinghuan looked really anxious. Huo Qu lifted Qinghuan's face and kissed on his lip corner, constantly comforting him, "Come on. Don't be nervous. You have me…"

He stroked Qinghuan's back then, "There will be zongzi to eat later."

This was not the time to eat! Yu Qinghuan almost cried!

He never expected Mrs. Huo would come up with such a move! Early did he know it, he would promise to go to Huo Qu's home for dinner! At least he would not be so passive.

Looking down at his dusty clothes after filming, he covered his head in horror. In Huo Qu's stupefied eyes, he stormed into the bathroom.

Yu Qinghuan cleaned himself up and put on a set of clothes he thought the best. He lingered in front of the mirror for a long time before pulling Huo Qu over and asking, "Do I look good in this suit?"

Huo Qu replied without thinking, "Of course."

Yu Qinghuan scratched his hair irritably, "Really?" He began to be unreasonable because of nervousness, "You feel good with everything. I shouldn't have asked you."

After another two rounds of wandering, he fiddled with his hair with a comb to make sure he didn't even have a single hair in disorder. Then he sat on the bed nervously.

However, he felt uneasy and could not sit still at all. He did not know even himself how many sitting positions he had changed in one minute. Finally, he could not bear it and grabbed Huo Qu's shoulder and hit it hard with his head several times, murmuring, "What should I do, Huo Qu, I am too nervous. I feel stuffy in my chest. I can barely breathe."

Huo Qu was very distressed by what he said and did not know what to do to make him better. He looked around anxiously, suddenly his eyes lit up and he rushed over to open the window, "Open the window and you won't feel stuffy."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"