Chapter 77: “No, You Know.”

The hot summer breeze blew into the room from the window and sprinkled over Yu Qinghuan's face, rolling up a wisp of hair on his forehead which tightly sticking to his sweaty skin, making his heart even more irritated and stuffy.

Looking blankly at Huo Qu, who was asking for praise with a proud face, Qinghuan stretched out his hands and turned Huo Qu's handsome face to one side. Angrily, he said, "Leave me alone. Don't sway in front of my eyes."

You thought you are pretty smart, huh? Opened the window and bang! Problem solved?

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu did not leave, but stretched out his hands and hugged Qinghuan instead, rubbing on his shoulder pettishly, "I didn't sway in front of your eyes, I'm beside you."

Yu Qinghuan almost choked out a mouthful of blood by this reply, his shaking shoulder even failed to support Huo Qu's head leaning on it.

He was in fear and trembling, not knowing what kind of fate lied in front of him, while Huo Qu was unaware of it and even could not understand what he meant. Yu Qinghuan's chest suddenly rose with an avalanche of irritability, which immediately shattered his reason.

He was just about to push Huo Qu aside. Encountering with that pair of dark, bright, but caring eyes, and the hands that were holding his arms, he unconsciously stopped his move.

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu held Qinghuan's hands in his palm and his voice was gentle, "Are you thirsty? What about I get you a cup of water?" Huo Qu walked to the table, awkwardly picked up the kettle. He poured a glass of water and handed it to Qinghuan, "Have a drink."

It was plain boiled water, not as refreshing as ice water, but with a hint of coolness after having been put in the air-conditioning room for so long. Yu Qinghuan lowered his head and took a sip of water. The dryness and irritancy in his heart were relieved in an instant.

Before he met Huo Qu, the boy could not even use a kettle. Last time when he was ill, Huo Qu squatted in front of the socket all day long and held the kettle for research because Yu Xin once said the patient needed more hot water.

What was so simple even to a child could be extremely difficult for him. But he never gave up and struggled to learn how to boil hot water.

In those days, he would remind himself every half an hour like a clock to let Qinghuan drink some hot water.

The thought of Huo Qu kindness to him gradually settled Yu Qinghuan's heart.

He liked Huo Qu for his innocence and honesty, even if this kind of character would annoy him and make him angry sometimes.

At the beginning of his rebirth, he didn't know the meaning of having a second life. His parents had gone, and he didn't have much obsession with money and career. His heart was like floating in the air all day long, never falling on the ground.

However, he met Huo Qu. From the boy, Yu Qinghuan gained a sense of security he had never felt before. Perhaps throughout his lifetime, Huo Qu would always act as what he had just done: ran to open the window when Qinghuan said his chest was stuffy.

However, he felt relished.

"What if your mother doesn't like me?" Yu Qinghuan sighed, stretched out his hands and hugged Huo Qu, leaning his head on the man's shoulder feebly.

"How could it be!" Hearing this, Huo Qu suddenly widened his eyes and said in an inconceivable tone as if Yu Qinghuan had said something unreasonable, "You are so nice, who wouldn't like you?"

Yu Qinghuan's heart quivered and his chest was almost filled with honey. He kept silent for a long time before he scratched Huo Qu's palm and asked in a low voice, "Have you seen strange things on the Internet again?"

After a pause, he added, "Like coaxing a little girl or something."

Huo Qu tilted his head and digested the meaning for a while before he laughed, "No, I'll only read your news online."

How to Love You was an urban drama. The filming site was not far from downtown. Within an hour, Huo Rong already drove Mrs. Huo to her destination.

"Mom, let me help you," Huo Rong reached out wanting to help her with the bag, but Mrs. Huo dodged it.

The old lady pinned her windblown hair behind her ears and walked straight forward, rejecting her second son's kindness, "No, I can do it by myself."

What was going on?

Huo Rong's eyes stared at his mother blankly. Whenever his mother had outings, she would always command them to help with carrying her bags. Why did she suddenly change today? He followed up in bewilderment. Until he stood at the door of the hotel and saw his mother looking in the mirror and tidying up her clothes, he suddenly realized something.

Did his mother want to make Yu Qinghuan know it was really she who brought him those zongzi in person?

On hearing that someone was knocking at the door, Huo Qu immediately stood up but was held back by Yu Qinghuan when he tried to walk over to open the door.

Yu Qinghuan took a deep breath, looked into Huo Qu's puzzled eyes, and said with a smile, "It's okay, let me."

He held the door handle, bit his teeth and pulled open the door.

Mrs. Huo didn't expect it wasYu Qinghuan who opened the door. She was stunned for a few seconds before she came into her normal being, "Qinghuan, sorry to disturb you. Huo Rong told me you are quite busy recently."

"No, no." Yu Qinghuan hurriedly leaned to one side and let Mrs. Huo and Huo Rong enter the room. He repressed his beating heart, trying to stay calm. "I happen to be free this afternoon."

Mrs. Huo nodded and handed him the zongzi, "Those zongzi my chef made taste pretty good. So brought you some." After a pause, she added, "I don't know what kind of stuffings you like, so I brought some of each flavor."

"Thank you." Yu Qinghuan was flattered and received the present. He pulled over a chair for Mrs. Huo, "Please." Then he carefully placed the food on the table and turned to pour a glass of water for the lady. When placing the cup, his hand shook and the water almost spilled.

"Take it slow. No hurry." Mrs. Huo reached out and gave him a hand. She took the cup and had a sip of water to show due respect for Yu Qinghuan's feelings.

Huo Qu didn't see his boyfriend's nervousness. His eyes were fixed on the zongzi and couldn't move off them at all.

Qinghuan said this morning that on Dragon Boat Festival, everyone should eat zongzi. He looked at Yu Qinghuan and then his mother, then he reached for one.

"Are you hungry?" Huo Rong looked at Huo Qu with narrow eyes and raised his eyebrows to ridicule him.

Huo Qu ignored him and looked down at the wrapped zongzi in his hands. He suddenly felt puzzled: How… to peel the wrap off?

"In this way, untie the knot and slowly tear open the leaves." Yu Qinghuan reached out and helped him peel off the leaves to reveal the delicious glutinous rice, then handed it to him, "Eat."

Finishing his words, Yu Qinghuan felt something was not right. Mrs. Huo and Huo Rong were both here. Did he show too much affection to their Qu'er?

Before he could think more about it, Huo Qu handed the nice-shaped zongzi to his mouth, "Qinghuan, you eat first."

Mrs. Huo and Huo Rong looked at them with disbelief, making Qinghuan's face turn red immediately.

He wanted to push it away but felt impolite if he rejected Huo Qu's kindness. So he just took a random bite and dared not to look at Mrs. Huo again, stammering, "It's…it's delicious."

"That's great," The abnormality on Mrs. Huo's face finally disappeared. She looked at Yu Qinghuan tenderly, "If you like it, I will let Rong send you more later."

She then looked Yu Qinghuan up and down, "You are too thin. How could you be like this at such a young age?"

"That would be too troublesome for you," Yu Qinghuan pinched his lower hem awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.

He had already made preparations for Mrs. Huo to give him a lecture, but he never expected that Mrs. Huo's attitude would be so kind, treating him like a close younger generation.

However, the more she did so, the more miserable Yu Qinghuan felt.

He never felt that he was wrong to be with Huo Qu, but he knew the fact must be difficult for Huo Qu's parents to accept. He was both grateful and distressed for Mrs. Huo Qu's tolerance and understanding.

"We're family, how could I feel troublesome?" Mrs. Huo stood up. Under Yu Qinghuan's surprised eyes, she patted him on the shoulder. Glancing at the little dimple on her little son's face, she sighed in her heart, and said slowly, "Qinghuan, I know you are a good boy. We've all witnessed the changes in Huo Qu. I have always been wanting to thank you in person…you…"

She paused for a moment before continuing, "You don't have to feel any burden in your heart. Just take care of my Qu'er."

Yu Qinghuan's throat choked and he could hardly speak. His eyes were reddish, looking gratefully at Mrs. Huo for a long time before nodding heavily.

Mrs. Huo did not stay too long. She was an elder and it was the first formal meeting of Yu Qinghuan, which inevitably made the boy feel nervous. After a brief talk, she touched Huo Qu's head, asking him to return home more often, and then left.

Yu Qinghuan sent her downstairs and didn't withdraw his eyes until Huo Rong's car gradually. He then turned to Huo Qu and said, "Let's go."

Before that day, his heart had been holding up a big stone. The sweeter he was with Huo Qu, the more afraid he would be to face his family. But Mrs. Huo's visit completely moved that stone away from his heart, making him feel relieved.

Yu Qinghuan tilted his lips slightly and held Huo Qu's hand. "Let's go back to eat zongzi."

Huo Qu was still the same. He had no special preference for food and ate whatever others gave him, but Yu Qinghuan fell in love with the candied jujube flavor.

The jujube had been soaked in wine, and its fragrance carried the sweetness of the wine. The first bite may be strong, but the more he ate it, the more addictive it became. Yu Qinghuan finished three of them unknowingly.

Home-made food was always delicate and delicious, not to mention the food made by the Huo family's chef's skillful hands. Each one was stuffed with a lot of wine-soaked jujube. Yu Qinghuan had no head for wine. After eating three, he was always slightly drunk.

His cheeks were reddish, and his eyes were moist and shiny. The fragrance of wine emanated from his lips, and his arms were leaning against the bed head with a lazy and sultry posture.

Seeing this, Huo Qu was short of breath, even his hands were dripping with sweat. While Qinghuan was closing his eyes, Huo Qu quietly leaned over and bit Yu Qinghuan's well-shaped lips.

His strong and thin body tightly attached to Yu Qinghuan. The hot temperature made Yu Qinghuan shiver, but he also got turned on.

Huo Qu was greatly encouraged by Yu Qinghuan's enthusiasm. His eyes glistened and his hot, sweaty palms crept in from the hem of Yu Qinghuan's clothes to explore him eagerly.

Feeling the supple and smooth skin under his hands, Huo Qu blushed with mania and he squeezed Yu Qinghuan's slim waist relentlessly.

A feeling of pain and excitement spread all over Yu Qinghuan's body in an instant. He moaned and erected his waist to let Huo Qu do whatever he wanted. After Huo Qu reached into his pants, his body became completely softened.

"Qinghuan, do you like it?" Huo Qu lifted up Qinghuan's clothes and branded him with kisses after kisses on his body.

Yu Qinghuan's breathing was intense, and he felt perfectly comfortable but just didn't make a sound.

Huo Qu slowed down his movements and asked again, "Do you like it?"

Yu Qinghuan's joy was interrupted, whining, "Ah…Don't…don't stop …"

Lifting his eyes to look at Qinghuan, Huo Qu quickened his movements.

Yu Qinghuan enjoyed the pleasure Huo Qu gave and gasped, "It's…it's just an appetizer. Do you know what to do next?"

Huo Qu's hand stopped and he suddenly realized something, "Next?" He leaned over and breathed hot air into Yu Qinghuan's ear, "What does it mean?"

The sudden stop of pleasure brought back Yu Qinghuan's thoughts. When he realized what he had said, his scalp became numb and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "No, nothing, I was just taking nonsense, I also, don't know…"

Huo Qu stared at him for a few seconds, stretched out his hands and firmly held Qinghuan who was trying to escape secretly, "No, you know."