Chapter 80: “I can’t Find the Elevator Going Downstairs.”

Yu Qinghuan leaned against the bed head to relieve his palpitations, while saying to Huo Qu, "Call Yu Xin and bring you some takeout."

Huo Qu compressed his lips and looked a little reluctant. He was still not used to taking the initiative to communicate with others. He glanced at Yu Qinghuan and saw that the other party was determined, so he had no choice but to pick up the phone.

"Hurry up," Yu Qinghuan urged, pretending not to see Huo Qu's micro expression of grievance. "Otherwise, Yu Xin will come upstairs already."

"I know." Huo Qu pressed on his cell phone and was just about to call Yu Xin when suddenly there was a sound of card swiping at the door. Then Yu Xin came in with a large bag in his hands. Seeing Huo Qu, Yu Xin stopped, "Hey! Huo Qu? What are you doing here?"

"To see Qinghuan," Huo Qu could only speak for himself cause Yu Qinghuan did not mean to answer for him.

"You two are really… sticky… I feel my teeth hurt." Yu Xin clicked his tongue, opened the bag and put the things inside on the table bit by bit.

"Ge, why are you so fast?" Yu Qinghuan looked at him doubtfully, "Well… does the restaurant provide insulated lunch boxes now?"

"No," Yu Xin swished his hands and explained to him, "I met Zheng ge as soon as I went out. When he heard you're ill, he asked me to bring you his lunch."

After a pause, he sighed, "Zheng doesn't talk much, but he is really nice. I didn't want to take these, but he just tucked them to me."

Yu Qinghuan was silent for a moment and then turned to Huo Qu with conditioned reflex. Seeing Huo Qu having no drastic reaction, he breathed a sigh of relief, saying to Yu Xin, "Buy some gifts and send them to Zheng next time."

Finishing his words, he lifted the quilt, got out of the bed, and pulled a chair to Yu Xin's side, "Ge, sit down."

"No, thanks." Yu Xin shook his head, "You two enjoy your meals, I'll go eat in some diner."

Well, after a second thought, Yu Qinghuan also realized that the meal was barely enough for two. Their three could only plug the slit between their teeth with such a portion, so he nodded.

After Yu Xin left, Yu Qinghuan handed the chopsticks and spoon to Huo Qu, "Come, let's have a meal."

Huo Qu took the spoon, dug a big spoonful of rice and stuffed it into his mouth. He was still not good at using spoon. So he spilled half a spoonful of rice, making Yu Qinghuan annoying and amusing at the same time. "Eat slowly, I won't rob yours."

Huo Qu lowered his eyes and mumbled, "He gave you his meal…"

"Don't be jealous," Yu Qinghuan scooped up a mouthful of soup and handed it to Huo Qu's lips, "Open your mouth. His feeling for me has long gone."

Huo Qu already understood the meaning of 'jealousy'. At Yu Qinghuan's command, he opened his mouth to swallow the soup and then, he said angrily, "I didn't see it anyway." After a pause, he added, "He can still meet you every day, but I can't."

Yu Qinghuan held his forehead helplessly. Seeing Huo Qu could not even pick up the green vegetable after much effort, he gave his to Huo Qu, "Well, hurry up, or you will be too late to go back later."

Yu Qinghuan paused, grasped Huo Qu's left hand, scratched his palm, and smiled, "There are so many people meeting me every day, but you are the only boyfriend I have."

Hearing these, Huo Qu's face finally filled with joy. He raised Yu Qinghuan's hand and kissed on the back of the man's hand.

"Don't, there're oil in your mouth," Yu Qinghuan stared at him. When Qinghuan was about to take a paper towel to wipe his lips, Huo Qu suddenly clutched Qinghuan's head, pressed on Qinghuan's lips with his own like seeking for a revenge. Until Yu Qinghuan was breathless, Huo Qu released and let him go, chuckling.

Yu Qinghuan felt much better after the mischief. He felt no appetite at beginning, but ended up with a full stomach.

Huo Qu ate very slowly, so the driver of the Huo family called over and over again to urge him. Qinghuan was really fed up so he picked up the chopsticks and shoved the food into Huo Qu's mouth.

His actions were so fast that before Huo Qu could swallow the first mouthful, the second was delivered to his mouth. His cheeks were bulging and he chewed like a squirrel with pine cones filled his mouth.

Yu Qinghuan couldn't help giggling. He wanted to make fun of him again, but snorted a laughter.

Huo Qu didn't know that Qinghuan was laughing at him. He looked at the man blankly and also smiled.

"Are you full?" After Huo Qu finished two bowls of rice, Yu Qinghuan handed him a glass of water and asked.

Huo Qu nodded, "Yes." Knowing that after the meal was over, he would go back, he took Yu Qinghuan's hand and his thick eyelashes quivered, reluctant to part, "Qinghuan…"

Yu Qinghuan looked up at him, "Uh?"

"I can't find the elevator goes downstairs."

Yu Qinghuan narrowed his eyes. After he was with Huo Qu, he found one thing: as long as Huo Qu lied, his eyes would blink faster than usual. Thus, he said: "Then how did you go upstairs?"

Huo Qu didn't expect Yu Qinghuan to question him instead of saying he would send his darling downstairs, so he told the truth, "The driver sent me upstairs."

"Then call the driver who sent you up."

Huo Qu sipped his lips and did not make a sound.

Yu Qinghuan did not move, but looked at Huo Qu until the latter could not help but whisper, "Qinghuan…"

Then Qinghuan pulled out the room card with one hand and took Huo Qu with the other. "Let's go," he chuckled.

Yu Qinghuan lived on the third floor so they would arrive soon. Just as he walked in the elevator and pressed the number key. Huo Qu suddenly pulled him to his side and lowered his head immediately.

"Don't…" Yu Qinghuan reached out and pushed him, leaning his head and said, "There is camera in the elevator."

Huo Qu cared nothing about whether there was camera and continued his actions. When Yu Qinghuan wanted to hide, Huo Qu said piteously," Qinghuan, just one kiss. I'll be downstairs soon…"

Yu Qinghuan melted and he did not move any more, welcoming Huo Qu's lips.

In the following days, Yu Qinghuan got busy since his partner Qin Zheng had another movie to star in soon. They were bound up in their opposite plays.

In this period, Yu Qinghuan even had no time to meet the psychologist Yu Xin found for him, let alone learn to drive.

The entire film crew was like a wound-up clock, which started to operate rapidly, filming day and night. It was not until one and a half months later that Qin Zheng's performance was about to be finished that the situation slowly improved.

That night, Yu Qinghuan had just walked out of the filming set when Yu Xin ran up with a rippling face and shouted to him in a familiar voice, "Qinghuan! Come quickly!"

Every time Yu Xin called him like this, Yu Qinghuan would feel nervous, not knowing what strange things had happened. He stood alert and said, "What's the matter, ge?"

"The shortlist for the 50th Taurus Award has been announced! Orange is shortlisted for the Best Film, and you are shortlisted for the Best Actor!"

The Taurus Award was the most prestigious award in the Chinese film industry. Once an actor got this award, his or her acting was officially recognized by the entire entertainment circle. Even a nomination for the award was a glory.

When Orange signed up for the award, Zhao Rui mentioned it to Qinghuan. However, the latter was too busy at that time and he had taken the award in his last life, so he didn't care much about it. Unexpectedly, he was chosen again.

"Hey? Are you silly with joy?" Seeing Yu Qinghuan had no expression, Yu Xin thought the boy hadn't resumed his sanity because of excitement. He poked Qinghuan with his elbow and said joyfully, "In a month, that is, at the end of October, there will be an award ceremony. Despite whether you can win the award or not, you must have the winning speech ready in advance. Ah, yes, I have to buy some clothes for you…"

Yu Xin talked endlessly and looked very excited.

"Ge, do as you see fit." Seeing Yu Xin's busy appearance, Yu Qinghuan's heart felt warm. "I have no experience. I'll count on you."

"Leave it to me." Yu Xin agreed and clapped his chest loud.

After Yu Xin left, Yu Qinghuan had no one to take care of him anymore. However, he liked the feeling of being left alone. He enjoyed the life of sitting on the filming set, eating lunch boxes with the staff and chatting with them.

"Qinghuan, let's have dinner together today." After Yu Qinghuan finished the last opposite play with Qin Zheng, Liu Jia'an stopped him who was about to go out, "Qin Zheng's footage will be completed tonight, let's have a banquet for him."

"Okay!" Yu Qinghuan nodded and said to Liu Jia'an, "I'll go back to the hotel to tidy up and come right away."

With Qin Zheng's position, the banquet was naturally very grand. Even Liu Jia'an personally offered him a toast.

Qin Zheng drank a cup with Liu, then he filled his cup and turned to Yu Qinghuan, "Qinghuan, let's have a drink?"

Just as Yu Qinghuan was about to nod and say yes, Liu Jia'an stood aside and interrupted, "You mustn't let Qing Huan drink. He gets drunk at the touch of alcohol and would lie under the table!"

"Is it?" Qin Zheng lowered his eyes and slowly put down his glass, "I don't know about this."

"Director Liu, will you ignore me when I'm drunk?" Yu Qinghuan picked up the glass and said to Liu Jia'an.

"How come!" Liu Jia'an smiled, "If I just leave you alone, where to find a better second male lead?"

"Then I'll rest assured," Yu Qinghuan clinked Qin Zheng's glass. "Zheng ge, with Director Liu's promise, I'll be fine." Then he raised his head and gulped down the wine in the cup.

Qin Zheng froze, and then smiled and drank up the wine.

The banquet didn���t last late because Qin Zheng was leaving in the evening and would continue filming tomorrow, so it was soon over at 10 o'clock.

"Thank you, Director Liu, for your care during this period." Qin Zheng stood opposite Liu Jia'an, a faint smile revealed on his chiseled and handsome face.

Liu Jia'an was about to say 'you're welcome', but Qin Zheng suddenly bent down and gave him a hug, immediately let him froze.

Was this the way the movie king to say goodbye? Liu Jia'an couldn't help but felt strange… Wasn't Qin Zheng a cleanliness freak? He even didn't eat the box lunch, why would he take the initiative to hug others?

But soon, Liu Jia'an's doubts were dispelled since Qin Zheng hugged everyone in the room.

Everyone got excited by Qin Zheng's move. It was great luck to be hugged by their male god. Some even planned not to take a bath for three days after returning!

"Gotta go." After saying goodbye to all, Qin Zheng got into the car, waved to the film crew members outside, and motioned the driver to leave.

The black Bentley ran smoothly on the road. Qin Zheng looked down at his palms for half a day with a wry smile.

In order to hug that man, he hugged all the people present.

He just hoped that person would be forever happy and safe with the man he loved.

As for he, a hug was enough.