Chapter 81: I’ll Give You My All

Yu Xin found a shrink for Yu Qinghuan. The medical resource was introduced by his friend who praised a lot about the shrink's medical skills and professional ethics. However, the two sides needed to sign an additional confidentiality agreement, agreeing that the hospital would not disclose any information about Yu Qinghuan's treatment under any circumstances. Only after that, he felt relieved to let Qinghuan see a doctor.

Yu Xin's professional ability was barely satisfactory, but he was very careful when dealing with the matters about Yu Qinghuan.

Mental illness was not a stain for a celebrity. But if it was used and publicized by some malicious media or people, the public voice would become a sharp weapon against Qinghuan. Yu Qinghuan's career was on the rise, so he had to be especially careful in every step.

Yu Qinghuan himself didn't care about those things actually, but Yu Xin must pay attention to them for him.

Since then, Yu Qinghuan would have a talk with the shrinkonce a week. In order to cooperate with the treatment, Yu Xin also took time to attend several psychology classes.

Knowing psychotherapy could not ask for speed, Yu Xin never forced Yu Qinghuan to accelerate the treatment progress, but occasionally cooperated with the doctor and exerted pressure on Qinghuan appropriately.

At the end of the first month, Yu Qinghuan's condition had obviously improved. After finishing the filming of How to Love You, he could even be able to stay in the driver's seat for half an hour, which could be considered as great progress although he still dared not start the car.

"Qinghuan, there are several people from the film crew who want to invite you to dinner." After finishing the banquet, Yu Xin drove Yu Qinghuan home and turned his head to him at the red light, "They asked me when you have time."

After a pause, he smiled, "And several girls gave me their numbers saying they want to make friends with you and let you know."

The so-called making friends meant booty calls.

Yu Qinghuan frowned slightly, "Ge, so you take their numbers?"

"How was it possible!" Yu Xin swished his hands, "You don't need that."

Yu Qinghuan nodded, "That's good."

Yu Xin stepped on the accelerator and looked at Yu Qinghuan several times in the rearview mirror. He could not help but ask, "Qinghuan, do you really stop taking any jobs before the Spring Festival?"

"Um," Yu Qinghuan rubbed his temples wearily, leaned against the seat and said slowly, "I'm going to rest for a while." Afraid of Yu Xin scolding him of no ambition, he said ahead of him, "Ge, I've starred in three films and taken two endorsements this year."

Hearing this, Yu Xin's words choked to his throat. After a long time, he said with a bitter face, "Two supporting roles and one leading role within a year, you feel that's a lot? Well, I'm unable to sway you. I'll give you leave this year, but next year, you must work hard."

Yu Qinghuan smiled and replied, "I got it."

Just as the two were about to get home, the radio in the car suddenly released a piece of news.

A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck Chengxian County in southwest, and the death toll had reached 1,500.

"Holy crap!" Yu Xin didn't resist a burst of swearing, "How can the casualties be so many? What a calamity! Alas, it's hard to imagine how many families would be taken apart."

The word "family" trembled Yu Qinghuan's heart. He lowered his eyes and picked up his mobile phone, checking the latest news of the earthquake. Looking at the photos of the collapsed buildings from the scene, he took a deep breath and suddenly pressed the mobile phone screen to his seat.

No one knew better than him the pain of losing parents. Although the villagers were all kind to him, this still could not make up for the holes in his heart.

Parents' love was selfless and tolerant. Children who were doted on by their parents could be capricious, pettish and willful, but only in front of their parents.

From the age of twelve, Yu Qinghuan had learned to fight against everything by himself.

Even if he now had the ability to make more than enough money and had someone to rely on his whole life. But in the middle of the night, thinking of the lonely days, he could still felt sad and grieved.

He didn't want anyone to be like him. In face of an inevitable natural disaster such as an earthquake, the life would be better off if the victims had money in their hands, so they could have the courage to continue living.

Yu Qinghuan rubbed his temples, tossed the painful memories out of his head, and said to Yu Xin, "Ge, donate some money for me." He paused and added, "Please follow up the donation process to make sure that the money can really be delivered to the victims."

As if he had already expected that Qinghuan would do so, Yu Xin was not surprised at all but asked, "How much?" Afraid that Qinghuan would empty his savings again, he quickly added, "We've only gotten one-third of the payment for Revenge. Pace yourself."

Yu Qinghuan whispered, "I know. What about 5 million only this time?"

The brand-new Mercedes suddenly skidded on road uncontrollably. Yu Xin stared at him in his rearview mirror. "Five million, excuse me? How many five millions you've made this year? Tell me!"

Seeing Yu Xin going crazy, Yu Qinghuan hurried to appease him, "Ge, I used the wrong word."

"Qinghuan, for real." Yu Xin looked complicated, "I think I'm the most tired agent in the world. You're not only a troublemaker, but always find various ways to tease me."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Knowing that his artist's decision could not be changed, Yu Xin just shut his mouth. Besides, the situation in the disaster area was really miserable. He also donated some money and gave his and Yu Qinghuan's donations to the disaster area.

At that moment on Weibo, the incident also caused a stir.

Netizens prayed for the disaster area, and many stars posted their donations on Weibo. Soon, the number of donations from celebrities was sorted out by some netizens and the donation list soon hit the hot search list.

While everyone was praising these celebrities, a small group of people noticed that from the earthquake to then, Yu Qinghuan had not taken action, not even posted a Weibo!

Since Yu Qinghuan was so popular then, slight mention of it from the netizens would spread the news widely. A group of internet trolls immediately ran to his Weibo and angrily accused him.

[Why don't you pray for the disaster area and donate? You have so much money, can't you donate some?]

[Look at other celebrities, many of them donated one million! How about you? You even do not lift a finger to help!]

[You really make me sick! Why you don't donate!]

[Think about how you grew up without your parents. Now that you have money, why can't you give back the same to the society?]

Yu Qinghuan's fans would naturally not allow netizens to scold their idol, so they quarreled with those internet trolls, and the scolding and fighting between the two sides became more intense.

Many stars with no fame took advantage of this opportunity to step on Yu Qinghuan and collectively posted on Weibo: Don't be too Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Xin got up the next morning to open his Weibo and was nearly blacked out by anger. When he was about to post his donation list yesterday, the public opinion on Weibo changed instantly.

After seeing the hot topic on Weibo, Zhao Rui was the first to stand out for Qinghuan.

Zhao Rui V: Stop masturbating at rumors. Does no Weibo mean no care about the disaster area? The internet trolls have posted so many, do you dare to show your donations? I'll just tell you: when Qinghuan took Orange, he received a very low salary. After the movie was released, its box office was pretty good. I told Qinghuan I would make up for his salary and donate the rest of the money to the children's fund. After hearing this, Qinghuan did not even hesitate and said that he would put all his shares into the fund. Oh, forget to say, I was planning to give Qinghuan 10 million after-tax then.

Then, a little-known blogger that focused on technology forwarded his Weibo.

Peach of Peaches: I was really mad to see those comments on the Internet. You have no idea what Qinghuan did in private! I thought at first it's better to keep it a secret cause Qinghuan did not want to make these things public! But I have to speak out today! Qinghuan and I are from the same county! Do you know why County Tao built a cannery? That's because Qinghuan donated 20 million last year! Twenty million! How long has Qinghuan started his career? Let me ask you: why do you scold him? I was so angry that I cried! Go to the hell, you internet trolls!

Later, Zhao Qingyuan also posted a Weibo.

Zhao Qingyuan V: I didn't want to dispute with those mentally retarded, but I couldn't help it. Photos and Weibo are not real charity, okay? Qinghuan donated 5 million as soon as he learned of the earthquake. He always told me to buy some almonds and walnuts to nourish my brain. I think those mentally retarded ones need to do that!

As soon as these Weibo were posted, the public opinion on the Internet turned a 180-degree turn in an instant. Those internet trolls felt as if they had their tongues cut off and did not dare to utter a word.

[Jesus, I was so moved by Qinghuan and I cried. How would there be such a kind and warm man in this world?!]

[Well… I'm very touched, but isn't there something wrong with Qingyuan's Weibo? Why does Qinghuan always let him buy almonds and walnuts to nourish his brain?]

[Em… My Yuan, you… inadvertently exposed your IQ [Facepalm]]

[Qinghuan is an idol worth a lifetime of pursuing. If I were him, to tell the truth, I would never have done that.]

[So our little koi has been busy for a whole year. As a result, all the money he earned has been donated. And he is actually a poor man? Oh, it breaks my heart QAQ.]

[All I really want to say is: I fall in love with him because of his face, but fascinated by his talent and his personality.]

Those unknown stars who scrambled to step on Qinghuan felt slapped on their faces. Some of them even couldn't resist public opinion and emptied their Weibo.

Yu Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief. After a second thought, he didn't tell Yu Qinghuan what had happened on Weibo since the bad thing was over. Anyway, his artists didn't use Weibo very much, so why to bother him?

During his lunch break, Huo Qu checked the news of Yu Qinghuan as usual. When he saw comments that Yu Qinghuan was poor, he thought quietly for a few minutes and called Huo Rong right after, "Huo Rong, how much money do I have?"

Huo Rong stunned, "A lot, bonus from competitions and scientific research projects, plus some miscellaneous savings. What are you going to do?"

After a pause, he said in a horrifying tone, "Don't tell me you want to do some research on laser cannons."

Huo Qu ignored him and continued, "I'd like to transfer all my money to Qinghuan. Tell me how."

Huo Rong, "…"

"Well, Qu, why do you suddenly want to do that?" After a pause, he added, "Your account should be fine, the amount of transfer is not limited."

Huo Qu asked, "Then, how should I do that?"

Huo Rong held his forehead and remained speechless for a few seconds. "Well. I'll teach you when you come back later." Anyway, their two were like family. It didn't matter who kept the money.

Just as Yu Qinghuan went into the kitchen to prepare dinner and waited for Huo Qu coming back to eat, he was scared and nearly threw the pan seeing the reminder on his mobile phone.

Why did Huo Qu transfer so much money to him all of a sudden?

What happened? Was he crazy?

Yu Qinghuan was about to make a phone call to Huo Qu, but the latter called first. Before Qinghuan could speak out his doubts, Huo Qu said, "Qinghuan, you won't stay poor. You can donate as you wish, but I'll give you my all."