Extra 3: Getting Married

The couple previously planned to get married in Sweden, a country meant specially in their hearts

The process of foreign citizens to get married in Sweden was complicated. In desperation, they chose Canada with relatively loose policies.

The materials they needed to provide was very simple: passports, notarized ID cards and forms filled online.

Revenge was about to be released at that time and Yu Qinghuan was rushing about for its promotion, so they set the wedding time in September.

Huo Qu, thus bought a table calendar to cross out every passing date.

That day, Yu Qinghuan drove Huo Qu to the research institute as usual.

"I may come back late at night," Yu Qinghuan parked the car in a quiet corner, got off the car with Huo Qu, and raised his hand to remove a mass of fluff stuck to Huo Qu's hair.

"I'll have a meal with Qingyuan and Bro Rui, and tell them that I'll go to Canada."

Huo Qu nodded and he held Yu Qinghuan's hand.

Rings of different styles on their fingers glistened under the refraction of sunlight.

The one on Huo Qu's hand was bought by Yu Qinghuan. Similarly, Huo Qu bought the ring on Yu Qinghuan's hand.

They exchanged rings so that 'they' could be with the other side all time.

"I'm leaving."

"Come back earlier." Huo Qu bowed his head and kissed on the lip angle of Qinghuan.

"I see." Yu Qinghuan leaned over and got on the car.

Looking at Huo Qu entering the gate of the research institute where his assistant wait, Qinghuan drove away.

Neither of them, however, found out that not far from the research institute, several students from the film academy were making micro movies.

The scene of their parting happened to be clearly filmed.

After rounds of inner battles, these students posted the photos online.

The identity of the main characters in the video were unusual. They had made a high-profile announcement of coming out of the closet recently, so many people were paying attention to them.

These photos caused a stir immediately after they were posted online.

"Again? Is it not enough for you to show your love publicly twice? You two are being so lovey-dovey."

"Ah, farewell kiss? They're so in love with each other! Tomorrow I'll do the same with my husband!"

"Am I the only one who noticed the rings on their hands? Wedding ring? But, it's not a pair when I zoom in the photo."

"Was it because they're too busy to buy a pair? But, how could they be so careless about this…"

Just as netizens were talking about the rings on their fingers, another blogger who always had a very accurate grasp of Yu Qinghuan's gossip appeared.

Sansanniang's sailor suit: Yes! It's me again! I'm really a predestined friend with my upperclassman Qinghuan! The reason why the rings on their hands are not a pair is because they both secretly planned to propose to each other. Therefore, they found the same designer respectively for their wedding rings. The designer, who happened to be my senior brother, once thought it was intentional. But the words from Da Yuan made him know the sweet story behind that!

The netizens, who thought they would hear a shocking inside story, were silent for a moment after reading the Weibo, and then:

"I seem to have eaten more than ten pounds of sugar and need to go to the hospital to pull my decayed tooth!"

"Shit! I'll report their PDA!"

"You two are making me doubt if I really in a relationship. God… I'm crying and whinning enviously. Why couldn't I have such boyfriend?"

However, to their surprise, the blogger sent another Weibo.

It was a very vague video, obviously a filming from video surveillance screen.

Sansanniang's sailor suit: Qinghuan and I live in the same community! My cat ran out of the house one day, so I checked the surveillance camera and happened to see prof. Huo kiss Qinghuan in the elevator! So I immediately filmed it and destroyed the evidence. I'm tactiful! Do you feel the couple even sweeter?!

The wave after wave of sweet moments between the couple made netizens could not breathe.

"Fuck it! They're killing me! They actually have been together for a long time and are so unscrupulous. Why didn't we not find out at all?!"

"I cried. I suddenly want to have my IQ tested to have believed that they were just good friends."

"I'm crying out loud! How could I had been blind? Shed tears of a single man."

Revenge was released as scheduled when netizens talked about Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu.

Since the film had no emotion line, a small number of netizens were hesitant about going to the cinema.

But soon, some reviews on Weibo changed their stance.

"Great! There is no emotion line! Exactly what we want! I'll go to the cinema tonight! I'm fed up with PDA and I don't want any more romantic movies."

"I do not want to be hurt by mushy gushy couple again. Revenge came at the right time."

"Well, the movie is special. I'd like to see it!"

"I'm a single and I'll contribute to its box office! Shit! Why do I have to worry about being hurt by a movie and pay for it?! That's why I support Revenge, simple, direct, no emotion line! I'll definitely support it!"

During this period of time, there were lots of discussions about Yu Qinghuan on the Internet. And Revenge was truly good and highly anticipated, with compact plot and lively and natural performance.

Therefore, the movie box office had enjoyed a very gratifying rise and had received constant favorable comments. It soon became the dark horse among the movies of the same period, catching up with The Line Between Life and Death and was going to break a new record.

Through this movie, Yu Qinghuan's position in the circle had stabilized. Now, no one would say he would stop at which movie, or his latest movie was his peak.

It was an actor's luck to be able to participate in a movie with a high reputation. Starring in two good films could be attributed to the actor's good vision. However, an actor's true ability could be said as plainly visible if he or she could have three successive works with great acclaim.

Yu Qinghuan had been in the circle for nearly two years. Although he's road much smoother than the average stars, he had walked steadily in every step.

Now, when the audience mentioned him, their first reaction was: Oh, that handsome actor with delicate acting and a boyfriend who won the Nobel Prize.

Revenge made Yu Qinghuan better known. High-paid films and advertisements flew to him like snowflakes, and even some directors promised him a share of the box office. However, Yu Qinghuan did not consider those offers.

As soon as the work for Revenge was over, he packed up and flew to Canada with Huo Qu. In addition to the Huo family, Yu Xin, Zhao Qingyuan, Zhao Rui and Wang Ruirui were among their traveling.

Yu Qinghuan had no relatives but the Huo was a big family, so his friends, fearing that he would feel lonely and miserable during the ceremony, pushed back all their work and insisted on following him.

Zhao Rui cared deeply for the growth of Wang Ruirui. The girl was growing well with a pink little face, tender and plump. She was so cute when she looked at them with big round eyes. Everyone showed an overflow of exaggerated praise for this lovely little girl except Huo Qu, who as unmoved as a stone.

Yu Qinghuan wanted to stretch out his hand to have a pinch of the girl's little face but paused encountering with Zhao Rui's malicious stare. With a 'slap', Yu Qinghuan's 'wolf claw' was driven away by Zhao Rui.

"Don't do that to a kid!"

"Sorry, Bro Rui." Yu Qinghuan reluctantly withdrew his hand. But while Zhao Rui was not paying attention, he quickly fondled Ruirui's hairy little head and sat down next to Huo Qu.

Fortunately, they had Ruirui as their travel partner. Otherwise, the group of men would certainly be very boring on the trip.

The lovely little girl became a treasure in their palms. All of them were willing to play with her, even if she wanted the stars in the sky, they would try their best to pick them for her.

After arriving in Canada, Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu first took a rest to adjust to the jet lag, then prepared the information and submitted the marriage application form.

Yu Xin, Zhao Qingyuan and Zhao Rui, the three most important friends in Yu Qinghuan's life, became the witnesses of his marriage.

Yu Qinghuan was not in a hurry at first, but Huo Qu's anxious mood was infectious. The moment the application form was handed in, he felt could not wait for another day and ran to the municipal government the next day to apply for a marriage certificate. However, the certificate could not be obtained on the spot. They must wait for a period of time, and a wedding ceremony must be held during this period. Only until the official confirmed that they really wanted to get married, they would get the certificate.

Before arriving in, Yu Qinghuan had already arranged everything. In Canada's most beautiful month, he married Huo Qu.

Both of them were not Christians, only a simple ceremony was held in a local high-end restaurant.

This was the most romantic scene from their proposal to marriage.

Outside the transparent glass roof was the brilliant starry night, like cobalt stone embedded in the dark sky.

In beautiful piano sound and fragrant flowers, the wedding man's solemn voice sounded in everyone's ears:

"Are you willing to marry this man? Love him, be loyal to him, be it poverty, illness or disability?"

There were two kinds of wedding vows: 15 seconds and 90 seconds. Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu both chose the latter.

Qinghuan looked at Huo Qu in front of him. His facial lines were tight because of stress, the serious look, however, made him even more handsome.

Huo Qu, the poor boy he met at the roadside, finally became his life's support.

Now, Qinghuan was going to marry him. The person who did not even know what love was actually had taught Qinghuan gentleness and love and gave him the best love in his two lives. Fate was sometimes really amazing.

The host paused, and Yu Qinghuan heard Huo Qu's devout voice, "I do."

He smiled and clasped Huo Qu's fingers, "I do."

This was the most perfect moment in his two lives. Even if he were to die right now, he would still feel satisfied.

That night, that group of people celebrated in the restaurant. Although there were not many guests, the atmosphere would never be cold where Zhao Qingyuan and Huo Rong were. Thanks to both of them, the wedding ceremony was vigorous. Even Yu Qinghuan, who had always been calm and restrained, made an exception and drank a few glasses of champagne.

Of course, the consequence was that he was drunk and fell under the table before the meal was finished.

In contrast, Huo Qu, who was forced by Zhao Qingyuan and Zhao Rui to drink a lot, kept a straight face, as if he was drinking water instead of wine.

This capacity for liquor surprised Zhao Qingyuan and Zhao Rui. If it weren't for the couple's wedding night, they would have rolled up their sleeves and competed with Huo Qu.

"Zhao Rui, Zhao Rui." After the ceremony, Zhao Qingyuan ran toward Zhao Rui, dragging Huo Rong.

Wang Ruirui fell asleep, so he subconsciously lowered his volume, "Let's not be the third wheel, let the couple leave first and spend their time alone."

Then, he turned to Huo Rong, "Is it ok?"

Before Huo Rong could speak, Zhao Qingyuan saw Zhao Rui looking at him like staring at a mentally retarded.

"What's the matter?" Asked Zhao Qingyuan.

"You sure? Where do you think Huo Qu will take Qinghuan?"

Zhao Qingyuan was stunned, then scratched his head in chagrin, "I forgot he didn't know the way."

Zhao Rui tittered, stretched out his hand and put a cigarette in his mouth. Remembering that Wang Ruirui was still on his back, he put the cigarette on his ear. Then, he glanced at Zhao Qingyuan, "You should have some IQ."

In Canada, the temperature difference in September was huge for one day. The cold wind made Yu Qinghuan awake a lot. He sat on the bed, staring at Huo Qu, "Huo Qu?"

"Mmm," replied Huo Qu. He held Qinghuan's face and clumsily wiped it with a wet towel.

"Huo Qu," Yu Qinghuan called him again, his head tilted as if in pettish.

He rubbed against Huo Qu's hand with his wet cheeks, just like a cute and soft little cat.

This was what he would never do when he was awake, this move made Huo Qu's heart soften immediately.

He put down his towel and climbed over the bed, trying to reach out to embrace Yu Qinghuan. Qinghuan, however, took the initiative to hold Huo Qu.

"Give me a hug."

Hearing this, Huo Qu immediately gathered Qinghuan in his arms.

Perhaps because of the wine, Yu Qinghuan's body temperature was high and warm.

Huo Qu tightened his arms as if wanting to clamp him in his arms like this all his life.

Yu Qinghuan buried himself in Huo Qu's neck and murmured, "Huo Qu."




"Are we married?"

"Yes." Huo Qu took Qinghuan's hands, "We are married." He paused and added, "We are legal husbands for each other."

He rolled over to press Yu Qinghuan under him, kissing his brow bone, eyelids, and nose bridge. His movements were gentle with cherish.

"Itchy," YuQingHuan protested with a vague voice, avoiding Huo Qu's lips with his head titled to another side, putting his arm around Huo Qu's neck.

After a few seconds, he suddenly reacted, "Legal?"

Then, he smiled, "Prof. Huo, then you are my legal husband now."

Huo Qu suddenly felt a tightness in his heart, as if a strong current flowing through his limbs and skeleton, making him limp and numb. Even his body responded with a quickened breath.

His ears were red and his eyes looked like wolves. He gripped Yu Qinghuan's face tightly. "Qinghuan, say it again."

"What?" Yu Qinghuan murmured in a low voice with a reluctant appearance, but still obediently looked at Huo Qu.

The smell of bouquet gently brushed Huo Qu's face, like a fluffy little claw, scratching Huo Qu itchy all over.

