Extra 4: Honeymoon

After the wedding, everyone except Qinghuan and Huo Qu was ready to return home. They still had work to do and also wanted to leave time and space for the couple.

Yu Qinghuan was going to see them off then. But when he woke up the next day, their plane had already taken off!

The curtains in the room were so tightly drawn that there was not even a trace of sunlight in. Huo Qu was not in bed.

Qinghuan put down his cell phone, closed his eyes to let his eyes rest for a while after being tingled by the screen light.

He tried to sit up with his waist strength, but as soon as he lifted up the waist, it bounced back to the bed. An unspeakable pain suddenly spread all over his body, making him "hiss" with pain. He tried to stretch out his hand to rub his waist, but even his arm was completely unable to be lifted!

What exactly happened last night? Yu Qinghuan's eyes were empty. Lying on the bed, he racked his brain memories.

But he was so drunk last night that he couldn't remember anything except a few images that flashed in his mind occasionally.

However, one thing was certain. He lost consciousness, so Huo Qu must have taken the opportunity to enjoy himself. This beast! Yu Qinghuan scolded him in his heart, and then shouted in a dumb voice, "Huo Qu!"

As soon as the voice fell, the bedroom door was pushed open. Huo Qu ran in together with the bright light outside, like a wagging wolfdog, "Qinghuan, are you awake?"

He came and squatted beside the bed, stretched out his hand to touch Qinghuan's face, eyes sparkling.

Seeing Huo Qu's face, Qinghuan swallowed down the scold on the tip of his tongue. He pointed to the cup on the bedside table, "Water."

Upon receiving the instruction, Huo Qu immediately reached for the cup and handed it to Qinghuan's lips obediently.

Yu Qinghuan took the cup, whose handle still had Huo Qu's temperature.

Qinghuan had the habit of getting up with a cup of warm water, which Huo Qu had always remembered.

The warm water slipped down his throat and instantly moistened his thirsty throat. Yu Qinghuan drank the whole glass of water, wiped off the water drops that spilled from his lips accidentally, and felt better. Then he asked Huo Qu, "Have they all gone?"

"Yes," Huo Qu took off his shoes and got on the bed. He stretched out his hand to hold Qinghuan but was dodged by the man.

"Turn around. I'll get dressed."

Huo Qu did not move.

"Hurry up," Yu Qinghuan holding the quilt struggled to climb up. After a long pause, he reached out to cover Huo Qu's eyes. "I'm hungry and want to get up and eat."

Hearing this, Huo Qu had to turn around, with some reluctance in his voice, "I have prepared the meal."

Huh? Yu Qinghuan was surprised and asked him, "Did you buy it?"

"No," Huo Qu would not lie. He paused and said with frustration, "My second brother ordered it before leaving and it has just been delivered here."

Turned out to be so. Yu Qinghuan continued, "Did they ask about me when they left?"

Huo Qu nodded, "Yes."

"Then what did you say?"

Huo Qu told the truth, "I said you were tired and still asleep."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

"Did you really say that?"

"Yes," Huo Qu turned to look at him doubtfully, "Is there something wrong?"

Yu Qinghuan held his forehead, and a flush of shyness crept along his cheek to the ears. He was embarrassed and shouted at Huo Qu in a low voice, "I'm not tired! Couldn't you wake me up?"

Huo Qu's answer must have reminded everyone of what they did last night. And the words 'too tired to get up' were really too much room for reverie. He could imagine how wonderful their expressions were when they heard Huo Qu's answer.

If there were only Zhao Qingyuan and Zhao Rui present, he could have the cheek to think nothing had happened. But the Huo family was also there! He was really ashamed!

Huo Qu stared at him with widened eyes, seemed not to understand Huo Qu's anger, "But you said you can't, you're tired and wanted a rest, well…"

Without finishing his words, his mouth was covered by Yu Qinghuan.

"Stop talking." Yu Qinghuan was flushed, his face almost smoking. Although he had no impression at all, he felt very shy after Huo Qu said so. What's more, what's the use of letting him rest the next morning when Huo Qu had done all these to him last night?

Yu Qinghuan's warm palm and Huo Qu's lips tightly stuck together. Huo Qu moved his lips, kissed Qinghuan's palm secretly. But Yu Qinghuan was upset and did not find it. So Huo Qu kissed a few more times, then smiled contentedly, "I'll take a bath."

Yu Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief, out of bed with a weak body, and stood for a while leaning the table. Just as he was about to go out, the voice of Huo Qu suddenly came in his ear, "Qinghuan?"


"I was wrong, wasn't I?" His tone was filled with the joy of an epiphany.

Yu Qinghuan turned to look at him, "What?"

"You're not really tired. You just said it on purpose. Similar to 'refusing is permission', isn't it?"

He looked up at Yu Qinghuan, as if he had discovered a new continent, eyes shining.

Yu Qinghuan,"…"

He looked daggers at Huo Qu, "Did I let you talk? Shut your mouth."

Huo Qu bowed his head in a grievance, "Oh."

It would take at least one month for them to get the marriage certificate. Yu Qinghuan had already booked a holiday house in Jasper. They would stay there until they get the certificate.

It happened to be the peak tourist season. Fortunately, the place where they lived was not noisy.

The house was exquisitely decorated with an oversized bathtub, terrace, and a small garden. Of course, the rent was also very expensive.

Their life pace seemed to slow down at a draught. Although they did nothing every day, both of them felt extremely satisfied.

That morning, the sky was slightly dark. Yu Qinghuan watched the weather forecast and saw that it did not show rain. He decided to go to Jasper Park as planned.

He chose a thick sweater for Huo Qu and brought some necessities. Then, the two drove to Maligne Lake.

They were lucky. Perhaps because the weather was bad, perhaps because it happened to be a working day, there were very few tourists. Under the grey dome, the clear Maligne Lake was like a jasper agate, quietly inlaid among the snowy peaks, looking amazing.

Yu Qinghuan did not book a cruise ship but drove slowly forward along the long and narrow banks. Occasionally, they would see several milu deer passing by unhurriedly.

They were not in a hurry, stopping and going all the way and leaving time for short breaks. The trip was very leisurely and comfortable.

"Huo Qu, let's have a rest," Yu Qinghuan stopped his car at a low and smooth edge of a small cliff and pointed forward.

Huo Qu nodded and followed him out of the car.

The weather was not good and a little cold, but tolerable. Yu Qinghuan looked at the green lake below and felt the autumn wind gently blowing through his ears. What a quiet and good day!

Here, no one knew them. So they could do whatever they wanted without scruple, cared nothing about their own image, and no need to guard against cameras that might exist at any time.

Yu Qinghuan took Huo Qu's hand and looked up at him. "Huo Qu, let's take a picture." It was strange. The two knew each other for two years and being together for one year, but never took photos together.

Huo Qu immediately leaned over to him.

With a 'click', two smiling faces were recorded on the mobile phone screen. Yu Qinghuan stared at it for a few seconds and thought the photo was nice. He was trying to take back his cell phone when he heard Huo Qu's words, "One more time."

All right. Yu Qinghuan didn't have much photography skills and knew nothing about Photoshop, so he took several more. Huo Qu, however, seemed addicted to it. He would ask to take photos every time they stopped along the way and let Yu Qinghuan send him copies so that by the time they returned home, the storage of their cell phones nearly ran out.

As soon as they got home, it began to rain outside. At first, it was drizzling, but then the rain increasing.

Mixing with the cold wind, the chilling rain rolled up the dead leaves floating on the ground. The gloomy weather would let one have a chill.

After dinner, Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu had nothing to do, so they stayed in the living room to watch movies. Huo Qu chose Revenge starred by Qinghuan.

Although he had seen it several times, he still enjoyed it.

Yu Qinghuan leaned against him and said with a smile, "If I don't star in any movies in the future, will you watch it repeatedly in your rest life?"

Unexpectedly, Huo Qu really nodded. His hand passed under Yu Qinghuan's armpit and put his arms around Qinghuan from behind his back. His chin was laid on Qinghuan's shoulder with tenderness and seriousness, "I'll only watch your movies."

Yu Qinghuan asked him, head tilted, "What's your preference before you know me?"

Huo Qu said without thinking, "I didn't watch movies before."

"You're really a sugar pie," Yu Qinghuan said with a smile and rewarded Huo Qu a kiss. Huo Qu raised his hand, holding the back of Qinghuan's head and deepened the kiss.

In the ninth week of Canada, Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu finally got their marriage certificate. A piece of hard paper printed with brown lace firmly connected their lives. They had become real husbands. Wherever they went, as long as same-sex marriage was legal, their relationship was recognized by law. No one could deny their relationship again. Even if this piece of paper was useless in daily life, but for them, it was the most reliable guarantee they could win.

Reddish rims revealed around Yu Qinhuan's eyes, he gently rubbed the hard-won marriage certificate with emotions.

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu hugged him and asked, "Are you happy?"

Yu Qinghuan took a sniff and secretly wiped the tear on the corner of his eyes, "How about you?"

Huo Qu hugged him, fondling Qinghuan, "I am so happy, then…"


Huo Qu's lashes quivered and he clasped Yu Qinghuan's hand, "Let's have a drink to celebrate."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"