Chapter 5: Her Eyes

/Songs for the Chapter:

Nightcore – In your eyes

Nightcore – Wildfire/





"Five more minutes...—" I groaned not knowing that I'm ten minutes for my daily routine. I heard the 'beeb' again and this time I just slam my fist on the alarm, "damn it." I get up with a yawn and stomp into the bathroom not even caring to look at the alarm.

I took a quick shower and got out wearing a towel I walk into my bathroom and I locked the door. I then threw my towel on my queen sized bed. I wore a black top, black skirt, and a black leather jacket with a pair of grey sunglasses. I pull my jet black hair into a half up half down style. And zero make—up that's pure trash.

I then looked at my iphone 11 at the time, "shoot." It was 7:11 I was thirty minutes late for breakfast. Neither of my parents cared if I was late for breakfast but the butler did. I ran down stairs passing and dodging the maid and then I found them; my most important persons in my life. "Morning mama and papa. Forgive me that I'm late for breakfast!" I kissed my mother's check and my dad gave me one on my forehead. I went to sit but I think that god is against that.

"Miss Lizabeth," I hear from behind me and a shiver runs down my spine, "your thirty minutes late." He says with a blank face and zero emotions in his olive skin. He then looks at my father, "master John what do you say about her being late."

My dad didn't look fazed that I'm late, "Oliver," my dad's voice was calm, and "I don't care rather she's late or not. I care that she comes and eat, study, be a good girl and never couse any trouble that will cost her own reputation."

"Bu—." He looked like he was going to explode. I only smirked.

My dad cut him midway, "don't even say a word Oliver, you work under the Amore family for years and you know that I don't care if she gets to the diner late of early. I think that you're addicted to your schedule. Oh so you would already guess I'm still standing all nonchalant. "Liz, you can sit dear." My father had a very build body and was in the army when he was young until he met my mother. He always has the happiness in his eyes. Even now that he's scolding Oliver for the dozen times since we came from Australia. My mom was a very happy person and very free and sometimes she can get out of control, happily dad can calm her down from her well—attacks.

"So," mom started, "how did you sleep?" she looked down at her plate with a smile that would melt a men's heart. As she ate a piece of bread. Her ocean blue eyes looked into mine and I knew that she would find out if I was lying. "So?"

"U—um, I had that again." I said looking everywhere but at her. She gave me a sad smile.

"Okay grab your bag! And go to school!" mom yelled when I finished eating breakfast. Then one of the maids passed me my car keys. I ran upstairs grabbing by bag, phone, headphone and charger; running downstairs and passed thru many corridors I finally found the garage door and entered the password. The people that didn't have so much money as my family would've cried since I had an Audi and a Camaro. I choose the Audi. I jumped in and threw my black bag next to me.

"Lorena open the garage door," I demanded to the smart house. The house asked which number. Yes my house has more than one garage, "garage number five." Then a 'beeb' was heard and the garage door opens. As it took its time to open I started the engine and drove towards school. I drove and stopped at a red light. I then grabbed my phone from the dashboard and turned on the Bluetooth and connected it to my phone, playing Novocaine by Fall Out Boy.

The music started and the red light turned green. "He sings and I quote: 'and this is a black, black shameless song. So put all of your rain garage. In the truly gruesome, who we trust? I will always land on you like a sucker punch. Singing I am your worst, I am your worst nightmare'." My voice sang with the rhythm of the singer. I speed down the road seeing my new high school, Crenshaw high. The school for trouble makers and its private. I'm so lucky! (Note the sarcasm) well I'm happy that I'm back to the city I was born in but why this of every school in the city?

I turned into the school's parking lot seeing the same place I parked yesterday, I placed my car there and tuned the music off and just then I saw the students that were in the news club around my car, 'were they waiting for the most troublesome kid to get here?' I grabbed my bag and everything I needed and got out slamming my door shut. I ignored the glances and comments that the guys gave me and walked into the huge school. I walked in front of my locker and entered the code. Opening it I saw all my books, binders and photo's.

Behind a poster that was hanging on the wall of my locker there was a hole, 'what a coincidence,' was the first thing I thought when I saw it yesterday. And I immediately shoved the hole with weapons, guns and knives; then I covered it with a poster of Billie Eilish. I grabbed my books and binder and slammed my clocker shut.

My first class was chemistry.

Not that I hate the subject, it's just... Mrs. Cahill is very and I mean very annoying. That's what lets me lose all the guts to go there. I walk down the corridor and I still hear the comments. This isn't going to get old huh?

I then see a pair of blue eyes in front of me just after I took a sharp curve towards the staircase. "I'm sorry," I whispered looking down passing next to the person. Shoot I almost bumped into the blue eyed person. I continue walking up the stairs and saw a pair of brown eyes.

I passed him looking down, "Hey hotty," I rolled my blue-grey eyes but didn't look at him, "you must be the new girl that I saw yesterday in ELA. You look hotter up close." He used his right hand on my chin and forcefully tilled my head to look up into his chocolate brown eyes. He had a fair skin color, and dirty blonde hair. He had one of his ears pierced and I immediately knew that he was trouble. But something caught my eye: tattoo on the right side of his neck, "So wanna go to the class no. 1 since it isn't used for years, I know that—..." I punched him square on his face. Sending him straight to the floor.

"You talk to much," I look down at him he looked to weak as he touched his bruised face and red liquid ran down the corner of his lips, "bye annoying good for nothin'." I walked toward chemistry class and first person I saw was him. He had a jean jacked underneath it he had a white V shirt. Pair of ripped jean that matched his black Jordans. He looked like a nerd with the glasses on. He was talking to three boys that looked like troublemakers. I looked at the class, two cheerleaders. Three football players. Two people making out in the back of the class and a group of nine or ten kids drawing in the middle of the class and what I assume are 'the nerds' in the frond reading a book. The teacher wasn't in the class yet.

"Move would ya!" I hear the same voice that was from the brown eyed player, I looked at him with a side glare, "you're the chick that almost broke my jaw! Jared, come here this woman punched me as if I'm a freaking punching bag!" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the group of boys were Jared was, I started to panic. And used my free hand and grabbed him on the back of his neck pulling the hand that he was holding pushing his 6' something to the cold hard floor.

Jared didn't move, he only wrote, 'Dylan what did I told you about flirting like about,' he got down from the table, 'five minutes ago! I told you that one day a girl will hit you for that.' He walked towards Dylan and helped him up. "Hey Liz, how's life?" he asked murmuring so nobody could hear his voice. He gave me a hand for me to shake and I gladly took it.

I smiled.

"Wait Jared?" Dylan got up from the floor and looked at the green haired guy that had tattoos all around his left hand, "am I missing something?" the green eyed guy shook his head.

"I think Jared has a g-i-r-l-f-r-i-e-n-d!" The green eyed guy spelled; before I could've whacked him Jared walked over him and pulled him into a head lock. I then saw the same tattoo at the right side of Jared's neck that looked like they were in a gang, but the only thing that makes me thing that they aren't is the fact that they both had S-234(Dylan) and S-233 (Jared) but the numbers were hidden very good under their clothing but my eyes are way better. 'Who are you guys?' I thought laughing at their small wrestling tournament. My laugh filled the room, "She laughed?" green eyed freak asked after he almost died from Jared wrath. "So J. how did you two meet?"

Jared sigh, 'she's my parents friends' daughter,' he wrote, 'so we were childhood friends, but weirdly I don't remember any of it.' His handwriting was beautiful and smooth. Green eye crook his head to a side.

"Well Liz we'll be good friends!" he said giving me a huge smile showing all his white teeth, "name's Zachary Taylor, call me Zach!" He had white skin, curly brown hair. He had a faint Dutch accent that I could see that he was from the Nederland or from the Dutch Caribbean. And then the third guy that was talking to Jared got up from his seat and stood next to Dylan.

The guy had dark skin, hazel eye color that looked like he saw looking into your soul. He had long frizzled black hair. She had piercings on his ears and on his eye brow. He looked like trouble, "halo nice meeting you, my name's Jasper Johns." He had a Latino accent looks like he's from South America, "I'm from Brazil, but I was raised in Curacao." He had manners tho.

"You guys are nice —except Dylan— then why are you guys here?" I ask raising a brow. They looked like delinquents but their nice guys –well Dylan wasn't.

They all looked everywhere but my eyes.




When she asked why I and the guys were here we didn't answer nor looked into her cold blue-grey eyes that were waiting for an answer. I thanked Mrs. Cahill that busted into class with a smile and demanded us to take a seat. I threw my book on my table earning a 'Mr. Dall behave!' from her and I only gave her a thumbs up. Liz was sitting three tables in front of me. I knew that she hid something just like I did but it was just a hunch.

The way she pinned Dylan was the same was Elisabeth pinned me one of the times we fought. I think that their related.

After school I saw Liz climb into a car and drove off.


How was the chapter mates!? Tell me in the comments! Here I am editing the chapters bit to bit!

Next Chapter: Scars, Love Problems
