Chapter 6: Scars and love problems

/Songs for the chapter:

Nightcore – Butterfly

NEFFIX – Cold/

As I got home I was greeted with a silent gloomy house, well I think that their on a job today. Walking to the kitchen to kook something I saw a note on the fridge.

'Dear Jared,

I wish your home safely. I and your mother are going to Indonesia to handle a job that not even CIA could handle so; I and your mother are going there. We won't be here till next week the maximum.

P.S don't even think of party's young man.

Love. Mom and old man.'

I grabbed the rest of yesterday's steak and placed it in the microwave and waited while I played Candy Crush in my phone. Then a small 'ding' was heard from the kitchen. I ate the steak and washed the plate. Racing upstairs something caught my attention. I photo: her blue-grey eyes were happy they were like the evenings sky that had clouds in them. Her black hair was in a pair of twin buns. Next to her a boy with chocolate brown eyes and dirty blonde hair that was sticking everywhere. "Liz and I?" I asked myself. Why didn't I ever see that photo before?

"Young master," I hear I turned to look at the maid that had more time working at my father's household, "that's miss Lizbeth, it's been so long since I've last seen her." Her black eyes lit up and I see that their actually brown, "after that accident that you had all those years ago made you forget everything and then your father made us take away all the photo's until you meet her again that was two days ago." She explained smiling sadly. Why would dad take them off? It would be possible that he would, but why would mom accept that? Wouldn't they want me to remember? Or was it to painful for me to know? The smile on my face was so vulnerable I looked in my five or six; the girl looked like in her four or five.

My body told me to look into my family album that father didn't want me to read anymore. I smiled and thanked her for explaining as I ran upstairs into my white pained room, I looked for a key that I had hidden in my bookshelves. After I found it I walked out of my room kicking the wooden door behind me as I walked down the hall, deeper I went the tenser the atmosphere turned. I felt as if I was suffocating in. I then stopped in the end of the hall, it was a little bigger than an ordinary 2.10 meter door, I opened the door finding a overly dark room I turned the lights on seeing a purple-ish colored walls, it looked more like a photo hall, it was my first time after many years that I came back in here. Last time I stepped a foot in here was when I lost my memories.

I walked into a closet; a book closet and pulled the key out of my back pocked bringing it up to the door lock opening it up swiftly earning a slight: 'clack' to it. I opened earning a dusty amount of books diary.

In all of the black books I saw a rainbow colored book. 'Pin!' I heard, I pulled out my phone seeing a message, 'hey dude wanna play pupg? (:' I looked and saw that he was still online. I started typing and wrote: 'yea in a sec'. I grabbed the book and closed the closed locking it and ran back into my room getting free from the atmosphere. I open my door and close it behind me. I place the book under my pillow and connect to pupg.

After playing for about an hour I close off after telling the guys a swift 'bye'. I plop on my bed grabbing my phone getting it out of its charger; I looked down my Facebook seeing many photos and videos. I didn't see anything interesting so I opened Wattpad and started reading Breaking the Bad Boy. Man that was an interesting book. Why is Ashley so dense!?

I then hear a ring in the hall. I look out of my window seeing a black BMW parked outside and I run down stairs seeing him wearing his usual black ripped jean and white V-shirt. His brown eyes looked into my light brown ones. He had a Levi's hat on and his back over his back, "Jared aren't you going to greet me? You lost all your manners kid!" I smiled looking at his sweaty meaning that he ran because he almost lost the bus again.

I smirked, "nah I'll never miss an idiot like you Jonathan!" I teased. But only earning a punch on my right upper arm, "Dumbass!" he looked at me with fake disappointment and shook his head to bring more effect. "Stop being a drama queen, dude."

He then looked at me in the eye, "How's Lizbeth?" I slapped my forehead. I thought that this forgetter wouldn't remember or even know who she is! "Jared dear!" he called using mom's high pitched voice to get my attention.

I grimaced at the voice, I never liked that voice it's too high, "she's fine." I looked at him and squirted at him, "Does mom and dad know that you're here?" I shook his head.

"Anyways, anyhow. I'll be in my room until they get back from headquarters." He walks past me placing both his hands behind his head, "man I'm tired!" he walked upstairs as id the house was his, well it was his since he's the heir of the company and almost everything.

I roll my chocolate brown eyes and walk outside into my backyard looking at the painting that there was on the wall. Man I wanna paint again one day. I walked back inside earning a sad smile from Jonathan my elder brother who's been in college.



The pink-purple ish sky was beautiful surely for a day like this don't you think, Kaeley? I was looking at a photo frame in the house's picture room. I held at the frame as I looked at the girl that looked allot like me she only had brown eyes; she had full lips and had curly dark brown hair that I sometimes think that they can be black like mine. She had her hair in a twin bun and a hand slung over my shoulder grinning at the photographer I gave a peace sign as I looked at the camera. It was our birthday; our seventh birthday. It should've been one of them but not the last one.

Placing the frame back I pulled my phone of the pocked of my leather jacket as I walked up my white colored stairs that leaded to the third floor. After unlocking my phone I called Jared asking him which day should he come to my house to paint each other. He said that tomorrow could be okay and that we could come immediately after school. So that meant that I should drive him home. But a good question doesn't he have a drivers license?

I closed my door locking it behind me and I place my phone and jewelry on my desk. I walk into my bathroom stripping and I stand in front of my human sized mirror eyeing the scar that I had on my abdomen that crossed to where my heart was. It was cured but you could see the marks of the stitches and the mark that was left there, but since I was always reopening it a brown-ish line was left there. I really don't know why I always scratch it open.

After I take a shower I walk out and I wear an over sized hood and a pair of sweatpants. And pulled my jet black hair in a messy bun I then push my reading glasses on. Then I sat down on my desk that had my laptop and a drawing tablet on and I started drawing on it.

'I let every thought. Treat our after yarn, leading thru the woods. A tapestry of us, if I make my arm the home you seek if I sway my brush-' my phone rang and I grabbed it clicking the answer bottom.

"Yo Betty!" I heard from the other side of the call.

"What do you want Priscilla." I scowled after hearing her yell in my ear, this is the loudest chick I ever heard in my sixteen years of my life, but one thing she's sweet and all but after she gets mad run. No sorry scratch that buy a ticket to mars.

Or more far away.

That girl's scary!

"I wanted to say 'hi' since I didn't see you for a while plus look out of your balcony." I swear that I heard the smirk on that olive skin of hers! I walked outside looking down at the driveway seeing her camaro parked there with her leaning on the car with her black iphone X on in her hand placed on her ears. Her dark brown eyes bored into mine with a smirk plastered on her lips, "hey cousin, fancy seeing you here." I cracked my knuckles looking back at her. I saw her gun in her pocked since she was in the gang I knew that she always walked with guns, daggers etc with her. She smiled showing me her small dimple that was on her left side of her lips.

"Ha-ha very funny, de Lanoi get your funny ass in!" I yell thru the phone even tho I know that she heard me from down there, "annoying-" I muttered and clicked the red bottom not before earning a 'hey!' from the brunette. I call downstairs telling them to let her in but much to my surprise she was already in walking upstairs with a slice of cake that I don't know how she nor it nor where it came from.

"Liz," her smile falters after she closed the door behind her, "I have a crush on my best friend." She places the sponge cake next to her after she sits down on my queen sized bed.

"V?" I said at the same time showing the letter with my fingers. She only nodded. "I already know Pri-Pri." She shook her head.

"I know but now I don't like him... --I love him," It was I little above a whisper and I saw tears form in her dark brown eyes that how turned into a hazel color, it was normal since she inhered from her mother that their eye colors change with their emotion, "and I told him to get it out of my chest while having my last trace of hope he turned me down saying that he sees me more like 'cute little sis'." She quoted. When she stopped talking: her full lips trembled and she bit her bottom lip holding her from crying.

"Prisci," I choked out, she was strong psychically but I knew that she was weak emotionally. She had a tough childhood. Losing everything, friends, parents. She was bullied by her crushes since we were in elementary school, she fell in depression in middle school. She wanted to quit school and be a drug dealer like the other gang members, "its okay maybe he isn't the one for you, your better than him I know it." She looked at me and pulled me into a hug.

"I don't know what to do!" she whispered into the crock of my neck. Her curly hair was in a messy bun that now was half way a ponytail. She never used make-up but had a beautiful face. But since she was always acting like a guy she was known as the 'tomboy' and that made her change a bit. She wore more over sized hood and had her pants pulled down showing that she is a 'tomboy' but she really wasn't, she liked to wear those golden male necklaces' that only boys would wear. She had more than one guy friend, one of them being 'V' more known as Vladi or Vladimir; who came with her and Melanie from Australia a day after I came here. He was our childhood friend but more like Priscilla's best friend and now her crush.

I pulled us apart looking at her in her now honey brown eyes that were filled with unshed tears, "I know that it may sound cruel but I think that you should let him go." I was scare of what her answer would be.

Silence ruled my room and "I know and I was thinking of doing it but I'm still trying to act normal around him and his sister but I don't think that it'll even work, since when I'm outside of the shadows I'm this happy, annoying girl but when I'm hidden back in them I'm this," she gestures to herself meaning that she is this broken girls when she isn't in public. She sighs and shrugged her brown leather jacket of showing her spaghetti strap shirt and her long sleeved tattooed arm, together with the golden chain necklace she usually wears. "Well I'm going to my room since I'll be staying here till we buy a house for me and the guys." She smiles wiping her semi dried tears. One of the signs that she's depressed: changes of topics and smiles as if nothing ever happened.

She walks out with her male jacket and closes the door behind her. I then looked at her untouched sponge cake that was never eaten, grabbing it and my phone I sit in the balcony at the moon that was happily lighting the dark night and the tiny but huge starts ruling it with the queen of the night, I turn on my phone and scroll thru my contacts and see the name 'Orange traffic light' meaning 'Vladi'. I click the call bottom.

His tired voice sounds thru my phone, "What do you want Lady Lizabeth?" I could hear his sister yelling at the TV next to him, "I'm in middle of a football game."

I roll my eyes knowing that those two are the 'totally opposite' twins but they act almost the same, "Well I want to talk to you Vladimir," I say with the voice of 'don't-even-think-of-saying-no' because I know that he has the guts to say that word, "pass in front of my house in an hour." Before he could protest I click the red bottom ending the call. I walk out of my room and walk three doors down on my left and I see the door to Priscilla's room. I hear a faint music playing in there. I slowly open the door and I see her dancing slowly so the sync of the beat of it. Her eyelids were closed and her lips slightly of a frown her hair was down and I see her feet moving with the rhythm of her body. I swear I saw a tiny tear slip down her cheek. She was dancing ballet.

'Sing me symphony, one for the lost and in between city of fallen dreams: the city of angels. There was a girl with a sky full of stars in her eyes. She was chasing a world that was so fast and left her behind.' Her body was slowly then her body went fast it went from ballet to jazz-ish, 'she ran for days but the days became years. Hope went away like her smile became tears, now there's lies on the face of the girl with the starts in her eyes----.' Her lips turned into a sad frown, 'Sing me a symphony! One for the lost and in between, city of fallen dream city of angels, one for the hearts and in between.' Her body was now trembling and her breath was uneven she then fell on her knees crying, she was now completely broken. She really is emotionally weak huh? This is something not even 'V' knows. Then a song 'die happy' by DREAMERS started. But she stayed there with her face in her hands as she was in a 'W' position. She then got up and lets the music continue as she plopped in her bed falling 'asleep' that I know that she wouldn't.

I close the door slowly and I walk down the stairs to the first floor where I expect 'V' to be. I walk into the living room and I see the maids making dinner and the table. My parent's won't be home today. But many of the gang members live in the mansion with us like: Priscilla and some more. Since she was an orphan after her mom and dad died in a gang war she was my father's sister's daughter so that makes us cousins.

"Lady Lizabeth." I hear them call, "today for dinner the chef made lasagna as you requested yesterday ma'am." I turned and looked at Li, my favorite maid even if she always calls me 'Lady' even if I tell her not to do so.

I smile at her saying while nodding, "okay thank you can you make a meal extra for Mr. Prescott. Thank you." She nodded and leaved to tell the chef. "I wish that he'll accept."

I then heard the bell ring. I ran to the big white door and saw the tall seventeen year old man. His black eyes darted into mine with annoyance his hair was in its normal short style that he started cutting, the same golden chain necklace that Priscilla gave him hung on his neck, and his tin lips were pursed into a tin line. He wore a black T-shirt that hugs his torso even tho he wore an orange jacket that hid his tattoos. On his ears there was a pair of Nike earrings that matched his black Nike shoes.

"Lizabeth." He greets dryly, "why the hell did you disturb my time with my twin sister?!" he looked pissed but I know what'll calm him.

I walked into the kitchen ignoring her blabbering of his 'grate' football game, how can people what that think, it's just a bunch of guys fighting for a ball! I open a fridge pulling out a transparent box with the words 'medicine for the pissed of Vladimir' on it in capital letters. I walk back to the living room where he was furiously tapping on his phone. When he felt my presence his eyes showed a type of mixed emotions. His eyes soften but then they turn back into its 'mad stage'. He gets up and was ready to ramble but I only shove the transparent box in his face.

He rose a brow and takes it with hesitation, "oh my f***ing god!" he squeals, he takes a bite of his strawberry cake, that is what calms him, I always have them in a special fridge when I see him mad, Priscilla told me when we were younger that that is the only source that can calm him in an argument, but when he's in a fight with a boy or something. The only person in this world that knows and has the authority is Priscilla, she's his calm source. That's why I'm scared that she could get hurt in the future that will make him go haywire. "Thus wis swo gwoid!" he exclaims while he chews.

I whacked his arm telling him not to talk while he's eating.

When he finishes his food he sits down with me in the sofa knowing that Priscilla's in her room asleep, "Vladimir," I say getting his full attention, "what happened with you and Princess today?" that's what he called her since they were kids.

His brown eyes widen and I saw how his brown skin turned pale, "how do you know?" I looked at him with a face of 'you-know-that-she-tells-me-everything'. He sighs and says, "W-Well I told her that I don't love her like that, I see her more like my 'cute lil' sis', I saw how it shattered her but she said that's its 'fine' since she already knew and only needed to take it out of her chest and said bye and left the hotel and I didn't see or hear from her till now." He placed his head in his hands which his elbows were on his tights supporting his hands and head. "What happened is she okay?"

I shook my head, "since when did you tell her?"

He thinks for a minute then says, "Around ten o'clock."

My eyes widen, "ten o'clock she came here around 5:30, and didn't eat." His eyes widen in surprise, "did she go to the cemetery again?"

He gave me flat look.


He meant that he doesn't have a tracker nor he is a stalker. He then looked up from his hands and started playing with the necklace as he murmured a line of swears.


Hi everyone, it is me Rea, how's life going? Yea, yea I know shabby and all. Well anyways I think that most of the thing that happened in this book like the rejection happened in real life with 90 percent of female teenagers and adolescent. Well I'll do my best to show you Priscilla and Vladimir in the next chapter. I'll tell you the people that I'll show you will be my friends or family.

Next Chapter: Problems Continue, Jobs in HQ
